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VAR decisions Premier League
Footy_watch 2 years ago
Arsenal, Brazil 28 1928

Already in the first game week the referees are making poor decisions using VAR. The Brentford penalty was an incorrect decision. The Tottenham player making contact with the Brentford attacker did nothing to make him fall over but the ref still gave it.

Footy_watch 1 year ago
Arsenal, Brazil 28 1928

Martinelli's goal against Everton never had an offside in the build up. Gabriel was passing the ball back but the Everton player kicked it to his own goal which was in a completely different direction. Still corrupt referees.

Lord_Bendtner 1 year ago
Denmark 1 296

Arsenal won 🤷‍♂️

givehy 1 year ago
USA 0 4

Congratulation! The great experiences that VAR technology brings are very important when we get started