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What to do if you're friend with persons that hate each other?
Emobot7 8 years ago Edited
538 11432

So, you got 2 friend who you respect and that you know are not bad person but for some reason, they really can't see eyes to eye and alway seem to fight and be mean to each other. What would you do in that kind of situation? I'm askin the question because this kind of stuff is happening to me a lot recently. :(

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So, you got 2 friend who are inteligent and you know they are not bad person but for some reason, they really can't see eyes to eye and alway seem to fight and be mean to each other. What would you do in that kind of situation?

So, you got 2 friend who you respect and that you know are not bad person but for some reason, they really can't see eyes to eye and alway seem to fight and be mean to each other. What would you do in that kind of situation?

Lilywhite 8 years ago
28 468

Is it just me or is Emobot the most personal, kind-hearted individual on this forum? Haha, anyways...

I was in a similar situation in real life once where two of my best-friends had a personal fight, the most important thing you do is, even if it might sound strange, stay away from their fight as far as you possibly can. I was foolish enough to be slightly more on the one of them's "side" in their fight, and although I still have close connection to that guy, I completely lost connection with the other guy which I was as good friend with. Will regret that decision for my life.

KTBFFHSWE 8 years ago Edited
Chelsea FC, Sweden 52 2449

I always try to bring my friends together. If they like eachother, then great. If they don't, then I don't care. Neither should you. People are different and won't always see eye to eye. Why force them too?

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I always try to bring my friends together. If they like eachother, then great. If they don't, then I don't care. Neither should you. People are different and wonät always see eye to eye. Why force them too?

ramaboy10 8 years ago
Mauritius 285 6463

If they can't bear each other hang out with one of them at a time :/

Emobot7 8 years ago
538 11432

@Lily @KTB Thanks guys, maybe I shouldn't get involved in their dispute too much, after all, most of time, it doesn't help anyway. Still, thank you for taking the time to answer. :) I sometime wish I wasn't such a worrywart. :D

@ramaboy In my case they like to hang in the same place. :P

SunFlash 8 years ago
USA 19 3260


I know lol, he's a much better person than I'll ever be.

As for your problem Emo, it's not your problem, it's theirs. If you can mitigate it, do so, but if not, better just to stay out of it. If you value them both as friends, then you want to keep them both on your side. If you pick a side, or have even been perceived to pick a side, you can lose one or both of them.

Basically what Lily said.

decentK 8 years ago
Arsenal 38 2896

Just hang with one at a time & don't talk about that 1 guy. Maybe the hate will fade away one day

expertfootball11 8 years ago
Real Madrid, France 64 2837

Try to make them talk, be like a mediator.If it doesn't work, just let it go.

Phenohyte 8 years ago
3 122

Well, you could try to ask them politely, when you're in private, what their problem is with each other. Then you decide could the matter be solved or not. But you don't have to. It's really not your responsibility.

So they hang out in the same place despite hating each other?

I think you should try to spend time with one of them at a time.

Emobot7 8 years ago
538 11432

Thanks guys, great advice from all of you. :D

chelsea8 8 years ago
Chelsea, Iran 17 2219

Pick the one you like the most :Q
Seriously just spend time with one of them at a time.

tuan_jinn 8 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

Its really fucked up. I had the same.

And I did what some of us did, try to mend thrm and bring them together. May be i didnt do it right, both thought that I was picking side and grew distant with me.

What I did was trying to understand and grew sympathy with each them them, separately. And then some how they thought i went beside their back...

Its hard, so do be careful. If they misunderstood each other, you gotta solve it differently than they hate each other.

From my personal experience, sometimes trying to do good might make it worse. It doesnt mean you shouldnt try. But be wise my friend

tiki_taka 8 years ago
Barcelona, France 367 9768

Haha I would try to understand why, And then if Its because of an action or something or just if They are not compatible at all in character or vision i usually stay aside, Ask both to not make me choose And try to meet them both but not at the same moment.
2 friends of mine got a girlfriend issue both loved here one is with her atm, its no one fault i see both And They know it, They used to ask me secretly about the other :) no response given to both. I still meet both but individually :)
Compatibility is the worst, there is nothing to do at all, but both guys never told me anything on the other aside from, what do you find him interesting ? - childhood friend and....he answered okay.

I also cant stand one of my bro friend, but I wont Ask him to chose or to quit him, not being clones is what makes the world less boring :D

A tuan Exactly :)