On one hand I understand the decision to leave Barca, a step to be No1. But waited for another year wouldn't slow down his progress...
On the other hand, this disgusting money from whatever source it is upsets the market. The kind of money they can restructure Syria...
And now, Barca has 222mil. to spend... I dont like this.
On one hand I understand the decision to leave Barca, a step to be No1.
On the other hand, this disgusting money from whatever source it is upsets the market. The kind of money they can restructure the entire Syria
On one hand I understand the decision to leave Barca, a step to be No1. But waited for another year wouldn't slow down his progress...
On the other hand, this disgusting money from whatever source it is upsets the market. The kind of money they can restructure the entire Syria
On Thursday afternoon Neymar Jr's legal representatives visited in person the Club's offices and made the payment of 222 million euros in the player's name with regards to the unilateral termination of the contract that united both parties.
As such, the Club will pass on to UEFA the details of the above operation so that they can determine the disciplinary responsibilities that may arise from this case.

So it's official now, (will update the topic when there will be more info in english)