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UK guy in Italy sadly
Trevorthebig 6 years ago
LA Galaxy 2 8

My parents kind of banished me to some town near Milan in Italy and I don't like it here. No full English like rly...Glad to be here, at least I'll get to discuss football

Emobot7 6 years ago
543 11488

I don't know exactly about your situation, but I'm sorry to hear about that. Moving into a new home is hard as it is, its even harder when the culture and language around you is completely different from what you know. I hope things work out for you nevertheless.

As for Footyroom, we are also glad to have you. Really hope you enjoy this wonderful site where we love to discuss football. We are like a big family and are alway happy to welcome new members! I hope you have a great time here and enjoy great discussion with the rest of the guys. If you need help with anything, you can drop on my wall and ask me, I'll do my best to help! :D

DarthFooty 6 years ago
Queens Park Rangers, United States 39 1139

Welcome to FR Trevorthenig. Hope you enjoy your time here!

quikzyyy 6 years ago
Arsenal 429 9010

better weather, you can learn italian, better food, enjoy mate! one day you will be really grateful.

iHEARTfootball 6 years ago
Manchester United 38 1000

No better place to discuss football :) Welcome!

Marcus2011 6 years ago
Chelsea FC, England 277 6501

Are you kidding? Get out enjoy Milan. You will find English speaking people in every corner there. You will never get bored there if you push yourself out of the house

RTBRKR 5 years ago
Juventus, Great Britain 0 2

Hi Trevor,

Italy is not a bad place to live to be honest. True that not many people speak english there, especially outside the cities, but food is great and usually people apreciate emglish speaker foreigners. try to frequent places with people of your age, try tto find places where you can do things you like (play football, watch games etc, gym classes etc.) finding common passions is the quickest way to make friends.

When you have teh chance of course go to Milan, there are many more opportunities there to meet new people.

I have done exactly the same but the opposite, from Italy to UK! :)

Best of luck mate.

Ledley 5 years ago
Celtic, Australia 46 1310

You can talk to people just by playing footy. No need to learn the language even ✌️

tuan_jinn 5 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

Welcome mate :)!!! Cheers up btw, not sure how hard it is to learn Italian, but good look. You can do it.