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The Next Manchester United Manager
iHEARTfootball 13 years ago
Manchester United 38 1000

After Sir Alex Ferguson retires, I'm starting to have doubts that Joes Mourinho will become the next Manchester United manager because I read ther news saying that he is also willing to take the Chelsea manage job if he is allowed.


Don't get the wrong idea, I would be very happy to see Jose Mourinho being our club manager if he wants to.


But I think there is another manager who I think has a better chance to become SAF'S successor in the future.


That man is Martin O'Neill (currently Sunderland's manager). Think about it, he managed and brought great success to Scottish club Celtic FC (just like SAF did when he was manager for Aberdeen), O'Neill has a special talent of bringing the best out of any players, which is why he brought Sunderland back into it's feet.


He's exactly like Jose Mourinho, except that he's like an underdog legend in the making.


What do you guys think?

Is Martin O'Neill the Manchester United manager in waiting?

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ManCity4Eva 13 years ago
Manchester City, Spain 14 15

Once again, no one gives a crap.

Heisinburg 13 years ago
Manchester United 67 1516

interesting, but Martin O'Neill was a Sunderland fan before he became manager of that club, so it's unlikely for him to move out.

WhatTheHell 13 years ago
Barcelona, Spain 15 591

I would say David Moyes next manager of Man Utd or the "Baby Face" Solskjaer ( I hope i spell it right)....but who knows it might be Jose Mourinho ...I read it the Board of Directors and Real Madrid Fans (THE TRUE REAL MADRID FANS FROM SPAIN, REAL MADRID NOT THE FANS FROM ANOTHER CONTINENT) criticize his work after failing again to Barcelona

WhatTheHell 13 years ago
Barcelona, Spain 15 591

.I read it  THAT the Board of Directors and Real Madrid Fans (THE TRUE REAL MADRID FANS FROM SPAIN, REAL MADRID NOT THE FANS FROM ANOTHER CONTINENT) criticize his work after failing again to Barcelona

ChelseaRox10 13 years ago
Chelsea, England U19 142 979

I would say Harry Redknapp

iHEARTfootball 13 years ago
Manchester United 38 1000

I'll be keeping an eye on Martin O'Neill because I really do think he has the potential to become our club's next manager.

In my opipion Harry Redknapp will remain in Tottenham cos he's doing such a good job for the club.

Jose Mourinho can be a good manager for our club too, but I really don't know much about him (to be honest) since I follow the EPL a lot more than La Liga. Since he managed Chelsea before, I don't think he'll be managing our club as well. Why? You know, Chelsea doesn't really interact with Man U right? Chelsea and Man U are like Blue and Red; ultimate rivals (xD).


Other than that, it might be possible for David Moyes to be our new manager too. But considering the amount of time he's been Everton's manager; it's highly unlikely.

And yeah, I wouldn't mind if "Baby Face" Solskjaer became our next manager too. He's certainly doing a fine job with Norwegian club, Molde FK


And not to be mean or anything ChelseaRoc10, but I don't your current manager (AVB) to be our future boss because I think he's a bit too young for the job, and he's not doing well as I expected with your club ( you have to admit too)



For me, the people that are suitable for the BIG job is:

Martin O'Neill

Jose Mourinho (Because he has C.Ronaldo, and if he becomes our new maanger, it's highly possible that he can bring C. Ronaldo back to Man U)

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer


We will never know who will be the next manager though. He (or maybe she) can come out of nowhere. But I'm on Martin O'Neill's side simply because I like how he saved Sunderland from the abyss ever since he came back to England.

expertfootball11 13 years ago
Real Madrid, France 64 2837

@iHEARTfootball : Solskjaer hasn't much experience . You know Norvegian League.....He is not good enough to play vs Arsenal ,City..

PortugalUnited 13 years ago
FC Porto, Portugal 2 26

@expertfootball11 : You're actually wrong there. Solskjaer has a lot of experience, and I guess that neither you or probably anybody else on this site knows the Norwegian League. I know it, because I am actually from Norway!

So, the reason why I would love to see him in United (I'm an United fan myself) is because he's made a club in Norway that moved up from 2. division last year, to actually win the whole Tippeliga!! (1. division in Norway.) He took over the job as a Molde trainer because he is from the city "Molde" himself in Norway. So yes, I really think he has enough experience to take over this enormous job.

WhatTheHell 13 years ago
Barcelona, Spain 15 591

@expertfootball11 yeah he is not experience when he won the norwegian league in his first season as a coach plus SAF himself name Solskjaer as his successor when he retire its up to GLAZER FAMILY...

ramaboy10 11 years ago
Mauritius 285 6463

'Other than that, it might be possible for David Moyes to be our new
manager too. But considering the amount of time he's been Everton's
manager; it's highly unlikely.'

Vendetta 11 years ago
Chelsea FC, Egypt 202 3025

^LOL who would have ever thought Moyes :P

ramaboy10 11 years ago
Mauritius 285 6463


xFarghaly 11 years ago
Arsenal, Egypt 17 78
