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I'm Back :D
king_of_10_totti_ 6 years ago
AS Roma, Italy 6 441

Hello Everyone,

I am delighted to announce my return after serving 3 years ban. What can I say? it feels like getting out of jail (except I don't know what it's like, since I've never been in jail before). I look forward to enlighten everyone with my football knowledge.

Madridista11 6 years ago
Real Madrid, Somalia 41 831

I've never been in jail before

You should be considering the chaos you caused back then. You stunk up the joint dude.

Marcus2011 6 years ago
Chelsea FC, England 277 6501

Hahaha I don’t know who you are but welcome back!

Algerino 6 years ago
Napoli, Algeria 6 850

3 years ban. Sounds like the first account of Benchod/SergioRS4/etc/etc

VegPot 6 years ago
Real Madriz FC, Spain 0 123

Hehe 2013 days when the other totti used to thumb each of his comments thousand times xD

king_of_10_totti_ 6 years ago
AS Roma, Italy 6 441

@Madridista11 thanks for the compliment
@Marcus2011 lol thanks anyways
@Algerini actually I’m in a class of my own ;)
@VegPot that’s right :)

JozeV2 6 years ago
Chelsea, Greece 6 214


tuan_jinn 6 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

Hahaha, welcome back! I hope you will stay out of trouble :D