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Marcelo Bielsa :)
CroatiaFan123 10 years ago
Arsenal, Croatia 66 2775

Coach of Marseille,Marcelo Bielsea,started good into season.In game against Toulouse (2:0),Marcelo sit on cup of coffee! This short video is hit on Facebook.Look video by BeinSPORTS

tiki_taka 10 years ago
Barcelona, France 367 9768

Haha i've watched it live, El Loco got angry after this :) .
Good opportunity to talk about Bielsa, Recognized coach in Spain and South America, he is one of the best coaches in the world imo.
El Loco came in a time where the archrival PSG has full power, world class players and coach, his start on the club was controversial, he wanted some foreign South American players to sign and he agreed to coach Marseille only if they buy some of them if not all.
Then the president of Marseille didnt sign any of these and instead went on signing an unknown Brazilian named Deria, Bielsa was firious and made an epic press conference trash talking the president, something we didnt see it in France for years. ( Club president in France usually sign political correct coaches that keep quiet and very easy to manage so the president get the power monopoly )
The first 2 games were a draw and a defeat, then Marseille went on 8 wins in a row, something we never seen in years, Gignac lost weight and felt motivated, Thauvin has shown more hard work and tactical awarness and the key of success is his typical high-pressing that all his teams have in common.
So Bielsa came from nowhere ( In French people head, as a liga fan i know him enough to rate him high ) and made the mighty PSG 7pts ahead of a Marseille almost dead last season ( 0 pts in CL + No Europe this year ).
This is EL Loco ( the fool ) and in France we understand now why he is called like this :D Allez l' OM. :D

ConnorWickham 10 years ago
Sunderland, England U21 13 45


CroatiaFan123 10 years ago Edited
Arsenal, Croatia 66 2775

@tiki Honestly,PSG is bad in this matches.They won vs.Barca,but in Ligue 1 against weaker clubs they draw,or even lose. Marcelo is awesome! 7 points in front of Paris,world class style of play in Marseille and amazing Gignac make me watch this club.He is really something like Simeone or Klopp,with less money that their biggest rivals,and still winning!

@ConnorWickham Haha,lol!

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@tiki Honestly,PSG is bad in this matches.They won vs.Barca,but in Ligue 1 against weaker clubs they draw,or even lose. Marcelo is awesome! 7 points in front of Paris,world class style of play in Marseille and amazing Gignac make me watch this club.He is really something like Simeone or Klopp,with less money that their biggest rivals,and still winning!

decentK 10 years ago Edited
Arsenal 38 2896

Bielsa is legend.

He was spotted at McDonalds after the match btw =D

@tiki well said, great to read.

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Bielsa is legend.

He was spotted at McDonalds after the match btw =D

tiki_taka 4 years ago
Barcelona, France 367 9768

El loco strikes again !

Emobot7 4 years ago
543 11489

Seriously, what Bielsa did for Leeds is pretty damn amazing. I know people sometime overhype Bielsa and that he didn't win much Club trophy but truth is, I still think he is one special manager if only for the mentality he bring in a club. Hope he manage to keep things up with Leeds, its such a beautifull story. :D

tiki_taka 4 years ago
Barcelona, France 367 9768

Finishing second in the league for Bayern, or PSG is a disaster...
Avoiding relégation for some clubs is a silverware, he always over achieved with his clubs and played attractive football...
He is Pep mentor, he was really underrated until Leeds, there is no hype he got results everywhere and did wonders in Spain....

Emobot7 4 years ago
543 11489

@tiki Er, it really depend on who it is. Some people hype way too much but its obviously a minority. He's still a great manager and play great football while bringing good results to much of the team he managed, no doutb about that. He could have even had some title if not for the fact most of his teams can't keep up with the intensity of his game plan in the long term. Hope that won't happen with Leeds though.

tiki_taka 4 years ago
Barcelona, France 367 9768

Yeah true he needs depth, and he is loco he leaves when He wants, he isn't politically correct but really a genius he gives his team big information on opposition's and many stats before the game, he was the first one to uses these things to prepare a game.

Emobot7 4 years ago
543 11489

@tiki Indeed, we could argue his only weakness as a manager might be the intensity of his game plan which take a toll on his player, especially if his team lack depth as your were saying or his headstrong personality which is sometime hard to deal with.

But for sure, he derserve credit for the way he manage, using stat and preparing his game play with opposition weakness in mind before a lots of other football manager started doing it. There's a reason many other coach see him as an inspiration or as a mentor.

tuan_jinn 4 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

I'm really amazed by Leeds' style this year, and no doubt he earns it. He really looks like a father figure to his players to me, the way he always sits, contemplates and jumps next to the side line...

His football is intense and for such club with a group of "small" players to play with clear intent, confident is beautiful