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Nuno Espirito Santo Charged by FA
Tacuachillo 6 years ago
Barcelona, Mexico 8 242

Just read an article that N.E.S. was charged by the FA for invading the pitch during their last-minute celebration vs L.C. If I recall, Klopp did the same thing during the Everton dramatic win. If so, does it seem unfair that Nuno is being charged and Klopp didn't?

Emobot7 6 years ago
542 11468

Actually, it does, but maybe there is a difference between the two?

Kais_54 6 years ago
Juventus 1 5

charged for over celebration doesn't make any sense!

Ledley 6 years ago
Celtic, Australia 46 1310

It was a bad celebration so he was charged by The FA ✌️

quikzyyy 6 years ago
Arsenal 429 9009

there is a difference between the two?

there is, one is FA favourite, the other is midtable team, so you punish them.

_Pelle_ 6 years ago Edited
Paris Saint-Germain 158 6918

charged for over celebration doesn't make any sense!

Isn’t the coach, staff, and subs etc. supposed to not enter the pitch and that they have certain areas where they can opperate?
I don’t think it is any rules of celebration that were ”violated” (if there are any at all)... Klopp was just accused of showing lack of respect because of his conduct while celebrating. What I think he transgressed are the rules that says he should not enter the pitch/leave the coaching area... in this case by running in to the middle of the pitch carelessly. And honestly it’s not like he only ran in by a meter or just along the sideline.

The question is whetether the ref made any notifications about it.

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charged for over celebration doesn't make any sense!

Isn’t the coach, staff, and subs etc. supposed to not enter the pitch and that they have certain areas where they can opperate?
I don’t think it is any rules of celebration that were ”violated” (if there are any at all)... He was just accused of showing lack of respect because of his conduct while celebrating. What I think he transgressed are the rules that says he should not enter the pitch/leave the coaching area... in this case by running in to the middle of the pitch carelessly. And honestly it’s not like he only ran in by a meter or just along the sideline.

tiki_taka 6 years ago
Barcelona, France 367 9768

Love the guy, since his spell at Valencia. Great tactician.