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"The football I grew up playing is no longer there"
Marcus2011 6 years ago Edited
Chelsea FC, England 277 6501

It feels like in the western world young people have become undisciplined, selfish, narcistic, stupid, disloyal and unmannered premadonnas ..

It is 40% blame of parenting, 30% society and 30% modern football ( managers or governing bodies) that allow this behaviour from players.

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It feels like in the western world young people have become undisciplined and unmannered premadonnas ..

It is 40% blame of parenting, 30% society and 30% modern football ( managers or governing bodies) that allow this behaviour from players.

iHEARTfootball 6 years ago
Manchester United 38 1000

It used to be about playing for the badge. Now it's all about playing for that mansion..

SarriBall 6 years ago
Chelsea, Italy 8 218

This is deep.

SunFlash 6 years ago
USA 19 3260


This is every adult/older person talking about a newer generation ever. It's not like the things he's describing are new. George Best was an animal. Ronaldinho was no better. There was a huge discussion on players with mullets a few decades ago. Same shit, different generation.

Emobot7 6 years ago Edited
538 11435

If there is any football player which we should listen to, it certainly is Miroslav Klose, the guy is for me by far one of the most admirable football player out there. And yeah, the problem isn't only with young generation, there were plenty of immature player back in the old day's. Doesn't mean the newer player should aim to be like those guys.

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If there is any football player which we should listen to, it certainly is Miroslav Klose, the guy is for me by far one of the most admirable football player. And yeah, the problem isn't only with young generation, there were plenty of immature player back in the old day's. Doesn't mean the newer player should aim to be like those guys.

Marcus2011 6 years ago
Chelsea FC, England 277 6501

Nah, todays generation of youth is something special. They don't even look into your eyes when you are talking to them but glued to their phones. Attention span of a child. Spoiled generation. Clubs paying hundreds of thousand a week for a player that expects to be in the 11st eleven because of few glimpses of talent. Put me in or i am out lol try harder.

Emobot7 6 years ago
538 11435

@Marcus2011 I mean, sure, you are right there are way more spoiled kids than back in our day but I also met youth that were by far more impressive than a lot of us at their age. Don't get me wrong, its very rare but its still happen.

tuan_jinn 6 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

Certainly the social platform, the media attention, the early known celebrity status have taken it tolls on the younger generation.

I can clearly feel the different from what was before and now. I have been watching football with dad (only count serious interest) since WC 1994...

I wouldn't go as far as calling them a spoiled generation, but I can certainly agree there is a much bigger part of this category now.

This interestingly reflect in a lot of different life styles, values of family etc... not only in football.

Tuanis 6 years ago
Manchester United, England 86 2310

Couldn't have said it better...

I automatically think of players like Pogba or Lingard who spend tons of time working on their celebrations, silly haircuts and handshakes, making themselves more appealing and marketing friendly than actually playing football.

But this is what we have now and it doesn't seem like its going to change. In a few years, all players would be Millennials or younger, and we would be missing the old generations more than ever.

Is football as it once was, as we knew it already completely lost or is there any hope for the players to grow up like our 80s and 90 idols did, as players first and stars second?

I don't care of Ronaldinho or Best decided to go out for a drink at nights but they gave their all during training and games and never appeared as if they where lacking passion or determination, conviction with their club was key, now its lost.

This is not the case for all players but for sure most of them are a fair example of what Klose exposes in the video. Players between 20 and 28 have this disease, hopefully younger generations (gen z) grow up with other ideals.

I would blame it 70% on society, 20% parenting and 10% football honestly. There is not much that the sport or your parents can do when the whole society is rooting for you to become the type of superstar that we as avid fans despise.

DarthFooty 6 years ago
Queens Park Rangers, United States 36 1101

Two words....... Tide Pods!

expertfootball11 6 years ago
Real Madrid, France 64 2837

Ever since football has become a huge profit industry, a lot of players have lost sense with reality. They are also victims, as well as the fans, of this phenomena. You have to understand their private life is all but gone now, and social media has WAY too much influence on young people, because young people compose the big part of club fans, at least on the Internet.
It's just what like what happened to Hollywood honestly... good, solid and honest actors got their souls corrupted by money, and the over-mediatization of everything.
I mean, people have written books about this, it is a very interesting social topic.

To be totally honest, our society from the early 2000's has gone downhill, and it will continue like this for a long time.

Ledley 6 years ago
Celtic, Australia 46 1310

That's f** up. I feel like wanna do something about it.

I wonder what someone like Sir Alex Ferguson would do if he was in charge of a club like that. That's when I miss the old school managers. I think kids have got away with this sh*t because if they don't like the coach fine - he's worried results.

EdgarEAM 6 years ago
2 241

Marcus, u have reason about undisciplined, selfish, narcistic, stupid, disloyal and unmannered premadonnas.

But its a low factor in football actually for me.

I dont care about that ( undisciplined, selfish, narcistic, stupid, disloyal and unmannered premadonnas) i only enjoy the most games. U cant control that. I only try to see football matches not social media about players. So, if a player is a selfish, undisciplined, stupid but he is good at football, no problem for me. I enjoy watching him.