Georgia U21
HT 0 : 0
FT 0 : 0
ET 0 : 0
PEN 3 : 4
Israel U21
- Kick Off at 16:00 (GMT) on 1st July, 2023
- The referee for this match is Espen Eskaas
- Attendance of 44338 fans at the Boris Paichadze Dinamo Arena
- This is a match in International - EURO U21 Final Stage Quarter Finals, Season 2023
- Georgia U21
- Goals
- Azarovi (PEN')
- Davitashvili (PEN')
- Gagua (PEN')
- Moistsrapishvili (PEN')
- Khvadagiani (PEN')
- Cards
- Tsitaishvili (66')
- Israel U21
- Goals
- Cohen (PEN')
- Gendelman (PEN')
- Khalaili (PEN')
- Gloukh (PEN')
- Cards
- Karzev (49')
- Peretz (86')
- Turgeman (104')
- Hofmeister (105')
- Rumi (117')
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Highlights: Georgia 0-0 Israel (3-4 pens) | Highlights | Under-21