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Bolivia *
Canceled Abandoned
HT {{ maCtrl.match.homeScoreHT }} : {{ maCtrl.match.awayScoreHT }}
FT {{ maCtrl.match.homeScoreFT }} : {{ maCtrl.match.awayScoreFT }}
ET {{ +maCtrl.match.homeScoreET + +maCtrl.match.homeScoreFT }} : {{ +maCtrl.match.awayScoreET + +maCtrl.match.awayScoreFT }}
PEN {{ maCtrl.match.homeScorePEN }} : {{ maCtrl.match.awayScorePEN }}
Argentina *
{{ maCtrl.match.homeAggrWin ? : }} win {{ maCtrl.match.homeScoreAggr || 0 }} : {{ maCtrl.match.awayScoreAggr || 0 }} on aggregate {{ maCtrl.match.homeAggrWin ? : }} win on away goals rule after {{ maCtrl.match.homeScoreAggr }} : {{ maCtrl.match.awayScoreAggr }} aggregate {{ maCtrl.match.homeAggrWin ? : }} win {{ maCtrl.match.homeScorePEN }} : {{ maCtrl.match.awayScorePEN }} on penalties after {{ maCtrl.match.homeScoreAggr || 0 }} : {{ maCtrl.match.awayScoreAggr || 0 }} aggregate
Aggregate score {{ maCtrl.match.homeScoreAggr }} : {{ maCtrl.match.awayScoreAggr }}

  • {{ }}
  • Goals
  • {{ maCtrl.lastname( }} ({{ event.elapsed }}')
  • Cards
  • {{ maCtrl.lastname( }} ({{ event.elapsed }}')
  • {{ }}
  • Goals
  • {{ maCtrl.lastname( }} ({{ event.elapsed }}')
  • Cards
  • {{ maCtrl.lastname( }} ({{ event.elapsed }}')
{{ maCtrl.homeTeamPerformancePoll.totalVotes + maCtrl.awayTeamPerformancePoll.totalVotes }} Votes
Bolivia vs Argentina
Team Performance
Top Comments
seniork99 7 years ago
Barcelona, Argentina 0 24
Its amazing to think that Argentina has some of the best players in the world yet they cant string more than 3 passes together... Bauza is fucking shit and needs to leave
Tacuachillo 7 years ago
Barcelona, Mexico 8 242
And haters say Messi doesn't do shit for Argentina. He's the difference when he's on the field. He may have some bad games but even at that, argentina's chances are better than no Messi.
jaaaar 7 years ago
Barcelona, Estonia 0 1101
Argentina coach has no idea what he's doing
All comments
Davidson31 7 years ago
Real Madrid, Norway 0 466
Now Messi transfers from good kid to bad guy
regigoaks 7 years ago
Liverpool, Indonesia 0 5
straight away knew that pablo escobar will be man of the match. Classic footyroom.
Avaliyev 7 years ago
Real Madrid, Canada 0 3
I think Bolivia can beat any team on their pitch. Even Germany lol. The climate over there, very hard to adapt
sureukis 7 years ago
Juventus, Indonesia 0 110
if the worst happen, messi will come back in 2022 and win it!
sijampank 7 years ago
AC Milan, Indonesia 0 2
Now i know why Dybala didnt play when read the comment lol
Trollzous_ 7 years ago
Borussia Dortmund, Germany 0 185
this is one of the big problems of football. imagine a world cup in bolivia!! teams would have to take a long time to adapt to these climates and altitudes. in 2022, they have to play in climates highest than 50 degrees!! thats crazy, fifa should do something that helps these teams, like move the 'home' matches to somewhere else in south america so that it becomes a win win, and not so teams are robbed. i like how di maria last time around had to have an oxygen implant, and he was probably the most energetic argentinian playing lol.
Abo_Zogom 7 years ago
Arsenal 0 240
It is called world cup including countries from all the world with different temperatures, not cooling cup.
Trollzous_ 7 years ago Edited
Borussia Dortmund, Germany 0 185
should the world cup be in a place where there are bad quality pitches, bad climates...

no, the world cup should be played in the highest quality, not qatar.
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should the world cup be in a place where there are bad quality pitches, bad climates...

no, the world cup should be played in the highest quality, not qatar.
takeiteasy829 7 years ago
0 137
If you have something against Qatar then that is different. The next world cup would be played in Russia, where it gets above -50 C, why didn't you say anything about that? Oh yeah to save our time, in Qatar, it will be played in winter and all Stadiums will be air conditioned. They also have really high quality stadiums. If you haven't been there, please don't judge!
Trollzous_ 7 years ago
Borussia Dortmund, Germany 0 185
no i have nothing against qatar. when i "said should the world cup be in a place where there are bad quality pitches, bad climates", i didnt specifically intend that at qatar. reason i didnt mention russia was because it is similar to brazil, and it only get to -50 degrees in winter. the world cup in 2022 is not confirmed in winter.
Golefty 7 years ago
Toronto FC 27 1018
@takeiteasy829 Qatar and Russia should both be stripped of the world cup bids , Russia has state sponsored athlete doping , and are invading other countries while Qatar essentailly has forced labour and stone gay people to death. Both countries have banned homesexuality and im not sure about Qatar but russia is Racist as shit.
_Gonzi_ 7 years ago
Juventus, Argentina 2 2102
everyone is acting like if icardi suddenly entered the team, suddenly we will be amazing and he'll score tons of goals.......this is all hypothetical. Realistically argentina has more problems than just the strikers. it goes back to the federation itseld, the coach, the midfield. strikers are the last thing we should consider changing. higuain is better than icardi, he just is. but icardi should atleast be included.
tuan_jinn 7 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912
true that
sl1pers 7 years ago
Inter, Brazil 1 390
you acting like a kid, the problem is not icardi, the problem is some fat fcuk call pratto played ahead aguero, dybala or lavezzi, at least icardi better than pratto & alario combined.. just give him deserved chances to play for his birthplace nation, Bauza said he will call icardi if one of higuain or pratto injured, and when Higuain can't play he instead called alario, what a shameful act.. everybody call his name because he deserved it, not because everyone expect he will score a ton of goals immediately, stop being a dck and see it positive way
_Gonzi_ 7 years ago
Juventus, Argentina 2 2102
you're ABSOLUTELY WRONG kid. Pratto is a 9, a striker up top. dybala has played in the 10 role for argentina and for juve, he is not a striker. aguero has not performed as striker or as a 10 for argentina, he should not be played. lavezzi is a left wing. dybala and lavezzi can't replace pratto, because they would be played out of position. is that so difficult to understand?? Bauza said that he would call icardi if pratto or higauin get injured. However, he said that if he needs to call players AFTER the first game, he would only be calling players who are playing LOCALLY. that is why alario was called. icardi would have ben called if higuain or pratto were injured before the first game. don't try and sound smart, when you don't know what you are talking about, it makes you sound idiotic.
Leonardito 7 years ago
0 1108
i know there arent great available managers out there, but i guess AFA can give recently retired greats a chance, like Riquelme, or i dont know, roberto ayala, veron a chance. im pretty sure riquelme has a great leadership and a fine footballing mind and recognizes talents. i mean it cant get any worse than these unknown potato heads as national team coach
FanInterMilan 7 years ago Edited
Inter, Moldova 1 1712
This is what Argentina deserves for dropping players like Icardi and chosing instead of him players like : Correa,Prato !?? Higuain.....Aguero.................Icardi are by far better than any of this players this season , by numbers he have more like those 4 combined.
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This is what Argentina deserves for dropping players like Icardi and chosing instead of him players like : Correa,Prato !?? Higuain.....Aguero.................Icardi are by far better than any of this this season , by numbers he have more like those 4 combined.
This is what Argentina deserves for dropping players like Icardi and chosing instead of him players like : Correa,Prato !?? Higuain.....Aguero.................Icardi are by far better than any of this this players season , by numbers he have more like those 4 combined.
tuan_jinn 7 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912
Partially true, Higuain, and Aguero are both terrible when on national duty. Hugely overrated, they just suck so bad when playing for Argentina, doesnt matter what form they have with their clubs. And btw, Aguero isn't in a good form for club either
_Gonzi_ 7 years ago Edited
Juventus, Argentina 2 2102
woah chill, correa was amazing this game. suuuuper underrated.
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woah chill, correa was amazing this game.
diehardbarca 7 years ago
Barcelona 0 1821
you're right.. Argentina should give chance to Icardi.. I feel same when I heard story behind Icardi exclusion from the squad.. i think they should keep personal difference away when play for national team.. Now Argentina has a minor chance of qualifying..
celsolewis 7 years ago
Manchester United, England 2 211
where is Mauro Icardi??... Who is Pratto??... Bauza is shit.. This team lacks creativity.. and no game plan.. But why the AFA keeps bringing shit managers is beyond me.. The same goes with theFA..
ares11 7 years ago
0 200
who the fuck is pratto ?? this fat fuck deserves to play when argentina have the likes of aguero messi higuain lamela icardi dybala. WELL DESERVED LOSS !!!
Elly2016 7 years ago Edited
Barcelona, Australia 0 11
Only this guy can save Argentina
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Only this guy can save Argentina
diehardbarca 7 years ago
Barcelona 0 1821
I hope he becomes the national coach.. only hope now..
Forcabarca 7 years ago
Barcelona, Sweden 0 12
Icardi needs to play whatsoever!!
Fallen_n 7 years ago
Manchester United, Indonesia U-19 0 330
Why messi get banned 4 matches? What did he say to ref? This is sad, a country that have a bunch of world class player always had a bad manager. England, Brazil (with dunga), france (deschamps is shit), now argentina.
delfin 7 years ago Edited
Liverpool 0 239
Apparently it was "Fuck you & and your mother's cunt"... but it wasn't really audible on video, so it's the refs testimony against Messi's. If true, I think he should be banned, but at most for 2 matches instead of 4, even though he might have been very disrespectful.
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Apparently "Fuck you & your mother's cunt"... but it wasn't really audible on video, so it's the refs testimony against Messi's. If true, I think he should be banned, but at most for 2 matches instead of 4.
Apparently it was "Fuck you & and your mother's cunt"... but it wasn't really audible on video, so it's the refs testimony against Messi's. If true, I think he should be banned, but at most for 2 matches instead of 4.
Rou2ii416 7 years ago
Barcelona 0 73
i really feel bad for Messi, he is really unlucky with the national team. they always get the worst managers with no brain and no game plan, i mean the manager does not get icardi but he invites lucas pratto!!! and he also has Dybala, Lavetzzi, on the bench. and you can see the manager has no game plan and the whole squad waits for Messi to do something. and now there is no Messi.
ChelseaFC4eva 7 years ago
Chelsea, Germany 0 437
I, 100% totally agree with your comment. The team lacks idea in front of goal. AFA should get a new coach ASAP!
Rou2ii416 7 years ago
Barcelona 0 73
its a shame that a team with so many world class players, always hires really bad managers. for example you can see the difference in Brazil since the new manager came, and they are doing perfect. Argentina can win big trophies if they hire a world class manager.
Milanista89 7 years ago
AC Milan, Brazil 3 586
Does anyone know why Dybala didn't play? I find that very bizarre.
Marcus2011 7 years ago
Chelsea FC, England 277 6501
because argentinian managers think with their culo
FlageJan 7 years ago
Inter, Canada 0 200
he faked an injury
ForzaInter1969 7 years ago
Inter, Netherlands 0 55
I hope this is what Argentina keeps getting for not inviting Icardi :D I hope to see you fail continuously! :)
RationalCogitator 7 years ago
Nigeria 0 376
lol says a dutch guy. Go deal with ur country's lack of form.
Tacuachillo 7 years ago
Barcelona, Mexico 8 242
And haters say Messi doesn't do shit for Argentina. He's the difference when he's on the field. He may have some bad games but even at that, argentina's chances are better than no Messi.
MadridKilla 7 years ago
Barcelona 0 1244
Why even bother w haters...
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