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4/5 leagues won already?
Greatone 7 years ago
Arsenal, Australia 19 727

Premier league - 12 pts
La Liga - 11 pts
Ligue 1 - 12 pts
Bundesliga - 16 pts
Serie A - 4pts with a game in hand (most likely 1pt)

It seems to me like the race for second place is much more interesting in most leagues this year than the winner. Lucky we still have CL and EL... and thank fuck we have Russia in the summer.. most disappointing,
it just seems like the gap between top class and normal teams is getting bigger and bigger

i wonder what putting the current leaders in a multibet would win me ?(minus serie A)

tuan_jinn 7 years ago Edited
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

League 1 and Bundesliga are predicted. Those are boring by default in term of who would win, no question ask. Bayern has done it for the last 10 decades and it sucks.

La Liga comes next where 4 teams are probably competing for the title and Real vs Barca are favourites, What's interesting this year is how Real dropped their forms, and how Barca went up and have an invincible records, despite having quite a mediocre overall squad compare to Real especially at the beginning of the season (Suarez & Busquet was WAY WAY off form, Delofou had to be used, Dembele injured, and Iniesta got old)...

EPL is unpredictable as always, but MC with Pep reached a new standard, with Pep's identity. This is surprising, he converted a bunch of overrated stars into a scary team, KDB was a Chelsea's reject and become to the level of Messi and Ronaldo. Then Mou's and his unstable management style and the rest is just like every year. Chelsea somehow played like a worker team this season. :D

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League 1 and Bundesliga are predicted. Those are boring by default in term of who would win, no question ask. Bayern has done it for the last 10 decades and it sucks.

La Liga comes next where 4 teams are probably competing for the title and Real vs Barca are favourites, What's interesting this year is how Real dropped their forms, and how Barca went up and have an invincible records despite having quite a mediocre overall squad compare to Real especially at the beginning of the season (Suarez & Busquet was WAY WAY off form, Delofou had to be used, Dembele injured, and Iniesta got old)...

EPL is unpredictable as always, but MC with Pep reached a new standard, with Pep's identity. This is surprising, he converted a bunch of overrated stars into a scary team, KDB was a Chelsea's reject and become to the level of Messi and Ronaldo. Then Mou's and his unstable management style and the rest is just like every year. Chelsea somehow played like a worker team this season. :D

raimondo90 7 years ago
Valencia, Argentina 89 2492

For la Liga no one really could predict that barca was gonna be so damn strong and real so weak. Atelti and Valencia were keeping up but each have their problems.

Epl is another one that no one expected city to show dominate everyone. Few struggles but they have the players that make that difference to turn a draw to a win.

Ligue 1 was pretty expected. Monaco lost good players and PSG bought ney and mbappe.

Croatian 7 years ago
Bayern Munich, Croatia 23 1323

Bundesliga is basically done, same as Ligue 1 and probably La Liga if Barcelona doesn't drop into massive crisis (Atletico's playstyle and Valencia's inconsistency at times can surely help Barcelona).

PL is also pretty much done but a bit tighter race than La Liga.

Serie A is fantastic and proved again it is one of best leagues to watch.

Emobot7 7 years ago
543 11488

@KTB What about the other league, what were the odds! I want to know, please. :D

Tiki_taka10 7 years ago Edited
Barcelona, France 2 88

Remember KTBFFHSWE your «  Liga teams are mediocre because Madrid odd is 1.08 against any of them while in PL City has 1.4 odd against a same ranking team in the league... » that was your favorite argument in our discussions.
That argument is completely destroyed, City odd is actually 1.08 and Madrid 1.4....

See what I’m talking about ? Odds do not demonstrate how a league is strong or weak. If you don’t watch both and judge on the quality, the tactics or the players, odds or budgets could be completely irrelevant sometimes...

PL has right now a monster team like Bundesliga is having for a decade. A monster team is not quantitative of their wages or individual quality. It’s a whole successful formula with a healthy athmosphere and competition between players, genuine tactics and overall quality of individuals in the service of collective.

In England, Liverpool could be next, KLopp has the formula, he just need a player or two in the back and midlefield. Imo Liverpool is ending second, without mane injury and motivated Coutinho, they would be closer to City right now. I’m fearing them in CL.

The rest have no chance to compete on the league right now.

I’d rather have a boring league with quality teams like Liverpool or City rather than a competitive league with 6 poneys playing poor Football and drawing week in week out Vs average clubs...

PL of this season is a joy to watch, possibly if you are City fan, à Liverpool fan or a Neutral. Other teams should be invited to higher their level of exigences. To avoid another Leicester joke with a 73 pts champion.

PL level is on the rise, with KLopp/Pep arrival Mou is obliged to deliver, he got completely no competition the season he won it and Conte had to deal with Spurs having the same actual level. If those big 5 catch the level of City Liverpool on the pitch then PL would become the best league for me.

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Remember KTBFFHSWE your Liga teams are mediocre because Madrid odd is 1.08 against any of them while in PL City has 1.4 odd against a same ranking team in the league...that was your favorite argument in our discussions.
That argument is completely destroyed, City odd is actually 1.08 and Madrid 1.4....

See what I’m talking about ? Odds do not demonstrate how a league is strong or weak. If you don’t watch both and judge on the quality, the tactics or the players, odds or budgets could be completely irrelevant sometimes...

PL has right now a monster team like Bundesliga is having for a decade. A monster team is not quantitative of their wages or individual quality. It’s a whole successful formula with a healthy athmosphere and competition between players, genuine tactics and overall quality of individuals in the service of collective.

In England, Liverpool could be next, KLopp has the formula, he just need a player or two in the back and midlefield. Imo Liverpool is ending second, without mane injury and motivated Coutinho, they would be closer to City right now. I’m fearing them in CL.

The rest have no chance to compete on the league right now.

I’d rather have a boring league with quality teams like Liverpool or City rather than a competitive league with 6 poneys playing poor Football and drawing week in week out Vs average clubs...

PL of this season is a joy to watch, possibly if you are City fan, à Liverpool fan or a Neutral. Other teams should be invited to higher their level of exigences. To avoid another Leicester joke with a 73 pts champion.

PL level is on the rise, with KLopp/Pep arrival Mou is obliged to deliver, he got completely no competition the season he won it and Conte had to deal with Spurs having the same actual level. If those big 5 catch the level of City Liverpool on the pitch then PL would become the best league for me.

Emobot7 7 years ago Edited
543 11488

@tiki Please don't start a La Liga vs EPL in this thread, its out-topic imo. :( And seriously, Serie A would propably such an arguement this year. XD

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@tiki Please don't start a La Liga vs EPL thread, its out-topic imo. :( And seriously, Serie A would propably such an arguement. XD

@tiki Please don't start a La Liga vs EPL thread, its out-topic imo. :( And seriously, Serie A would propably such an arguement this year. XD

Golazo111 7 years ago
Chelsea, Mexico 70 2607

Premier league is ofc still the best league in the world, just that City with the money invested is now on the top which is a normal cause and effect in practice and it's not the first time it happened in the Premier League. Sadly being the best league takes its toll in European competitions.

Greatone 7 years ago
Arsenal, Australia 19 727

i was also kinda just wondering what a bet at the current point in time - betting on the current league leaders - would reward, as i dont bet at all, i thought it would be interesting with the multipliers

tuan_jinn 7 years ago Edited
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

Tiki has a good point here. Although its out of topic.

But ok, i gotta add hoe MC is up there: EPL is still the most entertaining league for me, but its far from the best league in term of quality.

Chelsea vs Arsenal today for example, there was just less than a hand full of decent actions, or high skill technique. Lotttttttt of silly passes, headless run, the game is super fast pace, yes. But it's as boring as it can be. It went super quick from one end to another, then a ridiculous cross in or bad pass, then the other way.... Going on for 70 mins like that

No doubt, Man City is way on top.

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Tiki has a good point here. Although its out of topic.

EPL is still the most entertaining league for me, but its far from the best league in term of quality.

Chelsea vs Arsenal today for example, there was just less than a hand full of decent actions, or high skill technique. Lotttttttt of silly passes, headless run, its fast pace, yes. But it's as boring as it can be.

No doubt, Man City is way on top.

Tiki has a good point here. Although its out of topic.

But ok, i gotta add hoe MC is up there: EPL is still the most entertaining league for me, but its far from the best league in term of quality.

Chelsea vs Arsenal today for example, there was just less than a hand full of decent actions, or high skill technique. Lotttttttt of silly passes, headless run, its fast pace, yes. But it's as boring as it can be.

No doubt, Man City is way on top.

Golazo111 7 years ago
Chelsea, Mexico 70 2607

Chelsea and Arsenal are top quality teams that know eachother well, ofc its going to be a tough game to play with little to no openings, which is to expect after they played eachother for so much this season alone...
Compare that to El Classico where either Real or Barcelona crumble and lose their game in 5-10 minutes every time where they have no clue what is going on, this casual cup game where both squads of Chelsea and Arsenal have a lot of missing players is still a harder game to play.

Tiki_taka10 7 years ago
Barcelona, France 2 88

After Lyon win vs PSG, the gap looks closer. I just can’t imagine PSG loosing the league after their mercato. That would be an earthquake in the planet Football.
Agreed Tuan, didn’t appreciated a PL game for a while now like this season. The KLopp vs Pep tactical battle was epic.
The Ox for me was Motm, his defensive role was decisive... game of the season.

KTBFFHSWE 7 years ago
Chelsea FC, Sweden 52 2449

"Remember KTBFFHSWE your « Liga teams are mediocre because Madrid odd is 1.08 against any of them while in PL City has 1.4 odd against a same ranking team in the league... » that was your favorite argument in our discussions.
That argument is completely destroyed, City odd is actually 1.08 and Madrid 1.4...."

Oh tiki tiki tiki... What's happening this year in EPL is what has happened for the last 10 years in La liga. Yes, it most certainly makes the league more boring to watch. Also, City odds has NEVER been down at 1.08 against any team in EPL.. while Barca/Real on occasions have been down at 1.04...

Furthermore...... you ONLY talk about ONE team here. Chelsea, Arsenal, Pool, Spurs, United are still in the league, offering harder opposition than any team in La Liga has done to Barca/Real for the last 10 years...

Marcus2011 7 years ago
Chelsea FC, England 277 6501


It is called Arabs money identity with Peps touch. If other clubs spent just as much ( well except for United) this race would have been much different but I still think that if City starts slipping gap can be closed quickly.


For once mate look back into your discussions before typing something. You used to throw odds left and right in your argument for La Liga as superior league. Even now you still bitter. Remember I told you once EPL gets teacher Barcelona and Real won't be coming to shop our best players so easily? Yeah look at this comedy show now , but come on dig into your academies for those amazing talents instead ;)

Tiki_taka10 7 years ago Edited
Barcelona, France 2 88

@KTBFswe You don’t know shit about it. Could City win a Mestalla, Anoeta, or at Sanchez Pijuan. Probably not automatically like in PL. Pep tactics are well known in Spain....
When top 6 have an average level, odds are high it’s logical. This season the quality of PL is at its best. Can you mesure quality ? Probably not...

@Marcus those who were dominating la liga were also dominating CL, it’s not a league problem if the most brilliant teams of the decade and we are judging in the long run not in a one season achievement, are playing there. Barca and Madrid once they will drop level hope not, the league would be even as it were before they dominated Europe with Bayern. I don’t think I’m the bitter one here, I predicted a CL domination 5 years ago and it’s precisely what happened. I also predicted a CL failure considering PL inconsistency...

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@KTBFswe You don’t know shit about it. Could City win a Mestalla, Anoeta, or at Sanchez Pijuan. Probably not automatically like in PL. Pep tactics are well known in Spain....
When top 6 have an average level, odds are high it’s logical. This season the quality of PL is at its best. Can you mesure quality ? Probably not...

tuan_jinn 7 years ago Edited
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

@Marcus: I dont think Manchester United, Chelsea are in ANY of the position to talk about money and transfers... not anymore.

Give credit when it dues, Pep bought a lot, but look at those players, tell me how many of them were top class before Pep came?

KVB was a Chelsea's reject, Sterling was a high potential but nowhere near top class, after Suarez left, he and Sturrige's performance went down the drain with Liverpool. Even when they were on top level, Liverpool were only relevant for EPL, not on continent level. Aguero was inconsistent, injury prone and only Silva was consistently on top. He doesn't even play much this season.

Please dont let me talk about their defend.

@Tiki: ok true that, Barca and Real are too strong, same with Bayern, that explain it but doesn't take away the fact that the league is less competitive because of them. EPL is way better in that sense to me

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@Marcus: I dont think Manchester United, Chelsea are in ANY of the position to talk about money and transfers... not anymore.

Give credit when it dues, Pep bought a lot, but look at those players, tell me how many of them were top class before Pep came?

KVB was a Chelsea's reject, Sterling was a high potential but nowhere near top class, after Suarez left, he and Sturrige's performance went down the drain with Liverpool. Even when they were on top level, Liverpool were only relevant for EPL, not on continent level. Aguero was inconsistent, injury prone and only Silva was consistently on top. He doesn't even play much this season.

Please dont let me talk about their defend.

@Tiki: true that, Barca and Real are too strong, same with Bayern, that explain it but doesn't take away the fact that the league is less competitive because of them.

Tiki_taka10 7 years ago
Barcelona, France 2 88

Agreed tuan.
And Marcus instead of wishing City failure or dropping level wich is not happening, wish other English clubs to follow their exigency level.
they were positioning themselves in Alexis’s transfer and lately on Griezmann while their strikeforce is enough to win the league, they want more probably having chances to win CL. And it’s exactly what Pep is trying to implement, winning the league and then slowing down is the thing he wants to avoid.
The gap between teams have no special incidence on the quality, City dropping level won’t make their rivals stronger... they may look stronger if the gap is closed but it will only hide their weaknesses until CL games.

KTBFFHSWE 7 years ago
Chelsea FC, Sweden 52 2449

"Oh tiki tiki tiki... What's happening this year in EPL is what has happened for the last 10 years in La liga. Yes, it most certainly makes the league more boring to watch. Also, City odds has NEVER been down at 1.08 against any team in EPL.. while Barca/Real on occasions have been down at 1.04...

Furthermore...... you ONLY talk about ONE team here. Chelsea, Arsenal, Pool, Spurs, United are still in the league, offering harder opposition than any team in La Liga has done to Barca/Real for the last 10 years... "

Marcus2011 7 years ago
Chelsea FC, England 277 6501


From your perspective, it is a stroke of genius to spend close to billion pounds building the team to win the league?

KDB was Chelsea reject because of the row with Mourinho. His performance wasn't enough but he proved us wrong in Bundesliga. Therefore, City didn't bring in some crappy player from the beginning. They brought Bundesliga's player of the year.

Sterling didn't have proper team around him. I don't know what else did the guy needed to do to prove that he was one of Englands best players already while playing Liverpool? Ofcourse, Sterling has improved, but it was expected. It was obvious that lad didn't want to play another season under Brendan rogers and Liverpool's plans didn't impress him much. City should thank Rogers miss management of the situation which only made things worse because Sterling should have cost them more than 50 mil.

Aguero is still inconsistent but for the first time he is BENCHED! Unlike in previous season where he would play every game and then naturally gas out by the second half of the season only to pick up by the end. Typical Kun. Now there is Jesus at the City in every sense of that name.

Tuan I understand you want to be fair and balanced, but old tuan would say that City is buying the league. I personally think yes they are buying the league but who doesn't? I am not taking credit from Pep for his management because it also takes some world class skills to make that team to play but let's not turn into this BULL SH*T that the man came and killed EPL with his genius tactics because even Pep knows that is not the case!


I will try to stay on topic and say that after years of fighting over the La liga vs EPL, you have changed the way you argue it now days, but I won't expand any more on this. As far as Pep, he is not implementing any new revolutionary tactics but the same ones again and his end in EPL will be much more painful. I do wish the man to fail because I never like the guy. I guess that makes me hater :D