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Do yo remember.. ?
mladen 5 years ago
Manchester United, Yugoslavia 253 2319

Me :) I v been out of FR for 3 years . Since I changed my job, using my phone instead of pc, get married etc I m not often here and I m sorry . Nice to see some old members here since my first days on FR like 10 years ago. I m following football regularly of course and this pause killing me. Anyway I hope everyone is OK and life will be back to normal soon. Greeting for everyone. Stay safe :) cheers!

iHEARTfootball 5 years ago
Manchester United 38 1000

Course, I remember you, dude. Welcome back!

Jimbet 5 years ago
Arsenal, Malaysia 12 1292

Welcome back friend.

mladen 5 years ago
Manchester United, Yugoslavia 253 2319

:) my friends Thank you :)

SunFlash 5 years ago
USA 19 3260

It's okay none of us have been active for 3 years either :D

_Pelle_ 5 years ago Edited
Paris Saint-Germain 158 6930

Never interacted with you that much but I still do remember you. Welcome back! btw I use most of the time my phone, when I’m in here :)

And I’m waiting for ”shpalman” to show up again. Any news about him?

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Never interacted with you that much but I still do remember you. Welcome back! btw I use most of the time my phone when I’m in here :)

And I’m waiting for ”shpalman” to show up again. Any news about him?

Emobot7 5 years ago
543 11488

I do remember you mladen. Its nice to see you again! Stay safe you too. :)

mladen 5 years ago
Manchester United, Yugoslavia 253 2319

Cheers Pelle 👍🏼 Embot my friend 😊🥂 I remember shpalman lol idk where is that dude.. also Genady, quickzy or something and dude with maradona in spurs jersey 😁 etc

tuan_jinn 5 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

Welcome back!!!!! Heheh congratulation?

How's the married life? I share similarity there but I'm quite active here :D.

PS: I have always been wondering where is my Italian man shpalman

quikzyyy 5 years ago
Arsenal 429 9010

youre alive! how you doing mate? nice to see you!

mladen 5 years ago
Manchester United, Yugoslavia 253 2319

😁 tears in my eyes.. tuan, quikzyy😂👋🏼👋🏼 I m fine, enjoying life atm. Feel weird like I saw family members after 3 years 🤣
Nice to come back here, I will try to visit site more often. Oh I smell football is near and we ll chat shit together 😉⚽⚽⚽

expertfootball11 5 years ago
Real Madrid, France 64 2837

Oh yes I'm still here !

DarthFooty 5 years ago
Queens Park Rangers, United States 39 1139

Welcome back, mladen!

mladen 5 years ago
Manchester United, Yugoslavia 253 2319

Darth 👋🏼⚽⚽⚽

tuan_jinn 5 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

Football is coming back bro, i smell it too.

SoccerBoss 5 years ago
Barcelona, Russia 34 804

Welcome back man. Hope your wife is treating you okay :).

Emrecan_58 5 years ago Edited
Besiktas 149 3376

Time passes by quickly.. Feels so sudden how those years went by.

Edit: Sorry I was in a mood lol. Welcome bro! Hoping you're happy with your life!

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Time passes by quickly.. Feels so sudden how those years went by.

tiki_taka 5 years ago
Barcelona, France 367 9768

welcome back my friend. This quarantine is killing us more than the virus. Belarus football lmao.

mladen 5 years ago
Manchester United, Yugoslavia 253 2319

😍 thank you all you beautiful people 💪🏼👍🏼😁 worm welcome means much to me ✌🏼I hope you all doing great in your lives. So glad to see you 💪🏼this is great place and let's keep it like this.

_Pelle_ 5 years ago
Paris Saint-Germain 158 6930

Mladen be like: hey I’m back!
Football be like: aight then imma go to sleep


expertfootball11 5 years ago
Real Madrid, France 64 2837

Why do you still support Yugo though ? :DD