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Gorilla 9 years ago
Juninho XI, Sweden U21 1 4

I'm new to footyroom

Amerr30 9 years ago
Real Madrid, Bosnia-Herzegovina 56 616

Welcome to the community, Gorilla!

Tell us a little bit about yourself. Are you a distant cousin of Harambe perhaps?

Gorilla 9 years ago
Juninho XI, Sweden U21 1 4

Why are you being racist? Are you trying to be funny? This is just my tribal name.

Amerr30 9 years ago Edited
Real Madrid, Bosnia-Herzegovina 56 616


It was a joke. I'm assuming you don't know what I'm talking about. However, that being what it is, don't jump to ridiculous conclusions.

Or is that your go-to accusation, as it for so many in the States?

In any case, welcome to the forum. I'm hoping you'll develop a sense of humor as you spend time, and/or at least inform yourself out from under the cave you clearly live in. (lol)

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It was a joke. I'm assuming you don't know what I'm talking about. However, that being what it is, don't jump to ridiculous conclusion

Or is that your go-to accusation, as it for so many in the States?


It was a joke. I'm assuming you don't know what I'm talking about. However, that being what it is, don't jump to ridiculous conclusions.

Or is that your go-to accusation, as it for so many in the States?


It was a joke. I'm assuming you don't know what I'm talking about. However, that being what it is, don't jump to ridiculous conclusions.

Or is that your go-to accusation, as it for so many in the States?

In any case, welcome to the forum. I'm hoping you'll develop a sense of humor as you spend time, and/or at least inform out from under the cave you clearly live in. (lol)

Gorilla 9 years ago
Juninho XI, Sweden U21 1 4

You're jumping to conclusions yourself you low iq idiot, I'm from the uk not us, and at least I don't live in a council estate who has time to remark others on online forums.

Amerr30 9 years ago Edited
Real Madrid, Bosnia-Herzegovina 56 616

I'm not jumping to conclusions, you are just having trouble comprehending what I said - yet again. I haven't at any point suggested that I have an idea or that I even care about where you might be residing.

In addition, it's really not a good idea to try to insult somebody for taking part in an activity that you are engaged in. That is such an awesome example of a contradictory sentence, that I may just stand up and applaud you. The amount of idiocy is just overwhelming.

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I'm not jumping to conclusions, you are just having trouble comprehending what I said - yet again. I haven't at any point suggested that I have an idea or that I even care about where you might be residing.

In addition, it's really not a good idea to try to insult somebody for taking part in an activity that you are engaged in. That is such an awesome example of a contradictory sentence, that I may just stand up and applaud you. It's so stupid, it's brilliant.

I'm not jumping to conclusions, you are just having trouble comprehending what I said - yet again. I haven't at any point suggested that I have an idea or that I even care about where you might be residing.

In addition, it's really not a good idea to try to insult somebody for taking part in an activity that you are engaged in. That is such an awesome example of a contradictory sentence, that I may just stand up and applaud you. The idiocy is overwhelming.

Amerr30 9 years ago
Real Madrid, Bosnia-Herzegovina 56 616

It really wasn't my intention for the conversion to go this way, but it has nonetheless. I'm just going to stop responding now to avoid exactly where this is heading.

Welcome again. Enjoy the forum.

Emobot7 9 years ago
543 11485

@Amerr30 Try not start a fight (or continue one), buddy, even if you didn't meant to. ;)

@Gorilla Welcome to the forum lad, don't worry about Amerr, he's a good guy but he have an interesting way or debating with other. Don't take it too much to heart. ;)

KTBFFHSWE 9 years ago
Chelsea FC, Sweden 52 2449

Fuck sakes lads. He's obviously a troll. Don't give wood to the fire.

decentK 9 years ago Edited
Arsenal 38 2896

Indeed, a troll.

Just for the record, I know where you came from with that reference amerr :D

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Indeed, a troll.

Just for the record, I know where you came from with that reference :D

porkey 9 years ago
Liverpool, Trinidad and Tobago 9 85

welcome....all the best