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Pogba future at United?
Emobot7 7 years ago
543 11489

So, as you all know, Pogba is now getting less and less playing time and rumour even say Mou got enough of him and is ready to cash in on him if possible during the summer. Before, I wouldn't have gave much thought to such rumour but after what happened with Mkhitaryan, I don't know what to think or to expect? What do you guys think? Will Pogba leave in the summer? And if he does, where will he go? Madrid? Paris? To a direct competitor?

SunFlash 7 years ago
USA 19 3260

He's not going anywhere. I don't know if it's because of the price tag, but from day one the media have been on Pogba's back and mushroomed everything out of proportion. This is no different.

Yes, he hasn't been fantastic at times this season. He's still one of our best players, certainly the one we have invested the most in, and as a result there is approximately zero percent chance of him going anywhere.

Golazo111 7 years ago
Chelsea, Mexico 70 2607

He's their best player with De Gea, I see Mourinho getting sacked long before them selling Pogba.

Emobot7 7 years ago Edited
543 11489

@Golazo @Sunflash Being one of the best player doesn't really matter if you cannot perform at your best all season long. I agree he costed a lot but bad form player and Mourinho don't along atm it seem. Not saying your wrong and that its the same thing that happened with Mkhitaryan, for example, Pogba a lot younger, yet I'm still no completely convinced. I don't trust Mou with this and there is alway the possibility he try to use Pogba in a bargain to bring an even bigger player to Old Trafford. Maybe I'm reading too much into what happened before though.

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@Golazo @Sunflash Being one of the best player doesn't really matter if you cannot perform more than half a season at the top level. I agree he costed a lot but bad form player and Mourinho don't along atm it seem. Not saying your wrong and that its the same thing that happened with Mkhitaryan, for example, Pogba a lot younger, yet I'm still no completely convinced. I don't trust Mou with this and there is alway the possibility he try to use Pogba in a bargain to bring an even bigger player to Old Trafford. Maybe I'm reading too much into what happened before though.

SunFlash 7 years ago
USA 19 3260

Maybe I'm reading too much into what happened before though.

You are. Trust.

Honestly, the less you read tabloids, the better informed you are.

the_bald_genius 7 years ago
10 1583

too much problem at man utd. I don't even know which player to suit the tactics. they buy alexis sanchez when they haven't even figure out pogba best position. the funny thing is that he does not underperform as badly in france national team so I still think that mourinho is giving too much defensive instruction to pogba. pogba is a freedom player like playmaker, he is a luxury player like hazard and ozil. players that focus on being creative and offensive, zero thoughts on defence. I think in the end it comes down to a choice of mourinho or pogba. credit to mourinho tho, without knowing his best 11, still stay 2nd in epl.

raimondo90 7 years ago
Valencia, Argentina 89 2492

If Pogba focused more on his football than his haircuts and dances, he'd be one of the best CMs in the world.

Emobot7 7 years ago
543 11489

@Sunflash Well, you're propably right, but even if I know most of the rumours are fake, I can't help it. I'm just too passionate about football to not check the news about it at least from time to time. For some reason, when I need to kill time, it relax me a lot. Also keep me updated on whats people talking about. :)

@raimondo To be fair, he propably be the best CM in the world if he focus and work as hard as some other player. :(

@thebaldgenius I agree Pogba performance are propably influenced by having to focus too much on the defensive side of his game. He is a creative kind of player despite his size and physicality. Too bad Mou team defend with 10 or 11 player a game.

tiki_taka 7 years ago
Barcelona, France 367 9768

Agree with Raimondo here, a humble player like Kante is easier to forgive than the pog marketing product. He is slowing the game vs Colombia, Nzonzi would be more useful for sure...

Emobot7 7 years ago
543 11489

@tiki Fair enough, if you act like the best and take a lot of the spotlight, you better perform cause people will all have their eye turned on you even if you don't want them anymore.

Tuanis 7 years ago
Manchester United, England 87 2311

Pogba is one of the most important "franchise" players for United. Important in terms of marketing obviously, in the pitch he is just one of the bunch. He won't leave, he seems to be adapting well to the team and has still a few couple celebrations and haircuts to show off before he departs. I wouldn't mind cashing him out for a decent amount of money but rn no team can afford him so he is safe at United.

Emobot7 7 years ago
543 11489

@Tuanis Well, I think thats also part of the situation, if they ever sell Pogba, it propably be for twice what they buy him and now people have to asked themselve, how much do you want to pay for a player like Pogba? For me, I wouldn't pay more than what United paid for him or at least, not a lot more. So yeah, I think you are right, he is pretty much safe unless Mou goes mental and try to trade him. :P