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NBA 2k18 Is Something That Anyone Can Enjoy With A Little Advice
nbammoak 7 years ago
1 1

NBA 2k18 Is Something That Anyone Can Enjoy With A Little Advice

NBA 2k18 is adored worldwide. In order to play as a team and win the game, each player has a certain function that they perform. If you want to learn how you can boost your own skill level, keep on reading.

You should practice boxing out the other players to improve your rebounding. It is really easy to do, but many experienced players forget about it during the game. Boxing out is simply getting in front of the other player when the shot is in the air. This puts you in a prime position to grab the rebound.

Practice lay ups over and over. The lay up is one of the most basic basketball shots out there. And you should never let this easy opportunity to score pass you by. While simple, it still takes practice in game-like scenarios to make sure you aren't laying the ball up too hard or at a bad angle. Get the rhythm down and practice it repeatedly.

Practicing with your team is important, but don't overlook the value of daily practice on your own. Set up a daily practice time for yourself and stick to your schedule. Practice footwork, shooting, and dribbling. It is also important to include strength training and endurance training in your practice schedule.

If you are trying to create a charging foul against the other team, make sure you plant your feet to the ground. Don't shuffle them or lean into the dribbler coming at you. If you do either of these things, you'll actually be called for a blocking foul instead of getting a charge.

If your child has a hard time learning to dribble a basketball with their fingertips, you can try using naugahyde gloves. They will help them learn proper dribbling since it forces them to use their fingers instead of their palms. Eventually, they will learn to just use their wrists and fingers. You can find these gloves in sporting goods stores or online.

Stay low when playing defense. Keep your shoulders lower than the offensive player you are guarding will give you a better chance of moving more quickly. A lower stance will help you play the ball as well. Try to remain about an arm's length away. When you get too far away, the other player can shoot easily.

Don't just practice offense. Unlike some other sports, basketball players need to play both offense and defense constantly. There are no breaks in the game, and a great shooter can negate his or her benefit to the team by being a very poor defender. You need to become good on both ends of the court.

In order to get a good shot, good footwork is essential when posting up. While physical positioning is important, it is even more essential to move quicker than an opponent. Once you've reached a good spot, you need to secure it. Good footwork is key to a good basketball game.

When you play basketball, be sure that you remain properly hydrated. Drink plenty of water before, during, and after playing. Becoming dehydrated can negatively affect your game and your health. It is possible to lose up to 2% of your body weight through dehydration. That can also cause between a 10% and 20% decrease in your athletic performance.

Everyone that's trying to play basketball is going to need to learn some skills so they can play better. After reading the advice here, you should know what needs to be done to improve your game. Take another look at the piece if you want, but be sure to use this advice to become a better player.

Emobot7 7 years ago
543 11489

Wait, are you telling us how to play Basketball or how to play NBA 2K18? Cause its not really the same thing. :P