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FIFA Goals/Captures/Highlighs Share
Emobot7 7 years ago
543 11487

@Amerr30 Nice! Love the second one, with the defender going into the goal only to put himself behind the keeper. XD And the third one is glorious, if only RL Lukaku could score like that. XD

Might post some stuff from PES if it doesn't bother anyone and if I manage to find a way to register my highlight. XD

Amerr30 7 years ago Edited
Real Madrid, Bosnia-Herzegovina 56 616

Nobody wants to post theirs? Damn.

is nobody actually playing?

Or did I set too high a standard? :D

I just scored this one:!AguI-TamdnrXr070FQwtibduhNgN

Barely passed the half-way line before shooting :D

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Nobody wants to post theirs? Damn.

is nobody actually playing?

Or did I set too high a standard? :D

Nobody wants to post theirs? Damn.

is nobody actually playing?

Or did I set too high a standard? :D

I just scored this one:!AguI-TamdnrXr070FQwtibduhNgN

Just passed the half-way line before shooting :D

Emobot7 7 years ago
543 11487

@Amerr Holy potato of doom, this goal was ridiculous, anyway, I think the problem is that most people on FR play fifa on console. So they propably cannot register their goal for pc easily. Your best luck would be with quikzyyy, only guy I remember who shared his stuff on Fifa. That and maybe Gennady which I remember sharing him signing Messi in career mode. XD

Amerr30 7 years ago
Real Madrid, Bosnia-Herzegovina 56 616

Well, I'm not going to go around asking people. There's a reason I created this thread, I figured it could provide with some community bonding, which is how you get people to invest themselves into it.

Sure. a video game may not be entertaining for everyone, but it is for a lot.

I hope the old timers give this place a visit sometime, and maybe if they see people actually responding/discussing/etc - it might just pull them back. Does it sound too much like a hopeless cause?

Though I'm not indifferent towards any new members. The best way to keep a forum going is to have a steady roll of new members.

One of you moderators should contact the owner of this site, to organize a game or a tournament of some kind. The awards do not have to be exceptional - just a little something to attract people.

It is in the owners best interest also. More visits, more clicks, more money.