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Nainggolan to Chelsea?
nandaYNWA 9 years ago
Liverpool, Australia 87 946

£28 million seems a bit excessive for a 27 year old imo, if the the transfer and price are true.

quikzyyy 9 years ago
Arsenal 429 9010

I would suggest you not to believe metro and similar newspapers.

Marcus2011 9 years ago
Chelsea FC, England 277 6501

This better not be true !! Although , any crap can be signed with Emenalo !

Lamps08 9 years ago
Chelsea, Poland 94 263

@quikzyyy it is not only one website that says that :)

Emobot7 9 years ago
543 11488

@quikzyyy Indeed, I heard the rumors in many different place, mostly on skysport. Myself, I really hope this could happen but only if Nainggolan would be happy at Chelsea and manage to help the team get back on their feet. For me, its one of the very likely transfer of this summer but we would have to wait and see.

@Marcus2011 I agree its a bit costy but what do you hold against Nainggolan? I believe he is a pretty good player and Conte would no doubt manage to get the best out of him. Anyway, its not like this move will stop you for reinforcing yourself with other player and in other area, but still, I agree the price is a bit high. :s