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pulisic to arsenal?
Greatone 7 years ago Edited
Arsenal, Australia 19 727

With the very high chance of Sanchez leaving us soon - in the winter or summer - as all signs are looking like that will be the case, the arsenal board must be looking at replacements already.

There are a lot of potential signings out there and I'm aware of that, I'm just speaking hypothetically right now. Consider the situation, Stan the cunt, is the owner and we all know the only thing he really values is money.
Already he knows pulisic is a big name in American football that is (normally) going to get much bigger. So there's a big market from the Americans and lots of $$$ to be made.
Add to the fact that we just recently took the scout from borrusia Dortmund who would obviously know pulisic very well.
Plus, pulisic isn't a world class signing, with the rising price of footballers every year, pulisic is still going to be expensive for Stan the Scrooge but he's the type of signing that they will think will bring enough hype to cool down the fans a bit

Overall everything is in place for this deal to happen I think, although, most likely he will stay since there is nothing to indicate he wants to even transfer but it's interesting I think.

Ps. I don't want to even think about ozil leaving, if he leaves we are gonners.

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With the very high chance of Sanchez leaving us soon - in the winter or summer - as all signs are looking like that will be the case, the arsenal board must be looking at replacements already.

There are a lot of potential signings out there and I'm aware of that, I'm just speaking hypothetically right now. Consider the situation, Stan the cunt, is the owner and we all know the only thing he really values is money.
Already he knows pulisic is a big name in American football that is (normally) going to get much bigger. So there's a big market from the Americans and lots of $$$ to be made.
Add to the fact that we just recently took the scout from borrusia Dortmund who would obviously know pulisic very well.
Plus, pulisic isn't a world class signing, with the rising price of footballers every year, pulisic is still going to be expensive for Stan the Scrooge but he's the type of signing that they will think will bring enough hype to cool down the fans a bit

Overall everything is in place for this deal to happen I think, although, most likely he will stay since there is nothing to indicate he wants to even transfer but it's interesting I think.

Emobot7 7 years ago
543 11489

Agree with mostly everything you said but the price of the transfer. I don't think BVB would be willing to let him go for a small fee, it will cost a lot to sign him, propably more than 60M euro at very least, if only because of his potential. Also, while Arsenal owner is from the US, I don't think he is especially interested in Americain talent. So I doubt there is a move for him. :(