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No to racism
_Pelle_ 5 years ago Edited
Paris Saint-Germain 158 6928

Porto player Moussa Marega had to endure racist calls and chants all the game until he had enough and left the pitch at 70th minute.

So I want to post this as a way to support him. Say no to racism...

enter image description here

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Porto player Moussa Marega had to endure racist calls and chants all the game until he had enough and left the pitch at 70th minute.

So I want to post this as a support to him. Say no to racism...

enter image description here

tuan_jinn 5 years ago Edited
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

That was disgusting indeed!!!

Racism of ANY KIND is just disgusting!!!!

My support to any movement that discourage or punish such behavior!


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That was disgusting indeed!!!

Racism of ANY KIND is just disgusting!!!!

My support to any movement that discourage or punish such behavior!


Emobot7 5 years ago
543 11485

Recently, there been so many racist behaviour in football lately, completely innaceptable and digusting! The behaviour in particular seem to be seen by fans mostly and I don't understand how club whose fans do that don't get punished more than that. For me, they should get banned UEFA competition, no matter how harsh it is for the teams, it would send a message and it would propably help put an immediate end to those act.

That aside, I also say no to racism.

_Pelle_ 5 years ago
Paris Saint-Germain 158 6928

Something that bugs me a lot is that the refs stops the game if fans go on with homophobic chants (which Im fine with - no place for discrimination in football)... but when it comes to racist chants, they give the player a yellow card for having enough. 🤦

DarthFooty 5 years ago
Queens Park Rangers, United States 39 1138

NO to racism!!!!

expertfootball11 5 years ago
Real Madrid, France 64 2837

Football, and sport in general is the best thing to tackle racism. NO to Racism