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PES 2017
Emobot7 8 years ago
543 11485

Anyone got it yet? Is it good? I'm seriously thinking about going buying it soon. I've been a big fan of the 2015 and 2016 version, will I like this one you think?

Croatian 8 years ago
Bayern Munich, Croatia 23 1323

Probably won't buy it because I mainly play career mode, it's not like FIFA, you don't get too much if you buy the actual game. Since FIFA made a big hop it is obvious PES will be in shadow, but the game is really amazing.

Emobot7 8 years ago Edited
543 11485

@Emobot7 I mostly play career mode as well, but I was thinking of buying for the rooster update, the fact BVB was in the game and the few new thing that got put in Master League (more option for your player trait and more training option if I'm not wrong). But I guess that in your case, its not gonna be very fun to play since Bayern Munich is no longer in the game, have to shed a tear for that. :(

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@Emobot7 I mostly play career mode as well, but I was thinking of buying for the rooster update, the fact BVB was in the game and the few new thing that got put in Master League (more option for your player trait and training if I'm not wrong). But I guess that in your case, its not gonna be very fun to play since Bayern Munich is no longer in the game, have to shed a tear for that. :(

Gennady 8 years ago
Manchester United 285 3977

Playing FIFA17 and I got to say, It's much better than 16 :)

Emobot7 8 years ago
543 11485

@Gennady Its better be, at a 80$ price tag, if it wasn't at least better than the previous one, it would be a true mess. Seriously though, doesn't change the fact I don't have the cash for it right now, beside, I don't understand why I should pay the same as a the PS4 version considering there is a full mode I won't be able to access (even though said mode isn't so good from what I heard), that's a bit unfair in my book. Also, you have to understand I won't be playing a lot of online. I'll propably be waiting for the Modingway mod for FIFA 14 instead. :P

amir_keal 8 years ago
Arsenal, Netherlands 66 2895

What's the average coins and most expensive player for you guys

me? IF Pogba

Emobot7 8 years ago
543 11485

@amir_keal Lol, this thread was supposed to be about PES 2017. XD

tiki_taka 8 years ago
Barcelona, France 367 9768

Emo if you can wait a little myclub2017 will be for free, i only play myclub so im still waiting, if you play in PS4 there is an available demo. We can play together if you have myclub 2016

amir_keal 8 years ago
Arsenal, Netherlands 66 2895

Lol, but the shift of topic change got to me

Emobot7 8 years ago Edited
543 11485

@tiki_taka Wait, is myclub2016 free? If it is, which console do you play it, cause I have a PS3, not a PS4 sadly and I have no idea if the game is cross platform. But for sure, that would be nice if we could play together. :) Even though, it could be complicated especialy when taking into account the fact that I need to move my ps3 around to be connected to internet. :(

Also, after thinking a while, I think I will wait for PES 2017, its not like I'm in a hurry after all. :P

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@tiki_taka Wait, is myclub2016 free? If it is, which console do you play it, cause I have a PS3, not a PS4 sadly and I have no idea if the game is cross platform. But for sure, that would be nice if we could play together. :) Also, after thinking a while, I think I will wait for PES 2017, its not like I'm in a hurry after all. :P

tiki_taka 8 years ago
Barcelona, France 367 9768

Myclub2016 is for free, they made it free to play but you can buy coins...
Myclub est sorti 2 mois apres PES 2016, tous mes potes étaient dégoûtés on joue pratiquement qu' a myclub. J' ai pris une PS4 pour garder mon gosse le weeknd et jouer de temps en temps, jai saute la PS3 je ne sais pas si ils l'ont fait sur PS3 en tout cas sur la 4 c' est gratuit, avec achat intégré mais tu peux quand même construire une equipe sans débourser un sous.
Je serais toi, au lieu d' investir 70 euros sur le jeu, je vend la PS3 je met 100 de plus et j'achèterai la 4, myclub 2017 sera gratuit prévu pour janvier apparemment, ils attendent que les gens achètent avant de sortir la version gratos, normal :)

Emobot7 8 years ago
543 11485

@tiki Nah, j'ai vérifié, le jeu est gratos sur ps3 aussi, mon seul problème, c'est que j'ai plein d'autre jeu sur la ps3 donc et puis elle m'appartient pas à 100% donc je peux difficilement la vendre comme ça, mais merci de l'info, la prochaine fois que je la brancherais, j'essayerai de me pogner myclub2016, j'ai toujours voulu essayer le mode pour le plaisir, si myclub2017 sort l'année prochaine avant que je me décide à acheter le jeu, j'y jouerait aussi. Qui sait, peut-être qu'un jour, j'aurais assez de fric pour me payer une ps4. XD Dans tout les cas, merci beaucoup pour l'info, j'avais jamais réalisé que myclub2016 était gratuit. ;)

JuanMata10 8 years ago
Chelsea, Austria 17 1696

@Emo @tiki:

tiki_taka 8 years ago
Barcelona, France 367 9768

Sorry Juan but it's harder to write in English when it's not related to football, limited vocabulary lol, for football I'm used to but once it's another topic much more complicated.

Emo well okay, i bought one at 250 euros from Andorre website and a hacked account with many games, PS3 is still worth arround 120 euros or a little more with games, i Dont know if ps3 and PS4 versions of my club are compatible, if it's the case we can play one day.

JuanMata10 8 years ago
Chelsea, Austria 17 1696

Don't worry mate, I was just joking