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Mourinho to Roma
Emobot7 4 years ago
543 11491

Out of nowhere, Roma confirmed Mourinho will join them next season. What are your thought on the matter?

tiki_taka 4 years ago
Barcelona, France 367 9768

good for both, he cant expect to be called by a big team right now, and Roma needs rebuilding, they are betting on Mou comeback...
hope he does well, he had difficult moments and things didnt go his way...

Emobot7 4 years ago Edited
543 11491

@tiki Agreed, I think this might work out great for them all. He obviously gonna have less pressure at Roma and if he manage to get them consistently in CL, that would already be a great victory in itself. Hope it work out for him. Gonna have to watch Inter vs Roma now. XD

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@tiki Agreed, I think this might work out great for them. He obviously gonna have less pressure at Roma and if he manage to get them consistently in CL, that would already be a great victory in itself. Hope it work out for him. Gonna have to watch Inter vs Roma now. XD

tuan_jinn 4 years ago Edited
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

Good for both indeed. And also good for Italian football, Mou can certainly brings noises!

He isn't that good or special anymore, only special when he's on post match interviews. His level is now at the Europa League clubs. But he is the one can turns thing around and guarentee some kinds of trophies in short period. He still is!

I hope Mou stays humble, and adapt his game to the latest football.

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Good for both indeed. And also good for Italian football, Mou can certainly brings noises!

I hope Mou stays humble, and adapt his game to the latest football.

amir_keal 4 years ago
Arsenal, Netherlands 66 2895

That’s his level now, historically speaking and in current form Roma are on a skill level similar to Spurs. He’s finished at the very top level and no manager wants him anymore.

I feel so bad for Mkhitaryan tho haha he’s cursed at this point

tuan_jinn 4 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

Lollz, may be similar to Mata at Manchester United, Mikhi is quite a class act, I think it will work out.

SunFlash 4 years ago
USA 19 3260

And so the circus begin anew.

Man hasn't won a league since 2014-15, bounced between three clubs, and left all of them in a state of utter mess on his departure, and all of which (with the exception of Spurs due to recency) became better once he was gone.

I still have some leftover animosity from his time at United, but yikes.

Emobot7 4 years ago
543 11491

I hope Mou stays humble, and adapt his game to the latest football.

Well, I heard Roma was a job with a lot of pressure and that many manager ended up losing their calm there, so I really cannot believe Mou would be able to be more serene there but we'll see. As for adapting his game, the fact Italian football is still extremely different from English might give him some leverage to bring his style in a more succesful manner, I hope for him at least.

That’s his level now, historically speaking and in current form Roma are on a skill level similar to Spurs.

Well to be honest, i alway seen Roma as more of the Italian Arsenal (similar to how i seen Schalke as the German Arsenal) but in term of trophy and league position, you could certainly compare those two.

@Sunflash Oof, thats a bit harsh. I mean, fair for the most part but those 3 team your mention had some kind of success at some point under Mourinho guidance. Chelsea won Premier League the year before he was sacked, United won Europa League and Tottenham... well they overperformed for a while. 😅