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Why was I banned
_Pelle_ 6 years ago
Paris Saint-Germain 156 6889

I am totally baffled by this. I haven't broken any rules and never in my 7 years here been banned. I didn't receive any warning, explanation or at least told what I might have done... Considering some trolls get away with dozens of warnings I am really disappointed I got a ban for no reason at all.

Is there any admin out there that can shed some light on this... at least so I know what it is I should avoid in the future.

raimondo90 6 years ago
Valencia, Argentina 89 2492

I can tell you it's not something I did. But if you give me information like how long the ban was for and which highlights you commented on I could look through and see if I find anything.

Other than that we will just have to wait till other mods comment. Emo is away on a trip for a few days.

_Pelle_ 6 years ago
Paris Saint-Germain 156 6889

When I signed in it said 7 hours, I don't know for how long it had been going on prior to that. Not more than 2 days or so is a guess. Besides that I can't give you any information at all. As I said, I don't even know why or for what comment :(

btw check Emos wall

Aubameyang 6 years ago
Arsenal, Gabon 3 512

Now you know how it feels to be targeted for no reason

Marcus2011 6 years ago
Chelsea FC, England 277 6501

Mate I only ask mods to turn off notifications but I guess they went further lol

_Pelle_ 6 years ago
Paris Saint-Germain 156 6889

Whatever happened to "Aubameyang" is none of my concern. If you don't have anything constructive to add you can make an own thread and complain.

What is Marcus talking about?

Aubameyang 6 years ago
Arsenal, Gabon 3 512

enter image description here

And then you wonder why...

DarthFooty 6 years ago
Queens Park Rangers, United States 36 1101

If calling Ronaldo, penaldo, feel free to ban me. Very silly reason to get banned for that. Not sure if that is what did it though.

Aubameyang 6 years ago
Arsenal, Gabon 3 512

Emobot clearly said in the past that penaldo is seen as taunting. Also footyroom stated that calling teams like " chel-ski , mad-drid, Manchester United sucks " etc is taunting and will result in bans but since the moderators are stuck up and too scared to take action against Long time members I won't be surprised to see nothing happen because all they do is target recent members

DarthFooty 6 years ago
Queens Park Rangers, United States 36 1101

If the site and Mods have a rule on it, we should respect it. I'm not one to call names anyways. Haha

Aubameyang 6 years ago Edited
Arsenal, Gabon 3 512

Emobot said saying penaldo was a bannable offence. Therefore rules apply to everyone and pelle should be banned.

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Emobot sais saying penaldo was a bannable offence. Therefore rules apply to everyone and pelle should be banned.

raimondo90 6 years ago
Valencia, Argentina 89 2492

I'm against banning for every single little thing. That just dissuades people from commenting. I do however delete most of those comments when they are flagged or I see them.

I start banning when the purpose is solely to troll and make everyone mad. or when people keep repeating the same behavior despite being warned in their wall.

Aubameyang 6 years ago
Arsenal, Gabon 3 512

So why was i given a warning by tuanis for actually being good to the footyroom community by flagging people saying penaldo??? Instead of me being rewarded for flagging the trolls I get a warning what kinda joke is that

raimondo90 6 years ago
Valencia, Argentina 89 2492

Mainly because it became a trend people were literally reporting every single comment they disagreed with regardless of content. Also, he may be more lenient on the matter.

Aubameyang 6 years ago
Arsenal, Gabon 3 512

I didn't flag everything. Just penaldo comments...

raimondo90 6 years ago
Valencia, Argentina 89 2492

Didn't say you did. Just an explanation.

Aubameyang 6 years ago
Arsenal, Gabon 3 512

So you're telling me one thing, tuanis is telling me another , emobot is telling me another so who do I go along with? No wonder why mods hand out underserved bans like it's Christmas

_Pelle_ 6 years ago
Paris Saint-Germain 156 6889

Really you people are just being too much... It wouldn't suprise me if Aubameyang is the same person as Sandrito, Sergio etc etc
... But go make an own thread to whine. I'm literally too old to argue with you. That's why I asked for admin to speak not every single whiner in here.

_Pelle_ 6 years ago
Paris Saint-Germain 156 6889

This guy is literally singlehandedly ruining this entire site. Unless they IP ban him like "Croatian" asked for he is sinking this entire site. Like he has no business commenting in here... I specifically asked the admins. Since I can't PM them this is the only way!

Aubameyang 6 years ago
Arsenal, Gabon 3 512

LMAO you're crying because I picked you out. I'm just trying to find justice in this site because there is next to none. And when there's cry babies like you who accuse others of multi accounting then it's even worse. Can't stand people like you who think everything should go your way

_Pelle_ 6 years ago Edited
Paris Saint-Germain 156 6889

You have no business commenting here Sandrito. I was asking for why I was banned to admins... you come here to steal my topic and turn it into random trolling. Gtfo I wasn't talking to you in the first place. Go make an own thread and whine as much as u like.

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You have no business commenting here Sandrito. I was asking for why I was ban... you come here to steal my topic and turn it into random trolling. gtfo I wasn't talking to you in the first place. o make an own thread and whine as much as u like.

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