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Peru *
Canceled Abandoned
HT {{ maCtrl.match.homeScoreHT }} : {{ maCtrl.match.awayScoreHT }}
FT {{ maCtrl.match.homeScoreFT }} : {{ maCtrl.match.awayScoreFT }}
ET {{ +maCtrl.match.homeScoreET + +maCtrl.match.homeScoreFT }} : {{ +maCtrl.match.awayScoreET + +maCtrl.match.awayScoreFT }}
PEN {{ maCtrl.match.homeScorePEN }} : {{ maCtrl.match.awayScorePEN }}
New Zealand *
{{ maCtrl.match.homeAggrWin ? : }} win {{ maCtrl.match.homeScoreAggr || 0 }} : {{ maCtrl.match.awayScoreAggr || 0 }} on aggregate {{ maCtrl.match.homeAggrWin ? : }} win on away goals rule after {{ maCtrl.match.homeScoreAggr }} : {{ maCtrl.match.awayScoreAggr }} aggregate {{ maCtrl.match.homeAggrWin ? : }} win {{ maCtrl.match.homeScorePEN }} : {{ maCtrl.match.awayScorePEN }} on penalties after {{ maCtrl.match.homeScoreAggr || 0 }} : {{ maCtrl.match.awayScoreAggr || 0 }} aggregate
Aggregate score {{ maCtrl.match.homeScoreAggr }} : {{ maCtrl.match.awayScoreAggr }}

  • {{ }}
  • Goals
  • {{ maCtrl.lastname( }} ({{ event.elapsed }}')
  • Cards
  • {{ maCtrl.lastname( }} ({{ event.elapsed }}')
  • {{ }}
  • Goals
  • {{ maCtrl.lastname( }} ({{ event.elapsed }}')
  • Cards
  • {{ maCtrl.lastname( }} ({{ event.elapsed }}')
{{ maCtrl.homeTeamPerformancePoll.totalVotes + maCtrl.awayTeamPerformancePoll.totalVotes }} Votes
Peru vs New Zealand
Team Performance
Top Comments
Chinzy95 7 years ago
Arsenal, Peru 0 59
@migas77 He's talking about the conmebal qualifying. The hardest qualifying group bar none.
Kante_PL_title_x2 7 years ago
Chelsea, New Zealand 0 15
You lot of pillocks who commented.
1. Peru delayed our flights 4 hours, delayed bus travel 2 hours(making us arrive at 3am), fireworks in the night, blocked from training and had a low pass of the hotel by fighter jets.
2. Australia have around 20 million more people and therefore should have a better team
3. No we did not park the bus all game. We parked bus for the fist half hoping to not concede before bringing on our talisman striker Chris Wood who was in doubt because of a hamstring issue.

Also of further point if New Zealand had won this would have been one of the greatest ranking upsets in FIFAs history. Like when we drew with runners up Netherlands in 2010.
All comments
braininahat 7 years ago
USA 0 90
Great news that Guerrero will be eligible to play in the World Cup even if he only gets, roughly, a month of training with the team. Some stupid Peruvians (e.g. Abva1986) think that because you didn't "believe" Peru would make it, no matter their terrible start to the campaign and tough late important games, it makes you a hater or less of a fan. They take their fake "belief" as evidence of their true fandom, when nobody believes they truly believed. Like most idiots, he can't recognize his empty fanboy rhetoric for what it is. No matter, Peru made the World Cup and will give the rest of Group C all they can handle. I think they make it out of the group, but it won't be an easy task for anyone in the group, including France.
mauafiuni 7 years ago
Real Madrid, Venezuela 0 65
Viva Perú!
eat_my_shorts 7 years ago
Real Oviedo, Azerbaijan 0 8
chile 7 - mexico 0
Abva1986 7 years ago Edited
Juventus, Peru 0 35
Donde estas viejo cagon????? que decias que no lo lograriamos!!! IN YOUR FACE!! XD
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Donde estas viejo cagon????? que decias que no lo lograriamos!!! IN YOUR FACE SHITHEAD!!!
braininahat 7 years ago
USA 0 90
I'm Peruvian, idiot. How is Peru making the World Cup "in my face"? What does your idiotic "I believe we'll make it despite needing some historic wins in Equador and Paraguay and draws against Argentina and Colombia" mean? It means nothing. You were just giving voice to your hopes -- it was all our hopes -- but I gave voice to what my brain told me: it would be extremely difficult to qualify. And it was, but we pulled it off with good play and some good fortune. Stop embarrassing Peruvians with your public stupidity.
joethedrumma 7 years ago
Arsenal, Switzerland 3 881
Would love to be with my family in Lima right now! The place must be going crazy! So happy that we finally made it! VIVA PERU CARAJO!!! (I'm half peruvian xD)
Romero 7 years ago
Sport Recife, Brazil 0 3
Peru makes a favor to football tonight because it would be horrible New Zealand - a country that prefer rugby instead of football - goes to the World Cup instead of a country that loves and has 30 million pasionates fans. Wouldn´t suprised if Peru gos to playoffs because they have a organized team with good players like Cueva, Trauco and Guerrero. Also have Farfan on bench who is a dangerous experienced player.
fourmoreyears 7 years ago
Arsenal, Australia 0 1
What a stupid statement. New Zealand has a strong footballing history and we need to grow the game further through representation from the Oceania region.
DZEKOO 7 years ago
Saudi Arabia 0 152
congratulation Peru . the last country make it to WC .
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hemi_nz 7 years ago
Manchester City, New Zealand 0 25
lol the peruvians used every trick in the book to win this.
Chinzy95 7 years ago
Arsenal, Peru 0 59
Tell me more
Hamouda 7 years ago
Manchester United, Canada 0 127
What a typical Manshitty fan answer !!
Go cry on your Aussie neighbor ; Oh wait, they will be in Russia :D
rodrigocaballero 7 years ago
Real Sociedad, Mexico 0 65
LOL how? you wanna explain your reasoning? Viva perú!!! viva latinoamérica!!!
Feyser 7 years ago
Arsenal, France 0 259
yes man , the trick is called "play real football" , not like you playing " I parked my bus"
Kante_PL_title_x2 7 years ago
Chelsea, New Zealand 0 15
You lot of pillocks who commented.
1. Peru delayed our flights 4 hours, delayed bus travel 2 hours(making us arrive at 3am), fireworks in the night, blocked from training and had a low pass of the hotel by fighter jets.
2. Australia have around 20 million more people and therefore should have a better team
3. No we did not park the bus all game. We parked bus for the fist half hoping to not concede before bringing on our talisman striker Chris Wood who was in doubt because of a hamstring issue.

Also of further point if New Zealand had won this would have been one of the greatest ranking upsets in FIFAs history. Like when we drew with runners up Netherlands in 2010.
hemi_nz 7 years ago
Manchester City, New Zealand 0 25
buzzing the hotel with jets, fireworks at 3 am, falling over ever time we touched them, constant travel delays, both air travel and buses.
Chinzy95 7 years ago
Arsenal, Peru 0 59
I saw the fireworks, and I myself find it unfortunate that some (maybe ~10) people had to resort to focusing on the other team and not ourselves. The 2 hour bus delays are not uncommon in Lima; the capital is one of the most centralized cities in Latin America and the trip from Callao to Miraflores is notorious for traffic. Whether you parked the game or not, the only reason you came out in the second half is because you had to. If the score had stayed 0-0, I'm convinced you would've continued to park the bus to take it to penalties. However, I don't think that's unfair because we've done it and it is because this is a results game; no one in 30 years will remember you parked the bus in a qualifying match 30 years before. What people will remember is qualifying after 3+ decades.
rhysomac 7 years ago
Tottenham Hotspur, New Zealand 0 11
"I don't think that's unfair because we've done it". What sort of reasoning is that? Of course if we'd used those tactics against Peru you would think it's unfair, right? It's funny that you had to resort to sabotaging the preparation of a country that's ranked over 100 places lower than you to win. I remember Peruvians were crying because the head of football in NZ said something about creating a hostile atmosphere in Wellington because Peru will do that in Lima and you guys were all like "that's insulting, we are not hostile, we always have respect"... well the true colours shone through. You're right though, no one will remember us for this, they'll remember us for being the only undefeated team in the 2010 World Cup, we'll see how your boys do in this one.
Chinzy95 7 years ago Edited
Arsenal, Peru 0 59
I meant I dont think its unfair that you parked the bus because we've also done that. If you read the beginning of my comment I said I think its unfortunate that some people had to resort to such tactics because in football you have to focus on yourself and not the other team. Whomever was "crying" or anything of that nature (in regards to a hostile environment) should've been someone that hardly watches South American football, because hostility can never compare with that of South America.

No "true colors shown through" because if you asked the majority of Peruvians, many would not have agreed with waking up at 3 am to do the former. It is a shame that you identify Peruvians in that light, because it does not and will not represent us as a nation regardless of your opinion.
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I mean I dont think its unfair that you parked the bus because we've also done that. If you read the beginning of my comment I said I think its unfortunate that some people had to resort to such tactics because in football you have to focus on yourself and not the other team. Whomever was "crying" or anything of that nature (in regards to a hostile environment) should've been someone that hardly watches South American football, because hostility can never compare with that of South America.

No "true colors shown through" because if you asked the majority of Peruvians, many would not have agreed with waking up at 3 am to do the former. It is a shame that you identify Peruvians in that light, because it does not and will not represent us as a nation regardless of your opinion.
Chinzy95 7 years ago Edited
Arsenal, Peru 0 59
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I remember once reading we had a 15% of qualifying. Just goes to show h0w football transcends in all boundaries. Gracias Peru
I remember once reading we had a 15% of qualifying. Just goes to show how football transcends in all boundaries. Gracias Peru
Mike988 7 years ago Edited
Manchester United, Romania 0 150
congrats to Peru,you guys will definetly have my support during the World Cup next year
I bet it feels awesome to be a peruvian right now hehe
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congrats to Peru,you guys have my support during the World Cup next year
I bet it feels awesome to be a peruvian right now hehe
Bestiainmunda 7 years ago
Real Madrid, Peru 2 188
More than just qualifying, we deserved it. After years of making our own graves we came out and actually deserved a place among the best. VAMO PERU QUE EN RUSSIA ES!!!
miguelfllores 7 years ago
Toronto FC 0 119
Confident, smart, hard working football from the Peruvians. These hungry underdogs are ready for Russia. #VamosPeruCarajo
GreatExpectations 7 years ago
Bayern Munich, Germany 0 94
Yeah ready to get knocked out in the group stages
pipecs17 7 years ago
Colombia 0 1
Today, every country in South America (excepting Chile of course haha) was supporting Peru, we're really happy and proud of you. Congratulations, and enjoy the result of classifying in the hardest qualifying round in the world. Vamos Sudamérica!
migas77 7 years ago
Sporting CP, Portugal 0 33
The hardest qualifying round in the world? Against NZ? You're joking, right?...
Chinzy95 7 years ago
Arsenal, Peru 0 59
@migas77 He's talking about the conmebal qualifying. The hardest qualifying group bar none.
RSUyema 7 years ago
Barcelona, Argentina 0 370
@Migas77, CONMEBOL is by far the toughest qualifier there is. There are even discussions of taking seeds away from UEFA and giving one to CONMEBOL. Majority of the European qualifiers are filled with countries that have no chance of making it. Give an extra seed to Africa, or Asia and South America. For goodness sakes, Chile are 2x back to back CA champions and they didnt even make it.
Golazo111 7 years ago
Chelsea, Mexico 70 2607
@RSUyema so what if Chile didn't make it? They played bad and didn't deserve to go to the World Cup, doesn't matter if they won Copa America twice, football is not about living in the past. I can make the same argument look at Italy they won the World Cup 4 times and they didn't make it.
HaXXspetten 7 years ago
Sweden 0 883
Difference is pretty much every single country in South America is actually pretty good at football (Venezuela is debatable maybe) whereas Europe has tons of minnows. Realistically speaking at least percentage-wise South America ought to have more qualifying spots than any other region
cveloso10 7 years ago
Colo Colo, Chile 0 1
@Golazo11, quizás no jugamos como deberíamos, pero estas eliminatorias no son solo de merecimiento, hay mafia y otras cosas que cobran importancia, para que hablar de la situación de Falcao con Perú siendo que en su lugar casi todos habrían hecho lo mismo.. me quedo con el hecho de q nos clausuraron la cancha por cerca de cinco fechas(estado nacional) por gritos supuestamente xenófobos, pero eran mucho menos fuertes que en otros países.... el monumental no lo saben regar, es cosa de ver los videos de los últimos partidos donde los jugadores no podían estar de pie y mucho menos asociarse que es el punto fuerte de nuestra selección...
en síntesis la clasificatoria se pierde por la suspensión del estadio y porque selecciones se jugaban la vida mientras nuestros jugadores se relajaron
Romero 7 years ago
Sport Recife, Brazil 0 3
@RSUyema I disagree. I'm brazilian and see Conmebol with 50% of seeds while the team needs to win a group in European Qualifier. You´re just counting the easy groups but forget these groups are minority. What do you say about a group composed by France, Sweden, Holland or Italy, Spain or maybe Croatia, Ucraine, Turkey, Iceland? Would be easy if 2 teams qualified but stay hard when the team need to win a group. Less margin of error while Conmebol a team have a chance even when lose 6 or 8 times.
Leonardito 7 years ago
0 1108
Golazo, whats with your hatred for chile? You went out of topic
Chinzy95 7 years ago
Arsenal, Peru 0 59
A shot in the dark, but maybe because they beat them in 7-0 in the Copa America.
Golazo111 7 years ago
Chelsea, Mexico 70 2607
No hate no off topic learn to read.
migas77 7 years ago
Sporting CP, Portugal 0 33
Still, since when is South America stronger than European qualifiyers? You got Chile out, Europe had Italy, etc. There are way stronger teams in Europe than in any other continent.
Ledley 7 years ago
Celtic, Australia 46 1310
Would have been good to have Aus and Nz in the same group at a WC.
ChrimDiax 7 years ago
Barcelona, Spain 0 221
why? are you a fan of ping pong?
chelsea1960 7 years ago
Chelsea, Belgium 0 1020
anything is possible with handwork there is no obstacle
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