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Ronaldo Phone Smashing Scandal
Emobot7 3 years ago Edited
543 11488

So you guys propably know about this but after the 1-0 lose vs Everton, Ronaldo smashed a kid phone while leaving the field. The scene was filmed and there been talk that this kind of action isn't acceptable for someone like Ronaldo.

Personally, I get he is mad at the current results him and his team are going through but taking it out on a random fan, a child even, does seem like taking it too far.


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So you guys propably know about this but after the 1-0 lose vs Everton, Ronaldo apparently smashed a kid phone while leaving the field. The scene was filmed and there been talk that this kind of action isn't acceptable for someone like Ronaldo.

Personally, I get he is mad at the current results him and his team are going through but taking it out on a random fan, a child even, does seem like taking it too far.


DarthFooty 3 years ago
Queens Park Rangers, United States 39 1138

He will get a pass because of his status and the Kid will get some things out of it, like a new phone, tickets, jerseys, some boots, maybe some money....

No player should do this, no matter who they are, so I hope some action takes place against him. We will see.

SunFlash 3 years ago
USA 19 3260

I mean what should be done, realistically? If I were to drive to Quebec and smash your phone Emo, I could be legally required to provide you funds for a new ones + damages but it's a petty incident at best (not exceeding 5k).

If the league or the club wanted to take action, how? I doubt there is a code of conduct that specifies something like this. Sports by and large got rid of the "conduct yourself in a manner that reflects the club" because it was too subjective and was more trouble than it was worth.

I don't like that a United player did this, but I'm not sure there's a disciplinary avenue available.

Emobot7 3 years ago
543 11488

If I were to drive to Quebec and smash your phone Emo

Tbf, if you were to drive to Quebec to smash my phone, the joke would be on you, for I have no smartphone at the moment.
enter image description here

Personally, I don't think there's a need to fine Ronaldo, especially considering he did excuse himself on social media but it does feel like he missed a great opportunity of making a good PR image for himself by sending the kid a new phone. Inviting him to a Manchester United considering he is a Everton fan kinda feel wrong to me.

estcrow 3 years ago
0 51

Not a good thing to do by any means but to be fair - I would let cristiano ronaldo smash my phone anytime, it would be like the coolest story to tell at parties and to my grandchildren. Wouldn't even matter which team i support. If he offered a bigger compensation with a public apology, I don't really know what more could he do. Maybe the kid is too young to understand it and the mother is too karen.

quikzyyy 3 years ago
Arsenal 429 9010

Not a good thing to do by any means but to be fair - I would let cristiano ronaldo smash my phone anytime, it would be like the coolest story to tell at parties and to my grandchildren. Wouldn't even matter which team i support. If he offered a bigger compensation with a public apology, I don't really know what more could he do. Maybe the kid is too young to understand it and the mother is too karen.

And that's the problem, why should the kid care about game at Old Trafford? The least he can do is get him new phone, apologize and both should move on.