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Mason Greenwood
SunFlash 3 years ago
USA 19 3260

Pictures were bad, but that audio is a prison cell. Mason Greenwood is never going to play a game of professional soccer again, and that's a good thing.

Remember, while we may support our teams, and the players that play for those teams, the majority of professional athletes are straight-up not good people. Ego, arrogance, and having life handed to you on a plate along with huge contracts from a very young age are rarely conducive to creating a good person, yet all of these to some degree existed and are competitive advantages for professional athletes.

It is sad to see a young man with so much talent throw it away. It is tragic that at least one woman (probably more given his checkered past) suffered at his hands. This is a man who gave me happy memories, made me jump off a couch and cheer, put a smile on my face all day after a win. All tarnished now.

And so the world turns.

quikzyyy 3 years ago
Arsenal 429 9010

What I'm pissed about the most is the fact that these guys never go to jail, they just pay the bail and they are free to do it again. Look at Mendy for example..

DarthFooty 3 years ago
Queens Park Rangers, United States 39 1139

Small correction to Suns post..... Mason Greenwood SHOULD never play again......

_Pelle_ 3 years ago
Paris Saint-Germain 158 6930

I missed this one. Needs to Google

iHEARTfootball 3 years ago
Manchester United 38 1000

Lost for words, really. Found out about this last night and still can't comprehend it. How can a player, let alone someone, be such a scumbag? This is Ravel Morrison all over again, if not worse because of the all hype and spotlight Greenwood has brought on himself for all these years.

The level of betrayal is so deep here. I could imagine any football fan, even Liverpool fans, can agree that stuff like this shouldn't be tolerated, at any level, and rightfully deserves what's coming.

According to the alleged victim's relative - her phone was hacked and hence all these dark secrets have been spilt. Although, pretty surprised it took this long for it to go out in public when it was clear that the girlfiend was suffering.

Now, the evidences presented looks and sounds as clear as day - Mason's guilty. Once he's convicted, never step foot on OT again, or rather don't even think about playing professional football again. And if worse comes to worst that Greenwood miraculously finds a way to escape this, we'll never look at him in the same light again. Such a shame, because he's only 20.

KingHenryThe14th 3 years ago
Arsenal, France 19 108

It's pretty damn shocking. Never thought he's that kind of person.

SunFlash 3 years ago
USA 19 3260

Small correction to Suns post..... Mason Greenwood SHOULD never play again......

Tough to play professional soccer from a prison yard.

DarthFooty 3 years ago
Queens Park Rangers, United States 39 1139

Tough to play professional soccer from a prison yard.

Completely agree, but will he see that yard? I hope justice serves, but we all know how this legal world works.

SunFlash 3 years ago
USA 19 3260

Completely agree, but will he see that yard? I hope justice serves, but we all know how this legal world works.

Domestic abuse and even sexual assault/rape often have trouble getting prosecuted because it usually falls into a "he said she said" situation. Even with physical evidence, such as rape kits, or eyewitness accounts from others can present a challenge due to the nature of what rape is and the element of consent being potentially given/not given/etc. Law requires "beyond a reasonable doubt" to be established and these cases by their very nature are full of reasonable doubt.

A rape kit, for example, can give physical evidence of sexual act, but only in extreme cases will it present evidence of physical trauma. Sexual acts are (usually) consensual, and so alone do not present a clear-cut piece of evidence for rape.

Similarly with photo evidence of domestic abuse, there is a reasonable doubt. Professional athletes have been victimized by women causing injury to themselves and blaming it on the man before, which causes reasonable doubt in other cases where the man actually perpetuated the offense.

What makes this case different is the audio recording. It clearly establishes a refusal of consent on the part of the woman. It clearly establishes intent to violate that consent on the part of the man. It also proceeds to record the violating of that consent. To put it mildly, it is an absolute smoking gun and any lawyer, even one fresh out of school, could get a conviction from this.

The only question is that, once found guilty, what will the sentence be? The UK (according to my information) carries a standard sentence of 5 years minimum for rape. If the woman agrees to testify (which is unclear at the moment) she could implicate him in multiple instances, which would raise the minimum even higher. If other women also testify (again unclear at the moment), he could serve as much as 20 years. And that's for the rape alone. The battery would be another sentence added onto the time he would already be serving for rape.

It's not unreasonable to expect him to serve for about 10 years.

uncle_touchy 3 years ago
Manchester United, England 3 123

enter image description here

_Pelle_ 3 years ago
Paris Saint-Germain 158 6930

LOL at the silverware… savage!

tuan_jinn 3 years ago Edited
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

Any update on this??? I'm gutted, he has so much potential, but he's guilty he should pay a heavy price, and kiss goodbye to his football career.

Innocent until proven guilty though. I have heard enough stories about crazy girls frame innocent (in that particular case) man.

But all signs look bad for Greenwood. What we dont want is money starts talking...

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Any update on this. I'm gutted, he has so much potential, but he's guilty he should pay a heavy price, and kiss goodbye to his football career.

Innocent until proven guilty though. I have heard enough stories about crazy girls frame innocent (in that particular case) man.

But all signs look bad for Greenwood. What we dont want is money starts talking...

ashwin1729 3 years ago
Manchester United, England 10 706

I hope Diallo gets a crack now.

iHEARTfootball 3 years ago
Manchester United 38 1000

For me, I was Pellestri to get his chance. Guy has so much potential. It's being wasted elsewhere.

ashwin1729 3 years ago
Manchester United, England 10 706

I haven't seen Pellistri but Diallo is real deal. I don't understand why he's not getting a chance to play.

Emobot7 2 years ago
543 11488

I don't know if you guys been following the actuallity surrounding Greenwood but it recently came out that he would most likely not play for United anymore. There was an official statement from the club ending up saying that they would be working together to find a new destination for him.

Considering recent report that United initially wanted to keep him, I'm happy with this turn of event even if it seem like it was brough about by the public pressure, which is another sign that the club owner and board aren't anywhere close to understanding what is and isn't okay to do.

Anyway, while I'm glad that Greenwood won't get associated anymore with United, the fact he'll propably be given another chance somewhere else is quite frustrating in itself, I do believe in redemption but the fact he still is in relationship with his former victim and gotten away scot-free tend to make me believe he hasn't actually learned anything from this whole situation.

SunFlash 2 years ago
USA 19 3260

This whole situation is a really tough one for me.

Ultimately, she refused to testify - but this was after her own father threw her under the bus, Greenwood broke his court orders to stay away from her, and then on top of it all, he got her pregnant.

This doesn't change the fact that Greenwood committed at least one crime. Probably multiple crimes. Who knows what went on behind closed doors when he repeatedly violated his court orders to keep his distance. Who knows why she refused to change him. Who knows how or why they're now having a child together. Maybe there is a sunshine and rainbows situation here, but honestly, I doubt it. I've seen this story play out before in the media, in my work for a Downtown Collaborative, and in the life stories I hear from the people in my life. The odds of the two of them leading a peaceful and happy life, as well as offering a safe environment for their child to grow up in, are not good odds.

I am happy that ultimately, United distanced themselves from Greenwood. I am not happy that it took a particularly dedicated journalist and several whistleblowers to force the club to do the right thing. This was the easiest decision to make, and if the club was left to its own devices, they would have disgraced themselves. Truthfully, they still did in my eyes.

This club doesn't deserve my support.

Emobot7 2 years ago
543 11488

Truthfully, they still did in my eyes.

This club doesn't deserve my support.

Man, this hurt but I agree with this statement. The leadership around United is pathetic right and really tone deaf with the current atmosphere going on right now.

Sun, I re-read your first post on this thread after my post and it just hurt now seeing how thing turned out in the end.

Really sorry for you and all United fans, you guys deserve better from your team and so does the victim from the law. All around digusting.

iHEARTfootball 2 years ago Edited
Manchester United 38 1000

Here, here. After supporting this club for as long as I can remember, this club really tested my loyalty to them with the Greenwood situation. Let's be very clear here by saying that Greenwood's charges were dropped. We will never know what has happened, but those evidences were very damning to hear.

I can't support this club with all my energy because of how they even considered the possibility to bringing him back. I'll tell you why they wanted to bring him back - Talent and Money!! If this was any other average academy player, they'd be out the door the minute those tweets were released.

Being the victim of all of this, I really pray that the partner finds a way to escape. Having a kid just makes things too complicated, and incredibly selfish on both parents. Poor kid is going to have a miserable life ahead because of what had happened. These records will never go away.

The club's in such a dire state at the moment. We really need a fresh start. The Glazers need to go.

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Here, here. After supporting this club for as long as I can remember, this club really tested my loyalty to them with the Greenwood situation. Let's be very clear here by saying that Greenwood's charges were dropped. We will never know what has happened, but those evidences were very damning to hear.

I can't support this club with all my energy because of how they even considered the possibility to bringing him back. I'll tell you why they wanted to bring him back - Talent and Money!! If this was any other average academy player, they'd be out the door the minute those tweets were released.

As a victim of all of this, I really pray that she finds a way to escape. Having a kid just makes things too complicated, and incredibly selfish on both parents. Poor kid is going to have a miserable life ahead because of what had happened. These records will never go away.

The club's in such a dire state at the moment. We really need a fresh start. The Glazers need to go.