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Tim Howard's Goal
Gojira 13 years ago
Arsenal, Germany 12 122

Anyone else see that freak goal he scored against Bolton?

koldimere 13 years ago
Arsenal, Germany 86 974

Tim Howard is a good sportsman for not celebrating. Kudos to him.

CR7skillz 13 years ago
Real Madrid, Iraq 22 329

its a nice goal... ive seen alot like these so it aint that special.....


Gennady 13 years ago
Manchester United 285 3977

Winds fault

SeeingRedandBlack 13 years ago
AC Milan, Spain 2 38

@Koldimere  He was really classy about it, you should've heard his interview. He said wind is the toughest out of the elements to beat, and he knows how it feels to be scored against a GK. He said it's an embarrassing kind of goal a keeper can let in. A GK scored against Howard once, and that's why he didn't celebrate. 

Class man.

antonkaj 13 years ago
Juventus, Italy 2 4

The goalkeeper should have just stayed in his goal bad job.