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Netherlands *
Canceled Abandoned
HT {{ maCtrl.match.homeScoreHT }} : {{ maCtrl.match.awayScoreHT }}
FT {{ maCtrl.match.homeScoreFT }} : {{ maCtrl.match.awayScoreFT }}
ET {{ +maCtrl.match.homeScoreET + +maCtrl.match.homeScoreFT }} : {{ +maCtrl.match.awayScoreET + +maCtrl.match.awayScoreFT }}
PEN {{ maCtrl.match.homeScorePEN }} : {{ maCtrl.match.awayScorePEN }}
Sweden *
{{ maCtrl.match.homeAggrWin ? : }} win {{ maCtrl.match.homeScoreAggr || 0 }} : {{ maCtrl.match.awayScoreAggr || 0 }} on aggregate {{ maCtrl.match.homeAggrWin ? : }} win on away goals rule after {{ maCtrl.match.homeScoreAggr }} : {{ maCtrl.match.awayScoreAggr }} aggregate {{ maCtrl.match.homeAggrWin ? : }} win {{ maCtrl.match.homeScorePEN }} : {{ maCtrl.match.awayScorePEN }} on penalties after {{ maCtrl.match.homeScoreAggr || 0 }} : {{ maCtrl.match.awayScoreAggr || 0 }} aggregate
Aggregate score {{ maCtrl.match.homeScoreAggr }} : {{ maCtrl.match.awayScoreAggr }}

  • {{ }}
  • Goals
  • {{ maCtrl.lastname( }} ({{ event.elapsed }}')
  • Cards
  • {{ maCtrl.lastname( }} ({{ event.elapsed }}')
  • {{ }}
  • Goals
  • {{ maCtrl.lastname( }} ({{ event.elapsed }}')
  • Cards
  • {{ maCtrl.lastname( }} ({{ event.elapsed }}')
{{ maCtrl.homeTeamPerformancePoll.totalVotes + maCtrl.awayTeamPerformancePoll.totalVotes }} Votes
Netherlands vs Sweden
Team Performance
Top Comments
er888729 7 years ago
LA Galaxy, USA 0 134
Robben Youre going to be missed in the world was a pleasure watching you in South Africa and Brazil
tuan_jinn 7 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912
The Dutch doesn't deserve NO SH I T to go through. Robben was the only spark in the whole team who seemed to be able to bring anything on the table. Tete is the worst off-ball movement def I have ever seen, so terrible, and rather lazy. It's sad but I hope the Dutch bounce back after hitting rock bottom, this is no accident anymore
kenkichiotaka 7 years ago
Manchester United, Japan 47 1894
Sad to see another legend retiring from international football.
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diehardMANUTDfan 7 years ago
Manchester United, Indonesia 1 76
Just thinking of how next year's world cup will be held without netherlands and their star man, Arjen Robben, makes my heart filled with disbelief and sadness :(:(:(
ares22 7 years ago
0 193
netherland lacks a decent striker who can do the job.
Michael_Jordan 7 years ago
FC Zurich 0 539
Worldcup without Holland... worthless!
kenkichiotaka 7 years ago
Manchester United, Japan 47 1894
Sad to see another legend retiring from international football.
tuan_jinn 7 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912
The Dutch doesn't deserve NO SH I T to go through. Robben was the only spark in the whole team who seemed to be able to bring anything on the table. Tete is the worst off-ball movement def I have ever seen, so terrible, and rather lazy. It's sad but I hope the Dutch bounce back after hitting rock bottom, this is no accident anymore
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Golazo111 7 years ago
Chelsea, Mexico 70 2607
This is for diving shamelessly at the last World Cup, justice served no more cheating nor watching cheaters in the Euro/World Cup.
Emobot7 7 years ago
542 11468
So I was right, you did have a grudge against Netherland because of world cup. :P Anyway, even if your frustration make sense, your should try to realize they are not the only side who dive and "cheat". Good luck to Mexico though, I hope they do well in World Cup.
GreatExpectations 7 years ago
Bayern Munich, Germany 0 94
Haha still crying about a match that was played 3 years ago, huh? Well, the crying's only going to amply when Mexico get knocked out of the group stages.
tuan_jinn 7 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912
really man?
tuan_jinn 7 years ago Edited
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912
I deleted your comment as it is repeatedly provocation, not needed man! Talk about this game or this tournament as the least
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I deleted your comment as it is repeatedly provocation, not needed man!
Emobot7 7 years ago
542 11468
@Golazo Tuan is right by the way, I already told you about provoking, try to be more careful mate. :(
Golazo111 7 years ago
Chelsea, Mexico 70 2607
Just saying the truth, football has a type of justice or karma call it whatever you want, but it came back to haunt him, he dived to eliminate someone and that was his last international tournament.
Emobot7 7 years ago
542 11468
@Golazo No need to celebrate like a kid if he fail to qualify to world cup. Yeah, Robben dived in the past but so did many Mexican player. Your just being sour now cause he did against your team. Why not being a bit more class and keep those kind of thought to yourself? Not everyone is happy Netherland miss the world cup you know. :(
DChoff 7 years ago Edited
Tottenham Hotspur, Italy 2 191
Sounds like the only people that got upset about this comment were the ones who support Netherlands. I can understand completely where Golazo111 is coming from. Robben cheated against his country. He's got every right to say that it was karma.
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Sounds like the only people hat got upset about this comment were the ones who support Netherlands. I can understand completely where Golazo111 is coming from. He cheated against his country. He's got every right to say that it was karma.
tuan_jinn 7 years ago Edited
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912
DChof: no its not. I wouldnt careless now. But thats considered boring and procative it he repeats that every NL games.beside, this thread is about this games, saying something like that is irrelevant. If you like those kinds of comment, go to comment section you will see a lot.
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DChof: no its not. I wouldnt careless now. But thats considered boring and procative it he repeats that every NL games.beside, this thread is about this games, saying something like that is irrelevant. If you like those kinds of comment, go to comment section
DChoff 7 years ago
Tottenham Hotspur, Italy 2 191
@tuan_jin Lol calm down. Cant say i follow Golazzo111 and check out all of his comments. Im giving my verdict based on this particular comment. Difference in opinion is what makes football so great. If everyone thought the same it would be pretty boring. In Golazo's opinion he believes Robben to be a cheat he's more than entitled to have his opinion. But anyway, thanks for making me feel welcome here on Footyroom...
Emobot7 7 years ago Edited
542 11468
@DChoff No need to play the victim mate. If you want to to enjoy footyroom, your welcome to, don't encourage taunting and repetitive negative comment toward a specific team, thats all we're asking. ;) Also, I'm not a supporter of either the Netherland nor Mexico but I'm sad if either of those team fail to qualify for World Cup considering they are such great team.
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@DChoff No need to play the victim mate. If you want to to enjoy footyroom, your welcome though, don't encourage taunting and repetitive negative comment toward a single team, thats all we're asking. ;) Also, I'm not a supporter of either the Netherland nor Mexico but I'm sad if either of those team fail to qualify for World Cup considering they are such great team.
KingCassidy 7 years ago
AC Milan, Nigeria 0 31
Nah, y'all are just talking shit because you didn't have to watch your team eliminated by blatant cheating. He's entitled to feel however he does,
DChoff 7 years ago
Tottenham Hotspur, Italy 2 191
@Emobot7 Not playing the victim. I just think you've come down on Golazo harsh. "don't encourage taunting and repetitive negative comment toward a specific team, thats all we're asking." I totally understand that mate but unfortunately thats part of football. Liverpool will be playing Manchester united tomorrow and whichever team wins, their fans will do some serious taunting. It's part of the game buddy, this is the only point I was making.
tuan_jinn 7 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912
@DChoff: fair enough mate. We are all aware of that, the thing is, to keep the community clean and less trolls, we have certain community rules to follow, and that's something we keep remind users of. As the matter of fact, there is no problem of bring this up within its context or after the game or with the game (says if NL plays Mexico again). What the point of saying this now, or worse repeatedly? Telling NL's fans to f*** off or drive them away from the site out of frustration?
DChoff 7 years ago
Tottenham Hotspur, Italy 2 191
@Emobot & @tuan_jinn Fair play guys. Thanks for explaining so politely. Im all for people having their opinions in games. Banter between fans is great but that banter should at no point be abusive and I fully agree that repeated trolling is pointless and unnecessary. All the best!
tuan_jinn 7 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912
Ahhhh! Cheers mate. I do of course have those frustration too, but we can't let the site roamed by those :D. Enjoy FR
diehardbarca 7 years ago
Barcelona 0 1821
Dutch football needed break from world cup to reorganize and plan to develop new set of players.
er888729 7 years ago
LA Galaxy, USA 0 134
Robben Youre going to be missed in the world was a pleasure watching you in South Africa and Brazil
LoveKavi 7 years ago
Manchester United, England 0 845
Agreed, one of my favourite players. Really want to see him play more...
ares22 7 years ago
0 193
best player of wc 2014 no competition
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