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Vardy is going to Arsenal! WHAT?!
Gennady 9 years ago
Manchester United 285 3977

Arsenal have triggered Jamie Vardy's release clause!


Guardian journalist Stuart James has disclosed that Arsenal have triggered the player's release clause in order to steal a mark on their rivals for his signature.

Will he ? Won't he? What do you think?
enter image description here

saatvik10 9 years ago
Manchester United, India 27 540

I think it's just a rumor. If not, I don't think Vardy has any reason to leave Leicester. He's playing in the Champions League, he's part of a title-winning squad. And most crucially, he doesn't have the weight of expectation on his back. His starting place is guaranteed in Leicester City.
The only way I can see him leaving is for the money.

Emobot7 9 years ago
543 11489

@Gennady I don't think he will chose to go but who know. If he could keep the form he had this season, he could be a really good pick for Arsenal. I still kinda wish he stay at Leicester and help them achieve a good position next year.

Tuanis 9 years ago
Manchester United, England 87 2311

He wont. for the 11th time, Vardy won't leave Leicester. He will be there a couple of seasons and then leave to another exotic league.

If that 1% chance makes it so that Vardy goes to Arsenal then he will flop.

quikzyyy 9 years ago
Arsenal 429 9010

I guess it's not a rumour:
BBC - Arsenal are in talks with Leicester City in an attempt to try to sign striker Jamie Vardy.
SKY - confirmed as well.

I'm very surprised, and I will be even more if he leaves Leicester for Arsenal. And I totally agree with @Tuanis, he would flop in Arsenal. The expectations would be much, much higher. And pressure as well. Why don't he rather focus on Mahrez.. But I'm 99% sure Arsenal won't get any of them.

Arsenal_infinite 9 years ago
Arsenal, England 3 27

I don't really like the prospect of bigger clubs buying English players off of smaller clubs because of 1 or 2 good seasons they've had for the sole reason of them becoming one season wonders. Just look at lallana, chambers, shaw, clyne, lambert, etc playing for smaller clubs then moving to a big club for a heavy price tag and becoming bench warmers or flopping on the big occasion. Not to mention vardy is almost 30 years old. I suggest we go for a world class striker who's proven in more than 1 season for a big club such as higuain, Benzema or aubameyang.

Marcus2011 9 years ago
Chelsea FC, England 277 6501

How do arsenal fans feel at this very moment that 3 years ago Arsenal board and Wenger was too greedy to throw few more pounds on top of Luiz Suarez release clause but this time they did not hesitate on a player who just had one good season ?

quikzyyy 9 years ago
Arsenal 429 9010

You know, we, Arsenal fans, always have some kind of hope to get finally a new striker and win a title. And then nothing ever changes, it's just pathetic...

ashwin1729 9 years ago
Manchester United, England 10 706

I'm just curious as to why people think he'll flop in Arsenal's system. Looking at the chances that Giroud missed this year, imagine if they have a finisher like Vardy.

quikzyyy 9 years ago
Arsenal 429 9010

Because he needs the ball into space. But he will need to delay his runs, because Ramsey have to do at least 3 Cruyff turns to pass the ball. It's not right move for either Arsenal and Vardy.
I'm only excited about that Wenger actually spends 50 millions in one month before EURO..

tiki_taka 9 years ago
Barcelona, France 367 9768

His new contract didn't influenced his motivation during last season, he could have slept after the wages raise but he didn't, he delivers with the 3 lions and against big teams... Suspecting him to flop is very hard despite his one season breakthrough.
I was sure about greedy Sterling to flop, my instincts tells me the opposite here.

quikzyyy 9 years ago
Arsenal 429 9010

It's just much bigger expectations at Arsenal, you never expected him to score 20 goals at EPL at Leicester. Now people will want him to score these 20 in Arsenal, but will he?

Jimbet 9 years ago
Arsenal, Malaysia 12 1292

Vardy to Arsenal?! Hell yeah! i'll take any top striker because we need to stop wasting ozil's passes..

Depay_sucks 9 years ago
Arsenal 0 2

Very good signing if Arsenal sign. Very direct, fast, skillful opposite of giroud

Tuanis 9 years ago
Manchester United, England 87 2311

Not to hate on the guy but...

Vardy is one of those players that shine due to a specific team and scheme in which they play. Having his best form shown at his 28 proves he needed a team to play a certain way for him to shine and become top class. My only doubt is regarding his performance in the national team where he hasn't been bad at all.

Who knows what would happen if he decides to leave, but Arsenal could do better than that.

clichy 9 years ago
Arsenal, England 0 2


khaila92 9 years ago
Terengganu, Malaysia 0 4

good for vardy... going to arsenal with mahrez..