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It's funny until you realize that he has a son, which means that he's not gay/homosexual. :P
But nevertheless, its a hilarious quote from Rihanna under the circumstances. xD
^erm, not sure how to break this to you lightly, but having kids is no guarantee of heterosexuality. There are numerous examples I could show you.
Not sure how real any of this is (and to be fair I couldn't give a monkey's ass) but I wouldn't even blink an eye if it came out he was bisexual.
Those carboard cutouts... <3
Cristiano bisexual? I wouldn't be surprised if it was true but this guy gets more girls than all of the members on footyroom plus our ancestors put together.
^ Dude... I'm on 30 girls already
^Blowup dolls don't count. LOL
You mean you comment on 30 posts daily LOL.
i met him when he was in bali city, indonesia. he looks taller and bigger than on tv while cr7 playing on the field .. so amaze to met him
@wolfie and tdot :)
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Yes, because quotes on the internet are so reliable...
And he's not gay. He's got a girlfriend, and if that doesn't prove he's not gay, I don't know what will...
^ But how do you know he doesn't have a boyfriend under cover? Lol.
Yeah. That's why I said I don't know what would prove if he's gay or not when we ask questions like this.
That still didn’t stop the European press from asking Rihanna about the nature of her relationship with Cristiano. While that might not surprise her, her answer sure will!
Rihanna told reporters no but added, “I have a lot of gay friends and support sexual diversity.” <<<(wtf)???