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The bald fraud pushing needs to stop. NOW.
JozeMourinho 8 years ago
Chelsea, Greece 18 1254

Am I the only one sick of city's 80/20 ref decisions?

First Bournemouth foul that led to a late winner.
Now this Mane red card which is seriously as Gary said. It is a fucking 50-50.

You want a Klopp player to stop chasing the ball? Might as well ask for Messi to go to Madrid.

I am sick of Guardiola beeing pushed to the top with shitty decisions by refs always benefitting them.

I seriously hope he wins fuck all and he retires as a manager then I can see a clean game without divers and cheating refs played. Barca is still beeing hated by the diving hype he started with them and ofc players like Suarez keep going with it.

Will I get banned again for saying my opinion? I wonder.

quikzyyy 8 years ago
Arsenal 429 9010

How is this not red card?

Golazo111 8 years ago Edited
Chelsea, Mexico 70 2607

A professional like Mané should understand that in those situations the goalkeeper has the advantage and he should have accepted that he can't reach that ball, he took the risk and it ended in an injury and a red card for him which automatically lost his team the game, not worth the risk.

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I professional like Mané should understand that in those situations the goalkeeper has the advantage and he should have accepted that he can't reach that ball, he took the risk and it ended in an injury and a red card for him which automatically lost his team the game, not worth the risk.

Dynastian98 8 years ago
Real Madrid 483 7140

Will I get banned again for saying my opinion? I wonder.

You were banned for racist, provocative comments numerous times. Choose to provoke again, and the same punishments will follow suit. No moderator on this forum will spare an ounce of sympathy towards you.

Don't try to stir up lies regarding your bans.

On topic, Mane's foot was way too damn high. I thought it was a clear red card for dangerous play. It is unreasonable to propose that a dangerous challenge should only be punished if the contact is made.

Yvan21 8 years ago
0 440

Mane should have pulled out from that challenge, pretty careless of him. Deserved red. They can chase the ball all they want, but within the rules of the game and that was a horrible high boot from him

amir_keal 8 years ago
Arsenal, Netherlands 66 2895

If we are just talking about today, then Mane fully deserves his red.

In general though, most 'big' teams do get advantages, including City.

SunFlash 8 years ago Edited
USA 19 3260

Breaking someone's face is literally the definition of dangerous play. People who are saying dumb things like "there was no intent" or "Ederson shouldn't have been there" are missing the point. You can't put your cleat in a dude's face.

Of course it's a red card.

EDIT: I'm not a mod here, obviously, but on my old forum we used to ban people just for calling out mods in the manner you're doing here, which is to use it as a screen from criticism against your opinion. As a user, it's simply poor form, and I'm disappointed that you've stooped that low, particularly because we've been over why you got banned, and it was for perfectly legitimate reasons.

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Breaking someone's face is literally the definition of dangerous play. People who are saying dumb things like "there was no intent" or "Ederson shouldn't have been there" are missing the point. You can't put your cleat in a dude's face.

Of course it's a red card.

raimondo90 8 years ago
Valencia, Argentina 89 2492

The tackle was inexcusable. Mane knew he messed up and the ref called te play correctly. It sucks, and it did kill the momentum of the game but it happens. A mistake that Mane will most likely not repeat.

There is little reason to even mention Barcelona or try to instigate a fight.

Amir, no need to try and start something. A simple don't go off topic please helps much more.

chelsea8 8 years ago Edited
Chelsea, Iran 17 2219

100% red! There is something called awareness, kicking someone in the face because he looked at the ball is the worst excuse.

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100% red! There is something called awarensess, kicking someone in the face because he looked at the ball is the worst excuse.

Emobot7 8 years ago
543 11489

Would like to point that I do believe the added time against Bournermouth was bs for, however! I do believe Mane tackle on this occasion was quite dangerous. Anyone could tell me if Gary Neville has a reputation of being a good judge and of not being biased though? Cause, I'm thinking the guy wanted Liverpool to win more than City because he consider them to be less dangerous for United.

Golazo111 8 years ago
Chelsea, Mexico 70 2607

His brother Phil said it was a red.

nandaYNWA 8 years ago
Liverpool, Australia 87 946

saw a comment that said

dangerous play; not malicious

pretty much sums it up. deserved the red but hoping its just a one match ban. i dont think he meant it, it looks like he was looking at the ball right before he went into it. even so, definitely a red

Marcus2011 8 years ago
Chelsea FC, England 277 6501

Red is cetain but let's not demonize Mane. Obviously he was going for the ball and felt like he had advantage to win it just like goalkeeper felt the same way. We all know situations like that happen often and often it results in beautiful goal ( Welbeck recently scored from similar situation) and rarely in dangerous collision . This is football and this sort of decisions shouldn't prevent players to go extra to win balls just because it may result in red. It is the refs job to give clear rules of conduct in such a position.

DarthFooty 8 years ago
Queens Park Rangers, United States 39 1140

Red Card, plain and simple. Malicious intent to harm, no, but still a very dangerous play and thus, instant Red.

Shake my head at anyone who thinks that is a 50/50 ball. Talk about bias, if you can't see that that was truly a Red card, you need to be the one questioning your own bias.

I agree with Marcus in that Mane is not some crazed player out to injure. Players are driven to go get that ball, especially when playing for a coach like Klopp who demands 200% effort.

Just a suggestion to you Jose If you stop mentioning bans and the mods, if you leave rational comments, you will be fine to state your opinions.

Golazo111 8 years ago
Chelsea, Mexico 70 2607

Shake my head at anyone who thinks that is a 50/50 ball.

I think it was a 50-50, still a foul still a red card but both were going for that ball, keeper with the header and Mané with his foot. Doesn't change anything.

JozeMourinho 8 years ago
Chelsea, Greece 18 1254

Still a 50-50 for me. Having played as a winger I would never back down a such a ball even at the lowest of leagues.

So BM did not got robbed by City? United didnt got robbed a clear penalty last year? Each year since his management at Barcelona I see a disgusting dive that somehow manages to make the ref whistle a red or a penalty for Pep but when its for the other I seriously never see/hear a call.

You can keep posting like a serious mod but seriously the 16 years old stench will never go out of you. I dont value opinion of plastic fans who never step on their clubs stadiums and dictate forums through mod permissions. Takes 4 months of work at least to travel to England and Europe to see my club yet I bet in 1 year I did visited my clubs stadium more than you did your whole life. You can keep calling me racist but you are actually the one dictating his opinion. Every time I post something that I dont agree with you or tuan I simply get banned and I am always racist/provocative/murderer/rapist

I am counting posts till the ban, its obvious you will just repeat yourself like a fat old ugly politician in Europe with different words and same reason''I dont like you''.

DarthFooty 8 years ago
Queens Park Rangers, United States 39 1140

@ Golazo and Joze Ok, I can agree it was a 50/50 if you really look at it. Still, you can play into a 50/50 without being dangerous. Given Mane's level, he sure has the ability to recognize that play.

tuan_jinn 8 years ago Edited
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

100% red.

Gary was completwly wrong. I also shake my head with whoever thinks 50/50. Its irresponsible move and un neccessarily high feet. He did that cuz he wanted to catch the ball early and felt the keeper approached. Malicious but very dangerous

Ofcourse it was not intentional. If it had been, 5 games ban would have been given.

For that a red is absolutely right

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100% red.

Gary was completwly wrong.

Ofcourse it was not intentional. If it had been, 5 games ban would have been given.

For that a red is absolutely right

Emobot7 8 years ago Edited
543 11489

I do believe some call are going City's way, maybe more than a few but for now, I don't expect them to keep up the good performance even with that.

@Tuan How does Manchester United feel about Gary as a pundit just to know? I feel like that isn't the first time his opinion is controversial.

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@Joze Stop being a douch please, Dynast isn't the one being provocative over past thing unlike you, he simply telling you to stop stir up trouble for no reason. Which you are doing right now. Grow up man, your better than that. Forget the past, do your best in the future and prove me right.

Anyway, I do believe some call are going City's way, maybe more than a few but for now, I don't expect them to keep up the good performance even with that.

@Joze Stop being a douch please, Dynast isn't being provocative over past thing unlike you, he simply telling you to stop stir up trouble for no reason. Which you are doing right now. Grow up man, your better than that. Forget the past, do your best in the future and prove me right.

Anyway, I do believe some call are going City's way, maybe more than a few but for now, I don't expect them to keep up the good performance even with that.

@Joze Stop being a douch please, Dynast isn't being provocative over past thing unlike you, he simply telling you to stop stir up trouble for no reason. Which you are doing right now. Grow up man, your better than that. Forget the past, do your best in the future and prove me right.

Anyway, I do believe some call are going City's way, maybe more than a few but for now, I don't expect them to keep up the good performance even with that.

@Tuan How does Manchester United feel about Gary as a pundit just to know? I feel like that isn't the first time his opinion is controversial.

SunFlash 8 years ago
USA 19 3260

You can keep posting like a serious mod but seriously the 16 years old stench will never go out of you.

Only one person here with that stench mate.

Every time I post something that I dont agree with you or tuan I simply get banned and I am always racist/provocative/murderer/rapist

If you can't understand that you're breaking forum rules in this thread, and instead to hide behind blaming mods for other stuff, that's not my problem. For the record, if you want to look up the rules of this forum, you've broken rule two and rule six. You've also broken about half a dozen basic decency rules, but from my experience they don't ban people for those, because I break those all the time.

tuan_jinn 8 years ago Edited
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

Banned! You bring no positvity to this forum and steer up all kind of mess.

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