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World Cup every 2 years?
Emobot7 4 years ago
543 11491

So i dunno if you heard about the news but Wenger who's working for Fifa have started working on a project that would see Fifa hosting the world cup twice as often which would mean there would be a world cup every 2 years (instead of 4). This project would also mean the end of the nation league and less qualifying match for the world cup.

What are your thought on the matter?

Personally, I'm not against less international match but I do worry more world cups would take away a bit from what make the competition special.

amir_keal 4 years ago
Arsenal, Netherlands 66 2895

Fucking Wenger, selling his Saul for money, he ruined his legacy as a great Arsenal manager but he’s a disgrace of a human being for this

DarthFooty 4 years ago
Queens Park Rangers, United States 39 1140

While I love the idea of watching more World Cups, and it helps players not only play more but should injury happen, they still have a chance to make a tournament, I am more opposed than anything.

This is the greatest tournament on the planet and having it more often would take some of that shine off it. Add in the craziness of fitting it into global schedules, it would hurt leagues and current other tournaments.

expertfootball11 4 years ago Edited
Real Madrid, France 64 2837

If the players were robots, hell you could do it every day. But in the real world it doesn't work that way. I'm sick of these football bodies openly devaluing the worth of championships and tournaments.

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If the players were robots, maybe. But in the real world it doesn't work that way. I'm sick of these football bodies openly devaluing the worth of championships and tournaments.

Emobot7 4 years ago
543 11491

@amir Think thats rough personally, I mean, sure, this idea might seem bad but basically, Wenger got a job at Fifa and his job his thinking up way to promote football. This might not be the best of way for fans but Wenger just doing his job. Not saying I'm a fan of the idea either but I'm not mad at Wenger for it. If he try impose it though when he see how unpopular it is, I'll be dissapointed in him.

_Pelle_ 4 years ago
Paris Saint-Germain 158 6930

Just read the title and my answer is: nooooooooo…

tuan_jinn 4 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

How about 3? :D

Im for a big NO on every 2 btw