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FootyRoom's Facebook Page has been closed
FootyRoom 12 years ago
36 175

Dear FootyRoom Fans,

Yesterday (9th January 2013) our Facebook Page at has been unpublished (closed) by Facebook automated system.

When we visited our page we were greeted with "Your Page has been unpublished and it cannot be published again." We were very surprised to what might have gone wrong.

There were two options available "Learn More" and "Appeal". "Learn More" link took you to, which does not explain anything. So the only options was left is to appeal. Without knowing what we did wrong we used the appeal form to send a message to facebook asking for explanation.

The next day we received a response:

So apparently our Facebook page provided "poor user experience". Wait, what? Did you actually go and see our page?

We do not spam, we do not advertise products on our page, we do not post offensive or abusive content.
Our content is very engaging and fun. It is genuinely interesting to browse through it.

For those who have never been on our Facebook page, take a look at some of the screenshots here:

But actually we know what happened.

Since this is a football related website, naturally there is rivalry between fans of different teams.
When one team or player does well, their rivals will feel bad. This is normal. This is the nature of sport.

Unfortunately for us, when we post positive news about one team, rivals of this team sometimes report the news as offensive. (We guess only insecure kiddies do that)

This is exactly what happened when we posted news about Messi receiving Ballon D'or. We had a few people report that the content is offensive and asked it to be put down. How obnoxious must you be to do that?

Well sure enough, after receiving a number of such complaints, the automated system of Facebook unpublished our page. And the people behind Facebook failed to even look at the core of the problem. I bet they didn't even visit the page.

So to try and get our page back we tried contacting Facebook through numerous lifeless forms found on their website. But there is no hope a human will ever reply to our plea. Facebook does not provide phone support either.

We tried contacting a few people directly working at Facebook through Linkedin (we know we sound desperate), but we will have to wait and see how it goes. Here's the mail we sent:


As things stand right now, we have very low chance of getting our Facebook Page back. 

That is why we would like to ask for your help. If you are willing to help please do the following:

  1. Go to
  2. Leave feedback asking to return back. Let them know that you are not happy with their decision and you demand it back online.

We sincerely appreciate if you can help. We believe our Facebook Page is part of FootyRoom community.

Thank you all,
FootyRoom Team

winecooler 11 years ago
Borussia Dortmund, Japan 14 186

Facebook sucks!!! 

Lodatz 11 years ago
Tottenham Hotspur, England 150 4992

did anything ever get resolved, regarding this?

and if not, do we still need it Sticky?

ChelseaRox10 11 years ago
Chelsea, England U19 142 979

@Lodatz yeah, I have been thinking the same thing for a while.

ramaboy10 11 years ago
Mauritius 285 6463
