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Does This Photo Confirm Morata Exit?
Madridista11 8 years ago
Real Madrid, Somalia 41 831

enter image description here

While Real Madrid players were celebrating their 33rd La Liga trophy, someone didn't look very cheerful. Isco already confirmed his stay in Madrid, what do you guys make of this? It doesn't look like tears of joy to me!

Of course I don't want him to be sold, but in any case I wish this guy nothing but the best. I'd rather him and James end up in on the same squad just to make following them easier :''D

Emobot7 8 years ago
543 11489

Damn... I hope that's wrong, I don't want him to leave either. :( Still, if they ever does want to go ahead with the move for Kyllian M'bappe (wich I think they will) then it would make sense to sell Morata to get more space for another striker. M'bappe or Morata, wich is better in your opinion by the way?

amir_keal 8 years ago
Arsenal, Netherlands 66 2895

He didn't come back to be a benchwarmer. I think he's got more goals than Benzema ( could be wrong), and he's played less. I'd also be unhappy.

If you do get another striker, and considering R7 is rumored to go ST, I think he will have to end up leaving.

tuan_jinn 8 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

At this point I dont want to compare Benz and Morata, they have really different kind of contribution. Im not defending Benz though...

Zidan made his choice, like it or not, he has proven it worked. And for a long time Benz has always been in a shadow to provide for other strikers to shine. His contribution sometimes go unnoticed, especially when he failed to score.

With that being said, I think it's really really sad that Morata hasn't been given the time he deserves. I would love to see him outside of RM and shine game in game out again.

Looks like he is leaving

_Gonzi_ 8 years ago
Juventus, Argentina 2 2102

come back to juve morata!!!

tiki_taka 8 years ago
Barcelona, France 367 9768

Mbappe is going nowhere this season, Monaco refused 120m offer from Madrid and Kylian stated that he wants to confirm his breakthrough and in his eyes having a starting place is what matters most so it limits his potential destination.

Dynastian98 8 years ago
Real Madrid 483 7140

I think Zidane will probably go with Ronaldo at striker and Benzema on the bench as a back-up striker. I feel bad for Morata because I really like the guy. Terrific player who deserves to be starting at any top club. Hope he goes to either Chelsea or Juventus, they'd both use him really well.

Emobot7 8 years ago Edited
543 11489

@tiki Then if he chose to leave, it can only be to one place:
enter image description here

Nah, but seriously, he might be better off staying at Monaco for another year, still, I'm alway impressed to see how mature and patient this lad is. :D

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@tiki Then if he chose to leave, it can only be to one place:
enter image description here
Nah, but seriously, he might be better off staying at Monaco for another year, still, I'm alway impressed to see how mature and patient this lad is. :D

@tiki Then if he chose to leave, it can only be to one place:
Nah, but seriously, he might be better off staying at Monaco for another year, still, I'm alway impressed to see how mature and patient this lad is. :D

@tiki Then if he chose to leave, it can only be to one place:

Nah, but seriously, he might be better off staying at Monaco for another year, still, I'm alway impressed to see how mature and patient this lad is. :D

liomessi10 8 years ago
Barcelona, Argentina 222 3053

if what @amir_keal said is true and morata has more goals than benzema in less games then yeah they should really sell benzema and just keep morata. morata is one of those players who'll always be underrated.

Emobot7 8 years ago
543 11489

@liomessi Here are the stats:

Benzema - 29 game - 1903 mins played - 11 goal - 5 assist - 33 key passes
Morata - 26 game - 1341 mins played - 15 goal - 4 assist - 13 key passes

At the end of the day, if you want Ronaldo to score more goal, then you keep Benzema, if you want a striker who score more goal, you take Morata. Thats how I see it.

Madridista11 8 years ago
Real Madrid, Somalia 41 831

Really unfair to Benzema since he came back from two back-to-back injuries. On a good day, Benzema brings more than just goal scoring to the table.

Emobot7 8 years ago
543 11489

@Madridista Hey, no arguing from me, 33 key passe is no joke. He is simply unlucky not to get more assist in my opinion. The best case for Madrid would be to be able to keep both of them like this season but it seem unlikely. :(