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Some silly title
quikzyyy 8 years ago
Arsenal 429 9002

It's not only about what happens on the pitch.
enter image description here

KTBFFHSWE 8 years ago Edited
Chelsea FC, Sweden 52 2449

@quickzyyy Cool story, I wonder if it's true! Costa is a good guy off the pitch lol.

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@ynadamas Hey. Welcome to FF. Great to have you here. Really, I mean it. We've got a few introduction steps in order to become a valuable member of this football community, though. First of all, you need to go straight back home to the shithole in which you came from and fuck your mother and then you need to run straight to the closest motorway and get run over by a car. After that, you're very much welcome back. Truly looking forward to hear more from you.

@quickzyyy Cool story, I wonder if it's true! Costa is a good guy off the pitch lol.

  • Jan 26, 2016 at 08:01 · comment edited by AlexBatak
Dynastian98 8 years ago
Real Madrid 483 7140

This story seems fake. If there's no proof, then there should be no reason to believe it. At least a picture of the blankets Costa gave them might be enough? Moreover, how did Costa and Willian find out about their situation? Why would Costa speak only Spanish when him and Willian are both Portuguese-native speakers? A lot doesn't make sense. Don't believe everything you read.

JozeMourinho 8 years ago
Chelsea, Greece 18 1254

You guys should read a bit more about Diego and what he has done at Real Valladolid president for not paying the people who worked at the stadium.

The fact he is disgusting at the pitch for most I can understand it but never judge someone when you don't met him personally.
I am not sure that I believe the story but that would not surprise me. Costa was born in a shithole what makes you think he has no feelings?

I am pretty sure that I am not the only one who was a douche towards his opponents at the pitch and a different person in my personal life.

my 2 cents.

Emobot7 8 years ago
538 11435

Yeah I'm sure Diego can be very nice guy off the pitch but that story is a bit too much. Then again, he come from brazil and culture there is quite different, I believe people tend to help each other there. In other word, I find it hard to believe but its not impossible, I'm pretty sure that most european player wouldn't do it though.