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Transfer bans ATM and RM
_Pelle_ 8 years ago
Paris Saint-Germain 158 6930

Atletico madrid appealed against the transfer ban and got their fine reduced but not the length of the ban. Real madrid also appealed against the ban and got its length reduced but not their fine (as far as I know about RMs fine)

Does anyone know why this is so? Did they break the tranafer rules differently? Because if not, it surely looks unfair towards ATM.

(Anyway please not interested in "RM cheating club" comments. I'm curious and would like to know if anyone has some info)

amir_keal 8 years ago
Arsenal, Netherlands 66 2895

No they did the same offense. Real got it reduced to one, Atleti two. They released a statement saying how it's unfair, which tbh is.

Sorry for not giving much but it's all I know.

legends16 8 years ago
Chelsea, England 39 783

Real also had a lower fine - 360,000 francs vs 900,000 for Atleti.

tiki_taka 8 years ago Edited
Barcelona, France 367 9768

Tebas and la Liga sent a letter to UEFA and one week later, Madrid ban got reduced. Wont develop but to answer your question but actually both teams did exactly same as Barça. And UEFA lately admitted that the ban origin of Barca came from a Madrid complaint letter that saw Barca banned for 3 transfer markets which ruined Alex Vidal and Turan integration into the squad. Competition has never been fair in Spain anyway.

Feel sorry for Atletico for being disrespected, the damages on the sportive near future will be huge like it happened to us.

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Tebas and la Liga sent a letter to UEFA and one week later, Madrid ban got reduced. Wont develop but to answer your question but actually both teams did exactly same as Barça. And UEFA lately admitted that the ban origin of Barca came from a Madrid complaint letter that saw Barca banned for 3 transfer markets which ruined Alex Vidal and Turan integration into the squad. Competition has never been fair in Spain anyway.

Yvan21 8 years ago
0 440

The difference was in the number of violations. Real Madrid committed far less violations than Atletico Madrid. Atletico has 65 cases that were deemed severe, whereas Real Madrid had 8 cases that were severe. From these 8 cases, Madrid was able to successfully defend 6 of them. At the end, Madrid's sanction was judged to be disproportionate based on the number of violations when compared to Atletico's sanction. So Real got it reduced to one transfer window AND the fine reduced to 240,000 Swiss francs from the original 360,000 Swiss francs. Atletico reduced their fine from 900,000 to 500,000 Swiss francs.

SunFlash 8 years ago
USA 19 3260


If that's true it seems very logical. Anyone got some credible sources on this?

SunFlash 8 years ago
USA 19 3260

Works for me. Thanks.

raimondo90 8 years ago
Valencia, Argentina 89 2492

It's true Real had 2 unjustified cases hence the reduction but it's fair to point out Barcelona had something like 5 cases and the sanction was applied to its full extent. I am under the belief if its 1 case or 100, the punishment needs to stand.

tiki_taka 8 years ago
Barcelona, France 367 9768

If you kill 2 people or 20, the sanction is the same, but when it comes to a club everyone goes biased.

_Pelle_ 8 years ago
Paris Saint-Germain 158 6930

You can't make an analogy with murder, that's poor. And a massmurdurer is worse.

Dynastian98 8 years ago
Real Madrid 483 7140

Speak for yourself, my friend. You're the biggest anti-Madrid lunatic here.

Salahadin 8 years ago
Real Madrid, France 11 554

This guy is such a hater talking from his *ss all the time. Are you normal ?
You are such a Barca supporter its sickening go back to cheating and robing football both demostically and internationally, even in that you are failing.