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VIDEO: Lukaku tells Pogba that he has signed for Man United
alferroa 8 years ago
Liverpool, Indonesia 63 178

Paul Pogba and Romelu Lukaku is currently on holiday in Los Angeles, and a video shows Pogba’s reaction to Lukaku breaking the news:

Lukaku said: “see you tomorrow in training”, in which Pogba asks: “Meet up?”, then Lukaku clarifies by "it was work, we've sorted it, we've got a meeting tomorrow". Pogba replies "what did you say?" Lukaku replies "a meeting tomorrow, can you believe it?" Pogba shouts "yes sir!":

According to Sky Sports News HQ, “United will pay £75m upfront plus £15m of add-ons and Wayne Rooney will move to Goodison Park in the opposite direction. And United have indicated they have got their man despite Sky sources claiming a late intervention from Chelsea on Friday night, in which they had told Everton they will match United's offer.”

Emobot7 8 years ago
543 11489

Love the video even if Pogba suprise sound a bit fake and a bit cringy. Anyway, above all else, I'm just happy those two friend being able to play together next season.

Marcus2011 8 years ago
Chelsea FC, England 277 6501

then they made love all night long in french style

Emobot7 8 years ago Edited
543 11489

@Marcus But Lukaku is Belgian, not French. :P

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@Marcus But Lukaku is Belgian, not French :P

Marcus2011 8 years ago
Chelsea FC, England 277 6501

Belgian and french are like croissant and the nutela inside it . Can't go without each other

Emobot7 8 years ago
543 11489

@Marcus2010 Wouldn't know, never mixed the two together, then again, I'm not a big nuttela fan. :P

Marcus2011 8 years ago
Chelsea FC, England 277 6501

you are the first person on this earth that I know and doesn't like Nutella .

Marcus2011 8 years ago
Chelsea FC, England 277 6501

If you mean as methaphor then yeah who likes Belgians anyway other than Germans who use go through their country like they own it every time they want get to croissant .

Emobot7 8 years ago Edited
543 11489

@Marcus I don't dislike it, but since my parent never buyed it when I was younger, I never developed a taste for it. Can't really love something you are in contact with only once or twice a year, can you? :P

Edit: No, I didn't mean it as a metaphor. Its possible not to love Nutella you know. ;P

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@Marcus I don't dislike it, but since my parent never buyed it when I was younger, I never developed a taste for it. Can't really love something you are in contact with only once or twice a year, can you? :P

Marcus2011 8 years ago
Chelsea FC, England 277 6501

Wow , Nutella is first spoon first love kind of thing . Lucky you because if I have jar that thing talks to me at night begging to be eaten .
You know I would work for Nutella for free !! . In fact now that I think about it I will considering applying .