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horrible faul against Bale
quikzyyy 12 years ago
Arsenal 429 9010

Footaholic 12 years ago
Arsenal, Egypt 178 2277

I hope that GK got a red card... outrageous tackle!

United_Hates_Blues 12 years ago
Manchester United, England 15 1000

Looks like Casper tripped him. 

thijsFCB 12 years ago
Barcelona, Netherlands 45 223

Dirty Football

ironfist2010 12 years ago
Real Madrid, Egypt 69 907

OMG , that was a horrible tackle , i hope Bale's injury won't be dangerous :D

Gennady 12 years ago
Manchester United 285 3977

ironfist2010 12 years ago
Real Madrid, Egypt 69 907

@Gennady : that guy laughs like CR7 !! :D

Falconryman1 12 years ago
Arsenal 1 161

I've lost all my respect for Bale.. A good player doesn't need to add stuff like that to his game.

ikoiko 12 years ago
Arsenal, Spain 53 853

I'd expect this from him

Trollman 12 years ago
Chelsea, Egypt 32 525

My work here is done.

shpalman 12 years ago
AC Milan, Italy 55 2252

what a disgraceful man

Jimskeleton 12 years ago
Tottenham Hotspur, England 7 728

@Thijs, if you consider that dirty football I would love to know your opinion on your own team then, especially Busquets.

Dunno why Bale has felt the need to start diving now, until last season I don't think I had ever seen him dive but did it 3 or 4 times in quick succession last season and now this one. I do however find it ironic that the people who comment on this kind of thing have or had well known divers in there team as well yet they feel the need to pass judgement.

manchesterutI 12 years ago
Real Madrid, England 23 388

Busquets might dive, but he gets touched and exaggerate them like no tomorrow, while the monkey just does what Cristina used to do a while ago(she still do). What a wannabe... It can never be as good as Cristina.

ikoiko 12 years ago
Arsenal, Spain 53 853

@Jimskeleton, I agree that every team has had their fair share of divers, but when a dive like this comes around, it just has to be exploited for a good laugh. I mean come on! And sadly this is what football has come to.

Dynastian98 12 years ago
Real Madrid 483 7140

@ manchesterutI

I have to say, I haven't seen Ronaldo dive in a while. I don't know where you're getting that from since the last awful dive I saw from him was against Thiago Silva against AC Milan two years ago. That was just sad. But yeah, he hasn't made a big deal out of anything since. Although Busquets makes a big deal out of every little tap on the shoulder.

ramaboy10 12 years ago
Mauritius 285 6463

I hope he didn't get injured! XD

Jimeskeleton stop getting so offended! This is hilarious!
Gennady nice one :)

Keisuke 12 years ago
Chelsea, Japan 0 830

Bale to Barca!

ramaboy10 12 years ago
Mauritius 285 6463

Says a Drogba fan...

Maniac 12 years ago
England 4 50

That's a really bad tackle. I hope Bale was sent off!!

Keisuke 12 years ago
Chelsea, Japan 0 830

ramaboy10 stop getting so offended! This is hilarious!

Ihaveabbc 12 years ago
Liverpool, England 7 370

Guys, diving is normal in football, has always been and will always be. So, go fapping, nail your GF or do whatever you want to CALM DOWN!