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Biggest Movie Franchise of All Time? Vote!
Lilywhite 8 years ago
28 468

If you think another specific franchise really should be included in the poll, please explain why.

Gennady 8 years ago
Manchester United 285 3977

I think you can't compare any of the options above to Star Wars franchise.

Star Wars made one and a half billion USD from toys and games alone LAST YEAR.

_Marcos_ 8 years ago
Sporting CP, Portugal 15 264

Harold & Kumar

Lilywhite 8 years ago
28 468


I think it's unfair/lame to say you cannot compare them. It's rather your opinion that Star Wars is bigger. For me, from my experiences in life, Harry Potter is the biggest of all because of the massive attention I've seen in so many places in the world. Compare Harry Potter and Star Wars in Asia for example, and it's not even a contest. HP is too gigantic.

Lilywhite 8 years ago
28 468


Let's keep it serious no? Haven't even heard of that franchise.

SunFlash 8 years ago
USA 19 3260


I mean, figures wise it isn't even a contest. The biggest grossing HP film was Deathly Hallows 2, and The Force Awakens made nearly double that.

If we go by "attention in other places in the world" and don't measure it in money, (which is the only unbiased way to measure it, really) it just becomes personal opinion/experience. Which is obviously flawed, because we can't speak for the world based on personal experience.

Dynastian98 8 years ago
Real Madrid 483 7140

LOTR has always been my personal favorite. Forget the numbers, just look at quality of the film made. :D

Lilywhite 8 years ago
28 468


I think namely us two discussed this before Sun, I'll put it simply with the following scenario: Warner Bros announce a new Harry Potter film 10 years after the legendary 8 films, set in the exact same universe with several of the same characters and even the HP name in the title indicating that it is a direct sequel (see: Fantastic Beasts is NOT) to all the previous films.

It's a taylor-made scenario to receive immense hype. I can't even imagine the amount of money a HP film would make like that. Compare the last SW film of the original 6 to the last HP film of the original 8 and there's no contest. Deathly Hallows Part 2 wins by a landslide, almost double the gross. The average of the Potter movies is also well above any other.

I do believe though, that not many others could do the same as Star Wars did with TFA in terms of hype. In fact, I believe Harry Potter is the only other franchise that could gather as much attention worldwide, maybe LOTR.

_Marcos_ 8 years ago Edited
Sporting CP, Portugal 15 264

@lilywhite wtf dude? Make some fking research before you start this questionar! You didnt mention any movie style, and your list is just boring kids movies. If you dont want the opinion of the comunity dont start a post in the forum

[Edited by Moderator: No name-calling allowed.]

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@lilywhite wtf dude? Make some fking research before you start this questionar! You didnt mention any movie style, and your list is just boring kids movies. Racist idiot, if you dont want the opinion of the comunity dont start a post in the forum

Lilywhite 8 years ago
28 468

Woah! I don't like that tone. at all. I think if you read through the lines you can see pretty easily what I'm trying to get at. I mentioned the biggest film franchises of all time, that means regardless of genre, style or any of that. The film franchises I've put in the poll are all very successful and big worldwide, I'm quite confident the same does not go for H&K. My research has nothing to do with any of this mate. It has also absolutely nothing to do with being racist. Good that you come with suggestions though, appreciate that.

_Marcos_ 8 years ago
Sporting CP, Portugal 15 264

Your list only have action and fantasy movies, and when someone suggest a diferent style you turn it down. Why? Only action and fantasy movies are successful worldwide? H&K is a famous and successful movie franchise. Like i said "Make some fking research"

Lilywhite 8 years ago Edited
28 468

The list has action and fantasy movies because those happen to be the most popular. Look, I don't care about your "make som research" statement, anyone who doesn't live underneath a rock knows that H&K is not even close to any of those other franchises in terms of gross, fans, popularity, worldwide cultstatus, cultural impact etc.

Come with some other suggestions or leave this thread if your wish is to poison it more than you've already done.

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The list has action and fantasy movies because those happen to be the most popular. Look, I don't care about your "make som research" statement, anyone who doesn't live underneath a rock knows that H&K is not even close to any of those other franchises in terms of gross, fans, popularity, worldwide cultstatus, cultural impact etc.

Come with some other suggestions or leave this thread before you poison it more than you've already done.

NovaRuk 8 years ago
Real Madrid/Barcelona, Malaysia 17 741

enter image description here

Lilywhite 8 years ago
28 468

Lol. Let's keep the votes coming guys, Good to see people are keen on discussions, but this thread is pretty simple: Vote or come with some other unincluded reasonable suggestion in the poll.

_Marcos_ 8 years ago
Sporting CP, Portugal 15 264

Oh sorry. I didnt see that you were a Tottenham fan... My bad. I feel embarced by your ignorance. If you want to know the best movies franchises of all time go check the top 100 IMDb. Their you will find the most popular movies ever. PS: None of the movies in your list is in the top 100 of the IMDb list. I hope i help and feel better bro!

Lilywhite 8 years ago Edited
28 468

Dude, are you really this thick or do you just struggle to understand English? The top 100 on IMDb are 'best movies', not 'big movies'. This thread is about 'big movies', or rather, 'big movie franchises'. Not necessarily the ones regarded by the majority as the best. Just the biggest, most well-known.


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Dude, are you really this thick or do you just struggle to understand English? The top 100 on IMDb are 'best movies', not 'big movies'. This thread is about 'big movies', or rather, 'big movie franchises'. Not the best. The biggest.


_Marcos_ 8 years ago
Sporting CP, Portugal 15 264

Man you are so confunsing. Big movie, best movie, most well-known movie... Put your SH*T together. If you want the most well-known movies of all time you have to pick old movies that were famous in the past and still are today. When you talk about big movies it can be their duration, the money spend on it or their popularity.

Lilywhite 8 years ago
28 468

Not best, I've never said anything about best. Big. Well-known is part of big. It's really not that difficult to understand.

Dynastian98 8 years ago
Real Madrid 483 7140

Let's keep it together, gentlemen.

Emobot7 8 years ago
543 11488

@Marcos Clearly, Lily didn't meant to offense, however, as it is his thread and his poll, I feel he is entitled to chose the movie he want to propose. If you disagree, why not making your own thread instead with your own poll, there is most likely no need to start a debate here is there. Lily and you propably just didn't get the same understanding from the phrase "Biggest Movie Franchise of All Time", his understanding seem to be about most well known franchise by the popular public in this current era. Anyway, as Dynast said himself, lets not get off topic and lets not start heated discussion.

@Lily Can you guess my vote? ;P

Lilywhite 8 years ago Edited
28 468

@Emo, Got a strong feeling it starts and ends with an S from our previous discussions. Hopefully not though, my friend :)

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@Emo, Got a strong feeling it starts and ends with an S. Hopefully not though, my friend :)