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Modern football atmosphere vs 90s, 80s and so on
Marcus2011 8 years ago
Chelsea FC, England 277 6501

Do you think fans have gotten better or worse ?
After the fights in marseille just wanted to hear your opinion . Do we support clubs just as good or better than our fathers and grandfathers did ?

Tuanis 8 years ago
Manchester United, England 86 2310

Atmospheres have gotten worst, mainly in Europe. But this is due to the administrations of the leagues and clubs that have been trying non stop to keep a calm environment during games.

tiki_taka 8 years ago
Barcelona, France 367 9768

I actually believe that it's worse because of the era we are living in, fans represent their era, our era is more brutal, the aggressivity isn't related to Football, it's directly related to people's life. The 30 glorious like we call it in France where the life was easier because people had enough money and less work time, happiness follows instantly. We had this 30 years of happiness 60's 70's and 80's for 2 main reasons : end of a deathful war, people got enough from violence. And the cold war where brutal capitalism had a rival that I'm not going to say if its better or worse I actually don't know : communism. Brutal capitalism wasn't the only dominant system and in France he couldn't fully show his true face because people could turn into communism system, so people were well paid and got more time to rest and to get time to relax, no one was jobless because closing factories to establish them in poorer countries was unthinkable.
Since the sovietic system fall, the equilibrium was lost, the capitalism who was attracting people after being the only model, showed his true face, creating crisis, closing factories, increasing life cost and inequalities...
Life changed and fans attitude only reflect their era, why tiki always off topic and political issues ? Everything is related to it, from flower power and love to 2016 depressive news, wars and conflicts, jobless youngsters with anger and frustration...
Football has nothing to do with violence, fans are just mirror of their era. Violence and poverty are directly linked...

Why fans were less violent ? Why life was less violent ? Imo same question and it's far from being off topic because the reasons may not be related fully to Football, at least that's From my own perspective.

SunFlash 8 years ago
USA 19 3260

Eh, I didn't live in the 80's and 90's so I can't really speak for it, but this is least violent period in terms of war humanity has really ever experienced, particularly in Europe, so I don't see how it relates to your point tiki. In addition, the current adult generation in Europe has never fought a (real) war, seen a stock exchange collapse, or other massive global events that hang over the psyche for one's entire life.

I don't think fan actions are worse either, footballing history is littered with violent fan activity, and the events we have today would pale in comparison to riots only twenty years ago.

As for the atmosphere itself? I have no idea. I can only give you facts, and atmosphere is an opinion.

JozeMourinho 8 years ago
Chelsea, Greece 18 1254

tiki you should signature this.

tiki_taka 8 years ago
Barcelona, France 367 9768

@sunflash maybe, violence in France increased maybe in some countries there was no changes depending where you live.
@joze none were commenting this I knew you or Swedish boy will make this sort of comment, well if i could help discussions and fans to comment.
I don't think it's a signature, you are living in Greece, you should be more worried than me about how things are going not only in football. Our era is more violent, and we are mostly living in countries suffering the less.
I heard your insults and your jokes, I'm waiting for your arguments. Maybe one day...

Emobot7 8 years ago Edited
538 11435

@Joze @Tiki Now now, lads, theres no need to start arguing here, is there? Everyone is entitled to his advice and if you want to debate it a bit, fine, but lets try to do so with as most civility as possible. ;)

Now, on the main topic, is it better or worse, I think that depend on the place we are talking about, in some place in the world, they were always violent fan and intense hooligan. Time is not the only differences. In my opinion though, I'd like to think the atmosphere is better than what it was in the eigthy but I really couldn't tell since I'm such a recent football fan. ;D

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@Joze @Tiki Now now, lads, theres no need to start arguing here, is there? Everyone is entitled to his advice and you want to debate it a bit, fine, but lets try to do so with as most civility as possible. ;)

JozeMourinho 8 years ago Edited
Chelsea, Greece 18 1254

I did not start an argument I actually praised you for a good post but I get it you are a miserable person, I can't change that.

Besides I do not need life lessons from you neither to deploy arguments in this thread for anything. My god I pity you and your need to argue on the internet.

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I did not start an argument I actually praised you for a good post.

but I get it you are a miserable cunt after all.

I did not start an argument I actually praised you for a good post.

but I get it you are a miserable person, I can't change that.