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Francesco Totti.
tiki_taka 8 years ago
Barcelona, France 367 9768

El Capitano is not the king of Rome due to his loyalty, he is one of the most talented players of his generation.
40 years old, the most emotional retirement of the decade is yet to come....

enter image description here

tiki_taka 8 years ago
Barcelona, France 367 9768

Ok bye.

Emobot7 8 years ago
538 11435

@Lodatz But to be sincere, kicking Balotelli in the legs doesn't make you a dirty player, everybody would love to do that. XD Joking aside though, there is plenty of dirty player in the beautifull game, some that are worse than other. In my opinion, while Totti did do a bunch of stupid stuff in his career, he is not different than a lot of other player. Even the best player end up in fight and sometime do stupid stuff. Even legend like Messi and Ronaldo have gotten into trouble or made some stupid move on the field, so saying Totti is more dirty than most player in the game seem a bit rough in my opinion but fine. It doesn't change my opinion of Totti anyway to know he have done those thing, I can still respect his loyalty at the very least but of course, your entitled do your opinion and to not like him in the same manner I do. That is what this forum is for anyway, sharing opinion. ;D

Tuanis 8 years ago
Manchester United, England 86 2310

I almost missed the arguments between TIki and Lodatz... The good old days(?)

It will certainly be one of the most emotive retirements of football's history, not only the last decade. A few Totti haters will not make a difference for when one of the most iconic players ever retires and we can no longer see him play again.

JozeMourinho 8 years ago
Chelsea, Greece 18 1254

Wish we could turn back the good old days....oh wait. I am loving this!

@Lodatz I think you are bit harsh on Totti mate. He is aggresive and a bit out of his mind but surely he is a legend, come on he is 40 and he still plays in Serie A!

@tiki_taka You should have tried more and not use excuses of height and body physicality :).

Maradona is a drug addict so what? He is the best player that ever played football and only Messi is close to him.

Emobot7 8 years ago
538 11435

Also, anybody want to talk about Florenzi potentialy replacing Totti in the future? Well, not in term of play style, in term of becoming a club legend, I mean. :D

Dynastian98 8 years ago
Real Madrid 483 7140


What I'm saying is that football skills and d.ickness aren't related. Maradona was an ass.hole but he's still a legend. Zidane went over the top a number of times, still a legend. Cristiano has a number of records for retaliation but he's still a legend. Totti is dirty, sure, but he's also a legend. It's not co-related.

Madridista11 8 years ago
Real Madrid, Somalia 41 831

No disrespect to Totti but I think today the word "legend" has lost its value. Everyone today is considered a legend in football. Totti was a very talented footballer no doubt but he is not a legend in my opinion.

If you don't believe me, read @Dynastian's comment and see who Totti is mentioned in the same breath with.

Dynastian98 8 years ago
Real Madrid 483 7140


Lol... I'm not comparing Totti with the likes of CR and Zidane. I was merely using them as examples for showing that players have the strengths and their flaws, and sometimes their flaws include behavior. You have to look past that to judge a player. I think I'm going to stop commenting on this thread because people seem to be misunderstanding what I'm trying to say.

tiki_taka 8 years ago Edited
Barcelona, France 367 9768

@joze I was refused from 30 clubs, I tried ligue 2 teams too, but i didnt had Griezmann talent to prove myself elsewhere, and I didn't had nothing to loose, the pact with my father about studies i could not go to amator and stop studies. Maybe I should have tried till the end maybe not, Vardy, Ribery or Valbuena stories there aren't many. Some African born in Le Mans center where I tried some players had the beard at 15, not sure they had 15. Drogba's brother is now at Le Mans following his brother Footsteps.

Could have done better in Football, its a shark world. Could have done better at studies too, could have concentrated on one, well too late life goes on.

Diego is my idol no matter how he behave inside or outside because his legacy is huge, I just pointed the lack of logic of hating Totti for stamping and having Diego in profile picture, hate them both them if you are a moral lesson defender. I love even the butchers of the game any team needs one in theirs squad but trying to show this to a fellow "Soccer on tv" fan, mission impossible.

@dynast well ZIdane achieved incredible things wherever he went and with les Bleus, we can compare both players in term of what they are able to do, not to what they have done.
Zidane, Scholes, Pirlo, Iniesta are the kind of players I admire, they put the ball wherever they want, they see passés No player sees, im not talking about Palmares or competitiveness but in term of skills and vision Totti has nothing to envy to the players I listed.
He scored 30 goal in Calcio at his peak when Calcio was ranked first league in Europe, Totti is the Italian version of Scholes with an artistic touch.

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@joze I was refused from 30 clubs, I tried ligue 2 teams too, but i didnt had Griezmann talent to prove myself elsewhere, and I didn't had nothing to loose, the pact with my father about studies i could not go to amator and stop studies. Maybe I should have tried till the end maybe not, Vardy, Ribery or Valbuena stories there aren't many. Some African born in Le Mans center where I tried some players had the beard at 15, not sure they had 15. Drogba's brother is now at Le Mans following his brother Footsteps.

Could have done better in Football, its a shark world. Could have done better at studies too, could have concentrated on one, well too late life goes on.

Diego is my idol no matter how he behave inside or outside because his legacy is huge, I just pointed the lack of logic of hating Totti for stamping and having Diego in profile picture, hate them both them if you are a moral lesson defender. I love even the butchers of the game any team needs one in theirs squad but trying to show this to a fellow Soccer on tv fan, mission impossible.

@dynast well ZIdane achieved incredible things wherever he went and with les Bleus, we can compare both players in term of what they are able to do, not to what they have done.
Zidane, Scholes, Pirlo, Iniesta are the kind of players I admire, they put the ball wherever they want, they see passés No player sees, im not talking about Palmares or competitiveness but in term of skills and vision Totti has nothing to envy to the players I listed.
He scored 30 goal in Calcio at his peak when Calcio was ranked first league in Europe, Totti is the Italian version of Scholes with an artistic touch.

JozeMourinho 8 years ago
Chelsea, Greece 18 1254

@tiki_taka Not judging you tiki sorry if I gave you that impression. Lets call it bad luck :)

Marcus2011 8 years ago
Chelsea FC, England 277 6501

Agree with Lodatz on some points . No need to sugar coat the player . Totti was always and still is not as bad as used to be but d8ck . He was a dirty player and at times could show some great sportmanship . It just proves that he was a winner at heart and would have done anything to win . I don't think he needs to be disrespected but i also don't think that we should apply double stadandards and be bias towards a player just because he stayed loyally ( which was not as pretty as it may seem ) to one club .

P.s. who cares who Messi likes . Messi liked Blatter and other few questionable people and country that I won't mention to stay on topic.

Emobot7 8 years ago
538 11435

@Marcus2011 I'm starting to get the feeling your not Messi biggest fan. XD

tuan_jinn 8 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

@Lodatz: I respect your opinion, but here is my 5 cents: You are too bias toward him. He's a hot headed player, just like most of the Italian capitano. I guess you watch enough old days Serie A to know that, Italian football is one of the roughest in the world till few years ago. And it's super natural to see some d*ck moves of those strong characters in there.

@tiki & @lodaz both give great counter arguments but all refuse to step on the other's shoes and show any love. You guys are the best, no matter what.

@Marcus' hate on Messi is over the top lolzzz...

matfab 8 years ago Edited
Roma, Italy 0 1

@Lodatz: please look at the below video of Gerard acting in the exact way you are criticising Totti. (I have more of these if you think this was a one off).

Gerard is a legend, but so is Totti. These moments are not what define a football player. Deal with it.

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@Lodatz: please look at the below video of Gerrard acting in the exact way you are criticising Totti. (I have more of these if you think this was a one off).

Gerrard is a legend, but so is Totti. These moments are not what define a football player. Deal with it.

@Lodatz: please look at the below video of Gerard acting in the exact way you are criticising Totti. (I have more of these if you think this was a one off).

Gerrard is a legend, but so is Totti. These moments are not what define a football player. Deal with it.

chelsea8 8 years ago
Chelsea, Iran 17 2219

Totti is a legend but he was also a cocky dirty player and i liked that about him, so you guys better put some respeck on his name! I ain't gonna say it nomo'.

tiki_taka 8 years ago
Barcelona, France 367 9768

@matfab Dont waste your time, just be used to this kind of bias with this kind of people. One is the cleanest and the other is a dirty prick, and they are ready to defend this BS for hours... save your time.