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Cryptocurrency downfall
Marcus2011 7 years ago
Chelsea FC, England 277 6501

So anyone here investing or invested?

quikzyyy 7 years ago
Arsenal 429 9010

just getting rid of weak hands :)

Golefty 7 years ago
Toronto FC 27 1018

have you heard of the 10$ bitcoin casino thats making everyone rich

tuan_jinn 7 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

Its a huge bubble. Lots of people I know can't even use computer properly talks about it as real investors and as if its the next big thing...

It's, but not this way. So nope

Emobot7 7 years ago
543 11491

@Golefty This is gold! XD

Tiki_taka10 7 years ago Edited
Barcelona, France 2 88

Bought 3 bitcoins in June at 1.400 euros each, sold it in August at 4.600 euros each, a month later it was worth + 8000 euros but it’s okay I prefered to cash in less risky.
Was willing to buy it again when it went up spectacularly, but then I saw adds on social media decided not to risk a penny :) was so wrong I underestimated the ability of media to attract sheeps very easily I thought it would break few days after the programmed media buzz.
At the end, it will collapse like 2008 bubble with a hold up at the top of the pyramid, but nobody knows when... depends on when those who have the most will sell.

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Bought 3 bitcoins in June at 1.400 euros each, sold it in August at 4.600 euros.
Was willing to buy it again when it went up spectacularly, but then I saw adds on social media decided not to risk a penny :) was so wrong I underestimated the ability of media to attract sheeps very easily I thought it would break few days after the programmed media buzz.
At the end, it will collapse like 2008 bubble with a hold up at the top of the pyramid, but nobody knows when... depends on when those who have the most will sell.

Tiki_taka10 7 years ago
Barcelona, France 2 88

Imo it’s to late to invest, lately when I check it was worth 15.000 euros each. They are more chances to be near the peak and the downfall will be dramatic mark my word. It will create a panic sell which will devalue the coins massively.
I’m looking at new crypto coins cheaper and with potential to get a mediatic buzz, some are worth 0.8 euros right now, get 100 coins at 80 euros and wait to see if climbs less risky.

Emobot7 7 years ago
543 11491

@tiki Never take the risky path my friend, for it is the most dangerous. Yeah, they do call me captain obvious. :P

Drbutterface 7 years ago
Roma, Italy 2 522

Tuan_jinn is perfectly right, it's nothing but a huge bubble. if you're invested in it, gtfo now before it's too late and the bubble bursts.

quikzyyy 7 years ago
Arsenal 429 9010

100$ = it's a bubble
500$ = it's a bubble
1k$ = it's a bubble
5k$ = it's a bubble
10k$ = it's a bubble

enter image description here

Golefty 7 years ago
Toronto FC 27 1018

Blockchain tech has huge applications in the exchange and flow of money, virtually eliminates human error and would make it almost impossible for companies and corrupt government to cook the books,

Tiki_taka10 7 years ago
Barcelona, France 2 88

Haha i dont fucking care anymore right now despite friends who told me not to sell. They were right but i don’t care since i cashed in.

quikzyyy 7 years ago
Arsenal 429 9010

They are more chances to be near the peak and the downfall will be dramatic mark my word.

I just wonder what is your opinion based on?

Tiki_taka10 7 years ago
Barcelona, France 2 88

On feeling lol. Seriously they kept having buyers due to the buzz on TV and social media lately. Even my father who doesn’t know how to use a smartphone heard about it. I just think when nobody will buy and maybe it’s sooner more than later, the « big fish «  who owns millions of it will sell and then due to the decrease of value a dramatic panic buy will occur with decreasing the value even more.
If I knew when exactly I would have been a billioneer but I just feel it’s near. I can’t imagine people buying and buying that stupidly once you own some for let’s say 5k, you won’t rebuy at 15k, at least for me....
Anyway they are doing everything so the maximum knows that coins...

quikzyyy 7 years ago Edited
Arsenal 429 9010

You're right with that, a lot of people were buying when it was maximum because of hype. I sold few at 19K and few seconds after I saw a lady buying at all time high! I was like, wtf are u doing? People jumped into the hype train without having any information on how the market or BTC even works. Because they though it's easy money, hey it's only going up! fast invest all the money!

Hype did push the price from 10 to 19k instantly, yes, but it's still not the main thing why BTC still got value. There are lot of factors which are changing the price up/down very fast. Now it's Lunar New Year, and it's been at least 3 years straight that price has dropped at this point + add some chances of banning crypto in Asia, where the market is massive and boom, the crypto will crash. You can notice that when BTC last dropped around 20% of the value, every single crypto currency has dropped their value, because they had no support and seemed vulnerable. These drops were more easily more than 50%.

It's still pretty much unpredictable, but don't forget once BTC will all be mined up, the price will just go up. Corrections like this one was healthy, no one who understands it a bit has expected BTC to stay at 19k. While the last drop was massive, we're still around 800% yearly(past 365days) which has been amazing.

There is one ting I suggest: invest only money you can afford to lose.

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You're right with that, a lot of people were buying when it was maximum because of hype. I sold few at 19K and few seconds after I saw a lady buying at all time high! I was like, wtf are u doing? People jumped into the hype train without having any information on how the market or BTC even works. Because they though it's easy money, hey it's only going up! fast invest all the money!

Hype did push the price from 10 to 19k instantly, yes, but it's still not the main thing why BTC still got value. There are lot of factors which are changing the price up/down very fast. Now it's Lunar New Year, and it's been at least 3 years straight that price has dropped at this point.

It's still pretty much unpredictable, but don't forget once BTC will all be mined up, the price will just go up. Corrections like this one was healthy, no one who understands it a bit has expected BTC to stay at 19k. While the last drop was massive, we're still around 800% yearly(past 365days) which has been massive.

There is one ting I suggest: invest only money you can afford to lose.

amir_keal 7 years ago
Arsenal, Netherlands 66 2895

Lol, and here I have never heard of a bitcoin.

Emobot7 7 years ago
543 11491

@amir_keal Shhhh, just do like me and post a bunch of obscure comment to make people think you actually know what their talking about. :P

Tiki_taka10 7 years ago
Barcelona, France 2 88

@quickzy Wow RISK payed, how much did you have ? How much did you buy them ? Must be a brilliant operation.....
enter image description here

Golazo111 7 years ago
Chelsea, Mexico 70 2607

Bought 3 bitcoins in June at 1.400 euros each, sold it in August at 4.600 euros each, a month later it was worth + 8000 euros but it’s okay I prefered to cash in less risky.

enter image description here

Marcus2011 7 years ago
Chelsea FC, England 277 6501

Trick is to buy low and sell high.Then you will be gucci my friends but until then fake till you make it :D

However, despite what people say, blockchain technologies are here to stay and cryptocurrencies will be modified and turned into more stable, less volatile method of payments for goods and services. Matter of time.

Golazo111 7 years ago
Chelsea, Mexico 70 2607

blockchain technologies are here to stay and cryptocurrencies will be modified and turned into more stable, less volatile method of payments for goods and services.

Goods like drugs and so on like the original use of the bitcoin was :P
The question is how much normal people should be worried about that and what are the risks of allowing big banks that are controlled by maybe 100 people world wide to put a digital number as a currency, I still prefer to have cash in the system even if it's just paper that people agreed that it has some value, at least it's something that you can have as a physical currency as well.