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Italy *
Canceled Abandoned
HT {{ maCtrl.match.homeScoreHT }} : {{ maCtrl.match.awayScoreHT }}
FT {{ maCtrl.match.homeScoreFT }} : {{ maCtrl.match.awayScoreFT }}
ET {{ +maCtrl.match.homeScoreET + +maCtrl.match.homeScoreFT }} : {{ +maCtrl.match.awayScoreET + +maCtrl.match.awayScoreFT }}
PEN {{ maCtrl.match.homeScorePEN }} : {{ maCtrl.match.awayScorePEN }}
Spain *
{{ maCtrl.match.homeAggrWin ? : }} win {{ maCtrl.match.homeScoreAggr || 0 }} : {{ maCtrl.match.awayScoreAggr || 0 }} on aggregate {{ maCtrl.match.homeAggrWin ? : }} win on away goals rule after {{ maCtrl.match.homeScoreAggr }} : {{ maCtrl.match.awayScoreAggr }} aggregate {{ maCtrl.match.homeAggrWin ? : }} win {{ maCtrl.match.homeScorePEN }} : {{ maCtrl.match.awayScorePEN }} on penalties after {{ maCtrl.match.homeScoreAggr || 0 }} : {{ maCtrl.match.awayScoreAggr || 0 }} aggregate
Aggregate score {{ maCtrl.match.homeScoreAggr }} : {{ maCtrl.match.awayScoreAggr }}

  • {{ }}
  • Goals
  • {{ maCtrl.lastname( }} ({{ event.elapsed }}')
  • Cards
  • {{ maCtrl.lastname( }} ({{ event.elapsed }}')
  • {{ }}
  • Goals
  • {{ maCtrl.lastname( }} ({{ event.elapsed }}')
  • Cards
  • {{ maCtrl.lastname( }} ({{ event.elapsed }}')
{{ maCtrl.homeTeamPerformancePoll.totalVotes + maCtrl.awayTeamPerformancePoll.totalVotes }} Votes
Italy vs Spain
Team Performance
Blueman33 4 years ago
SSC Napoli, Poland 0 831
How Come Luis Enrique Coach did not Select any player from Real Madrid team? I think Asenssio and Lucas Vasquez should play in the national team
Leonardito 4 years ago
0 1108
Doesnt matter when eventually facing a boring defensive team, the selection wont matter
Leonardito 4 years ago
0 1108
Can anyone explain how that chiellini handball in 89th minute wasnt a penalty?
Gangdalfen 4 years ago
Real Madrid, Norway 0 9
No idea why VAR didn't intervene either, it was clear as day
malle_96 4 years ago
AC Milan, Italy 0 141
was not a penalty!! He did no saw the ball and he has to put the arm on the ground. Greetings from Italy
Leonardito 4 years ago
0 1108
He did no saw the ball? Send greetings but dont send bullsh*t explaination.
AndreiS07 4 years ago
Inter, Moldova 0 247
Ohhh, Italy need to improve.... i hope they will win it , but man.... Barella !? wtf was with you tonight lad.... Immobile.... just immobile. After Mancini changed main players, italy second squad looks very weak , Manici have to make a good plan for the final , maybe start with some seocnd squd players , and than bring main players in like Insigne,Barella,Chiesa
Blueman33 4 years ago
SSC Napoli, Poland 0 831
There are many good players not come to the national team like pellgrini from As Rome and AC Milan Defender
Gangdalfen 4 years ago
Real Madrid, Norway 0 9
Toxic fans like Lambo91 aside, this game was 50/50 and it could've gone either way. Spain with horrible finishing, Italy with horrible attacking. Will be interesting to see who will meet a toothless Italy in the finals!
Lambo91 4 years ago
Juventus, Italy 0 5196
Toxic? I'm half italian that is supporting my team. If that's toxic, then you must not know what the word "Toxic" means. So I suggest you re-take your English class. FORZA ITALIA!!!!
Blueman33 4 years ago
SSC Napoli, Poland 0 831
Roberto Mancini is a good Coach to build this Strong Italian team
Lambo91 4 years ago
Juventus, Italy 0 5196
He's been great in clubs as well. A very good national coach. FORZA ITALIA!!!!!
Mexarsenal 4 years ago
Arsenal, Mexico 0 8
I'm confused. Honest question: why did Italy shoot first AND chose sides in the penalty kicks? Normally the one who wins the coin toss chooses one OR the other, no? There were 2 coin tosses. That was weird, no?
_Pelle_ 4 years ago
Paris Saint-Germain 158 6929
He didnt chose side. The winner does.
Blueman33 4 years ago
SSC Napoli, Poland 0 831
Congratulations for the Italian team against Spanish team with bad Luis Enrique ...... Forza Italia
Lambo91 4 years ago
Juventus, Italy 0 5196
Thank you <3 FORZA ITALIA!!!!!
colkurtz8 4 years ago
Ireland 0 126
@Blueman33 Why "bad" Luis Enrique? No one expected Spain to do well yet he managed them to a semi-final. They actually should've won this game as he out maneuvered Mancini tactically.

Well done to Italy though and please please please beat England in the final should England beat Denmark later. Grazie.
barcelonaman 4 years ago
Barcelona, Spain 4 41
god damn it morata
Lambo91 4 years ago
Juventus, Italy 0 5196
England reached far so goodluck but I think Denmark re really tough so you need all the luck in the world. I hope we face you in the final. FORZA ITALIA!!!!!!
KingHenryThe14th 4 years ago
Arsenal, France 19 108
Italy just got lucky, hate their football, boring as hell ...
Lambo91 4 years ago
Juventus, Italy 0 5196
You're just another hater, line up and eat your popcorn and watch us lift the Euro 2020 trophy. FORZA ITALIA!!!!!
Footy_watch 4 years ago
Arsenal, Brazil 28 1928
Italy played good football in their first game then it went downhill. I thought they would maintain it, but now I want them to lose
Lambo91 4 years ago Edited
Juventus, Italy 0 5196
@Footy_watch Ofc you want us to lose. Haters are gonna simply hate. It's life. Even the struggled ones get hated on, not just the winners. You take an L, you get hated on. You take a W, you get hated on. Either way you'll get hated. Haters never change their intentions. FORZA ITALIA!!!!!
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@Footy_watch Ofc you want us to lose. Haters are gonna simply hate. It's life. Even the struggled ones get hated on. Haters never change their intentions. FORZA ITALIA!!!!!
Footy_watch 4 years ago
Arsenal, Brazil 28 1928
I'm a hater of bad football even if its my own teams, I will hate it
RonaldoisLuckyAlways 4 years ago
Manchester United, Portugal 0 254
Italy winning bec Ronaldo plays for Serie A. He just gave them mentality to win.
Lambo91 4 years ago
Juventus, Italy 0 5196
Then Ronaldo isn't lucky if you're saying is true so change your username. FORZA ITALIA!!!!!
Footy_watch 4 years ago
Arsenal, Brazil 28 1928
Now this makes me think England will actually win the euros.
Lambo91 4 years ago
Juventus, Italy 0 5196
England? we shall see I have respect for England but I think Denmark will beat England. It's gonna be a good game. FORZA ITALIA!!!!!!
RealMadridKing 4 years ago
Real Madrid 0 667
Morata always manage to fail
FootballGuy 4 years ago
Real Madrid, Spain 36 125
Morata fucked things up again
_Pelle_ 4 years ago
Paris Saint-Germain 158 6929
He scored the goal, without it its over after 90mins
Lambo91 4 years ago
Juventus, Italy 0 5196
@_Pelle_ He supports Spain and talks shit about Morata who actually put them in extra time and penalties lol just a definition of a fake fan that doesn't respect their players. He's a Real Madrid fan though so that's expected. They never respected what Cristinao Ronaldo has done for them then he moved with us because of the lack of respect he got from Real Madrid fans. Real Madrid fans don't deserve shit.
Zebras 4 years ago
Juventus, Italy 8 64
Lambo91 4 years ago
Juventus, Italy 0 5196
PetrCech 4 years ago
Chelsea, Czech Republic 4 51
well done Italy, congrats!
Lambo91 4 years ago
Juventus, Italy 0 5196
Thank you <3 FORZA ITALIA!!!!!!!
Gennady 4 years ago
Manchester United 285 3977
Italy will win it now for sure, I don't see England or Denmark beating them
Lambo91 4 years ago
Juventus, Italy 0 5196
hahahahahhahaahah people called us cry babies and watch these cry babies lift up the Euro 2020 trophy. FORZA ITALIIIAAAAAAA!!! OLLLLLEEEEEEEYYYY OLEY OLLLLEEEYYYYYY
Lambo91 4 years ago
Juventus, Italy 0 5196
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