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Filter for pics?
_Pelle_ 7 years ago
Paris Saint-Germain 158 6930

Lately a few people seem to have discovered the world of pornography and found it amazingly intriguing to post adult material on this site. Some even use it as profile pictures. While this does not offend me specifically we still have to remember that this site is not intended for posting that kind of material and is not closed to underaged people.
Also, like I experienced, I have a small kid that like to sit with me in front of the computer sometimes and unfortunately an inappropriate picture showed up in one of those occasions.

So please respect the rules here, and there tons of sites out there for those who have a dire need to play around with porn material.

If it continues I suggest that this site only let us chose from a preselected set of pics to post or use as avatars. Although I think that would be very boring...

iHEARTfootball 7 years ago
Manchester United 38 1000

Sorry you had your kid seeing that, but you just said it, limiting our identity with only a set of photos/avatars to choose from would make this site very boring and unattractive. Perhaps there might be another way to prevent people from posting inappropriate contents on this page, but we're talking about a very complex issue here.

One way you can stop it is to let us know where it's coming from. Hit me a link, and I'll look into it, but I doubt it would solve the problem. People can post whatever they want here, and it's only a minority of those who would do that.

tawqir 7 years ago
Arsenal, Jamaica 4 548

To be honest I just joined this website less than a week ago. When signing up I read the rules carefully and nowhere did it forbid any type of pictures and this website isn't restricted to any age. This is the internet so you should be expecting this and shouldn't your kid be playing with his toys than be on a computer? So you should just cut them some slack because unless footyroom stated themselves no porn then this thread is valid. However the hypocrisy is big in this one, because I have seen a comment about some guy saying pavon of argentina is the gay partner of sampaoli because he keeps playing him ahead of dybala. Isn't that inappropriate too but nobody's complaining about That and neither is it taken down???

_Pelle_ 7 years ago Edited
Paris Saint-Germain 158 6930

I've never seen that comment so please refrain yourself from the word hypocrisy. Take it with the ones involved and the admins, and don't imply I have anything to do with it just because I want a pornfree football site. And no it shouldn't be a place for homophobia neither. Further, your point that "this is the internet" is weak. Because as you said "this site is not restricted to any age" proves my point. Nowhere does it say for example "adult content" or "18+" etc. and as such I think I should be able to be in this site with my kids next to me. It's like being in public places, and when some areas are for nudists it doesn't mean I have to be afraid of a naked person jumping out of the bushes just about anywhere. I shouldn't have to worry about being here at all.

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I've never seen that comment so please refrain yourself from the word hypocrisy. Take it with the ones involved and the admins, and don't imply I have anything to do with it just because I want a pornfree football site. And no it shouldn't be a place for homophobia neither. Further, your point that "this is the internet" is weak. Because as you said "this site is not restricted to any age" proves my point. Nowhere does it say for example "adult content" or "18+" etc. and as such I think I should be able to be in this site with my kids next to me. It's like being in public places, and when some areas are for nudists it doesn't mean I have to be afraid of a naked person jumping out of the bushes. I shouldn't have to worry about being here at all.

_Pelle_ 7 years ago
Paris Saint-Germain 158 6930

And it saddens me when you say "your kid should be playing with his toys and not be on a computer". For your information, the kids sometimes leaves their toys and comes to the parent sitting at the computer just because they need a hug, kiss or attention, love etc. It's not like I'm allowing it to go anywhere on the internet alone whenever it wants. Dealing with kids is a complex task...

tuan_jinn 7 years ago Edited
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

Ahhh sorry to hear that, :(.

All kind of porno or whatsoever if reported are resulted in STRAIGHT permanent ban.

If there are post or user like that please report it right away.

Limit to a set of avatar is no option and it's boring, but having a strict algorithm to help smoke out those are rather difficult, we need help from the community to report them. it's internet :(.

@tawquir: there is a line between normal comment, a bit of troll, banter or saying those thing as long as it's not repetitive, provocative, racism etc.. and a unforgivable ones. Unfortunately there is always a grey area :(.

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All kind of porno or whatsoever if reported are resulted in STRAIGHT permanent ban.

If there are post or user like that please report it right away.

Limit to a set of avatar is no option and it's boring, but having a strict algorithm to help smoke out those are rather difficult, we need help from the community to report them. it's internet :(.

@tawquir: there is a line between normal comment, a bit of troll, banter or saying those thing as long as it's not repetitive, provocative, racism etc.. and a unforgivable ones. Unfortunately there is always a grey area :(.

tawqir 7 years ago
Arsenal, Jamaica 4 548

Looks like I hit a nerve pelle. Why you taking it so personal. I'm just trying to look at it from both perspectives with no bias opinion. If there's no age restriction then it means anything can be posted since footyroom have not made any rule about it who are the actual people who run the rules around here. If the rule does not exist then nothing much can be said about the matter unless you contact footyroom directly yourself. If you don't like the picture then don't click on it simple and scroll away

raimondo90 7 years ago
Valencia, Argentina 89 2492

I've had to delete a comment and ban a user whose profile picture had porn. I ask that you flag any comment which includes either a profile picture or a comment with said content.

While not explicitly against the rules, it's just common decency in the site. It's football and not porn after all.

amir_keal 7 years ago
Arsenal, Netherlands 66 2895


FootyRoom was created on the sole purpose to watch highlights and to discuss the beautiful game with each other. The internet is a huge place. This site wasn't created for other people to post porn pictures. Now I sympathize for Pelle because a child should not be exposed to pictures like that if the parent didn't want to be the case, and rarely that will be the case.


Was it by an Arsenal fan?

_Pelle_ 7 years ago
Paris Saint-Germain 158 6930

@tawqir: I'm not taking anything personal. When you talk about hypocrisy and bring in stuff I have nothing to do with, it feels like you imply that I selectively condone other bad comments. Rules are different in different countries regarding internet, there is no universal law above them all. There is cooperativeness and implicit agreements on things, like warning users that adult material is a part of its content. This site does not give any such warnings, because that is not what it is intended for... So by "offending a rule" here is more like raimondo90 says, not using common decency. And when things are posted it's not an option to "not click" as it is already there surprising you when it shows up. I respect if the admins think there's no need for change, I just want to bring attention to this because I was put in a very uncomfortable situation.

_Pelle_ 7 years ago
Paris Saint-Germain 158 6930

@amir_keal: I'm sorry I don't remember, maybe it was. But it's been 2 or 3 different accounts.

KANTE_SHOOT 7 years ago Edited
Chelsea, Ireland 0 196

@tawqir your point is well, pointless this is not a porn site and football is a game that you start playing and watch as a kid so logically kids would be on this site whereas the thing you mentioned as a camparison to posting porn pics about Argentina is someone making a light joke as to why Dybala was not getting played but if the joke was actually true then yes you could have a problem with it because only then would it be seen as not a joke but rather a verbal attack on the gay community which in context these two things are completely differant from one another, one is a joke possibly were the other is not. People watch a stand up comedian to hear jokes and have a laugh but they don't watch a porno to do the same.

@Pelle I would suggest using firefox with NoScript as that would stop the images from loading unless you choose to allow the script to run, it might be a bit painful at times to use but atleast you will have the security of not having indecent images showing up onscreen when your kids are around.

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@tawqir your point is well, pointless this is not a porn site and football is a game that you start playing and watch as a kid so logically kids would be on this site whereas the thing you mentioned as a camparison to posting porn pics about Argentina is someone making a light joke as to why Dybala was not getting played but if the joke was actually true then yes you could have a problem with it because only then would it be seen as not a joke but rather a verbal attack on the gay community which in context these two things are completely differant from one another, one is a joke possibly were the other is not. People watch a stand up comedian to hear jokes and have a laugh but they don't watch a porno to do the same.

Pelle I would suggest using firefox with NoScript as that would stop the images from loading unless you choose to allow the script to run, it might be a bit painful at times to use but atleast you will have the security of not having indecent images showing up onscreen when your kids are around.