{{ post.commentCount }}

Didn't find anything.

{{ searchResult.errors[0] }}

Really wish there was no comment section in the Highlights page.
srk_rox 5 years ago Edited
Liverpool 5 542

I watched the highlights and came down to see what our knowlegeable folks has to say in the comments section. The toxicity and the hate was so much that I still can't get my head around it.
People keep asking why FR forum members often go inactive. Do you want the people to live their life dragging this hatred comment section from this website. Sadly, this isn't limited to the Highlights section. We have had similar stories in the forums as well.
People seek inner peace as they age. So, the opposite is exactly happening with the site. The toxicity is too much to handle.. FR would be too happy to cash in from all the hate in the site. Something what AFTV did to become a miliion-dollar worth yt channel

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I watched the highlights and came down to see what our knowlegeable folks has to say in the comments section. The toxicity and the hate was so much that I still can't get my head around it.
People keep asking why FR forum members often go inactive. Do you want the people to live their life dragging this hatred comment section from this website. Sadly, this isn't limited to the Highlights section. We have had similar stories in the forums as well.
People seek inner peace as they age. So, the opposite is exactly happening with the site.

I watched the highlights and came down to see what our knowlegeable folks has to say in the comments section. The toxicity and the hate was so much that I still can't get my head around it.
People keep asking why FR forum members often go inactive. Do you want the people to live their life dragging this hatred comment section from this website. Sadly, this isn't limited to the Highlights section. We have had similar stories in the forums as well.
People seek inner peace as they age. So, the opposite is exactly happening with the site. The toxicity is too much to handle..

JozeV2 5 years ago
Chelsea, Greece 6 214

Comments should be approved only by mods. Would make 90% of the trolls vanish.

Manmanutd 5 years ago Edited
4 702


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@JozeV2 you think the mods have time for that 🤣

JozeV2 5 years ago
Chelsea, Greece 6 214

The troll above me for example, just triggers people around by posting for any club he decides to cheer for that time of the day. Still he is allowed to troll free.

srk_rox 5 years ago
Liverpool 5 542

Yes, I second what Joze is saying about that troll..
Give that troll a much needed ban.

Manmanutd 5 years ago
4 702

Lol i stopped doing that as you can see i went back to my normal profile pic

Emrecan_58 5 years ago Edited
Besiktas 149 3376

There was this guy @Vendetta before and he had a comment score like more than a thousand but he didn't even have 1 downvoted comment. Do you know why? Because he never commented on the highlights.

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There was this guy @Vendetta before and he had a comment score like more than a thousand but he didn't even had 1 downvoted comment. Do you know why? Because he never commented on the highlights.

amir_keal 5 years ago
Arsenal, Netherlands 66 2895

You're complaining but you're literally baiting trolls with your comments, as others have said if you don't want trolls coming after you don't comment.

Manmanutd 5 years ago Edited
4 702

I comment to have a discussion about the games, im not going to stop because of trolls

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I havent trolled in a long time now so shut up

I havent trolled in a long time now so stop bringing it up

I havent trolled in a long time now (1-2weeks) so stop bringing it up