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multi-accounts and fake accounts part 2.
man_utd 11 years ago
Manchester United, South Korea 91 1444

FR may delete this post but I personally think it's important to point out who's using multiple accounts.
We also have to discuss how we can stop this ridiculous drama.
1) Why the hell aren't you guys deleting this Totti account. He obviously has multiple accounts and you're letting prance around acting like a twat. This guy is seriously worse than Iraqi Maestro. Or maybe he is him.
2) Get rid of the rank, thumbs up (on highlights), top comments etc... It's a corrupted system.

Heisinburg 11 years ago
Manchester United 67 1516

@tdot2barca, what difference will that make when clearly the issue about the whole thumbs up and down rule is multi-accounting?

Lodatz 11 years ago
Tottenham Hotspur, England 150 4992

^^ Exactly.

If people are going to go to the lengths of creating a hundred accounts in order to create mischief, they're almost certain to go to the length of letting their accounts sit idle for 2 weeks while they wait out the grace period out.

It really does come back to sorting out the blocking of IP addresses, every time. :/ I don't want to give anyone ideas, JimSkeleton, so I'll give no hints about how else people can abuse/ruin forums, but I've seen some train wrecks. ;P

Jimskeleton 11 years ago
Tottenham Hotspur, England 7 728

The only problem with blocking IP addresses is it's not a complete 100% foolproof solution either, there are ways round it, and don't someone say there isn't because I've seen it before so I know there is :P

I think if you took away there main reason for multiple accounting it would solve the majority of the problem, will not mention any names but there are people who post on this forum who are blatantly multi accounting for there FR Rank, but they also don't seem like dicks, now if the rank were to be removed I simply can't see some of those people finding another way to annoy, they will just give up there other accounts I reckon. Of course you will always have some who might go the way you suggest Lodatz but they can be dealt with easy enough afterwards assuming of course there is something in place to catch them easier, at the moment I don't even know what kind of detection FR has in place.

The FR Rank itself at present is just a system of complete false data, unless multiple accounters can be detected and thumbs down removed from these accounts, and all users who have been banned be removed from there FR Rank then it's always going to be wrong, that TOTTI idiot is always going to be high up on the FR rank when he shouldn't, as well as other users who have been banned as well. Unless you can fix it, which I doubt you can, it's best to go to try and fix these problems with people multiple accounting.

Dynastian98 11 years ago
Real Madrid 483 7140

I agree with the part where people say that FR should send a confirmation e-mail to every account, but that might take some time. What I do think would be more fun for the FR rankings is if the rank only involves people who post in the forums. If only the thumbs ups you receive in forums count towards the ranking, this can help get more people involved in the forum itself, and they can share their opinions with every other member. And it also solves the problem of pride with the thumbs ups because you will only have one account (after the e-mail and IP confirmation), and you can only receive thumbs ups from other members, which makes sure that you keep your comments positive and friendly. And if anyone causes problems in the forums, the mods can just ban them from it. Therefore they will have no need to continuously comment on videos and thumbs up themselves because it won't even count towards the rankings.

AlexBatak 11 years ago
Chelsea, Italy 204 2707

@Jim Oh jeez 5 Totti's top comments is very legit because he is very educated & intelligent creature why not? lol :))

Lodatz 11 years ago
Tottenham Hotspur, England 150 4992

@Dynast: I think that's a good idea, re: limiting the ranking to forum thumbs.

Jimskeleton 11 years ago
Tottenham Hotspur, England 7 728

Still wouldn't work 100% though, like I said before anyone who is a recentish member (can't remember when the new system was put in place, I'm pretty sure I had to confirm my e-mail which was well over 18 months ago) would have had to made actual e-mail addresses to register to the site, so a new confirmation e-mail to them would be nothing and they would get to keep all there accounts still, it only fixes the problem for really old members who as Tuanis said could just type in anything and not have to confirm it, as well as I said people who use this forum multi account as well, so the Rank would still get manipulated.  I think the forums system works pretty well since FR changed it a while back and is one thing that probably doesn't need altering.

It's probably best to see what changes FR are making and then look at it again afterwards.

mladen 11 years ago
Manchester United, Yugoslavia 253 2319

It's all about stupid FootyRoom ranking, comment score.. . FR should remove that useless thing.

raimondo90 11 years ago
Valencia, Argentina 89 2492

If the ranking was strictly on forums then we would be invaded by dumbasses wanting to get thumbs up. Also the people with multi accounts could just as easily do it here. 

Jimskeleton 11 years ago
Tottenham Hotspur, England 7 728

^I definitely agree with that, do we really want some of the jackasses who post in match highlights to come ruin the forum, the forum is doing pretty well at present, it's best to keep the idiots where they are :P

man_utd 11 years ago
Manchester United, South Korea 91 1444

Wonder where Totti went...

Heisinburg 11 years ago
Manchester United 67 1516

Can't believe there are people still wanting the ranking systems to exist, smh. Grow up, people.

Tuanis 11 years ago
Manchester United, England 86 2310

I want the Ranking to exist, that helps preventing trolls in the comments for the higlights, Why do you think there are waaay less trolls in the highlights than in the Froum? FR could reset the ranking system and then just stop allowing non registered users to comment.  

Tuanis 11 years ago
Manchester United, England 86 2310

If there was no ranking system there would still be people thumbing themselves... Youtube has the same problem. But if you people dont care about the ranking and thumbing up/down system then why would you care about people thumbing themselves up with multiple accounts?

Jimskeleton 11 years ago
Tottenham Hotspur, England 7 728

I'm not sure how the rankings existence helps prevent trolling or that the highlights has less trolls than the forum, the highlights section is littered with dickheads, both non-registered and registered users.  

If there was no ranking system or top comments then people thumbing themselves up would mean nothing, so they would be wasting there time with no gain, whereas at present they are with this system in place. & because people are exploiting the system when they shouldn't be, whether you care about the ranking system or not, this shouldn't be happening and at present is not getting dealt with.

I don't understand how people can't understand that by removing top comments, removing thumbs up/down visibility on profiles and FR rank, and stop non registered users posting that will improve the site massively, then the site moderators can deal with the trolls.

raimondo90 11 years ago
Valencia, Argentina 89 2492

Unregistered users will remain because that is the biggest contributor to comments in the highlights. Which is fine it promotes more people to check the site out and they eventually register. What really is useless is the rank, what purpose does it have? It's not like you can check top members or member of the month. It's just a number on your profile that pathetic people care about. YouTube has top comments, which are fine, but no ranking system for a reason.  I can't state a single good think about the ranking while I can state ten or more negative things about the ranking. At least they should try a period of three months with no ranking and see how it changes everything. 

Heisinburg 11 years ago
Manchester United 67 1516

@Tuanis, how exactly does the ranking system prevent trolls in highlights? Only a few members use the forums, whilst hundreds and thousands comment on the highlights - your question about "why there has been less trolls in highlights than in forums" makes no sense at all.

I'm just gonna spit it out: It's infuriating to see people still wanting the ranking system after what's been happening for the past 2 years now (multi-accounts, fake accounts, etc). I just can't understand people these days - especially an admin such as yourself. The ranking system promotes nothing but more trolling; that's why multi-accounting exist, smh. It's nothing but a game of popularity, which will create fierce competition where people would go beyond the boundaries to be at the top (multiple accounts exist for that sole reason). 

Fck me, admins and the FR owner aren't doing a very good job at this, aren't they?

Jimskeleton 11 years ago
Tottenham Hotspur, England 7 728

From what I gathered from FR several months back they were talking about giving registered members the choice to hide all comments on the highlights from un-registered users, if this is something that goes ahead this is a good idea depending on the look it gives to the highlights section, if I have to see 'unhide' or something on every post from an un-registered user it could get pretty ugly.

I also agree about the top comments on youtube, but generally people don't act so sad all the time to want to get the top comment whereas on here it seems to be a recurring theme which is why I think they should go as well. It's not that difficult for people to go through a few pages and see what has been said, especially if un-registered comments do get hidden, there will be less trash to view.

Lodatz 11 years ago
Tottenham Hotspur, England 150 4992

I think it is more the fact that YouTube has a community of millions, with billions of videos.

FR is a smaller place, with fewer outlets for people to post, and so the problems are more concentrated/exaggerated. I still don't see the benefit to retaining the rankings, though, and it's also the case that YouTube requires an account in order to comment/rate.