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Manchester City's new multi-million pound training academy
Marcus2011 10 years ago
Chelsea FC, England 277 6501

The new academy - estimated to have cost between £150m and £200m - has sprung up on a huge swathe of former industrial wasteland within Beswick’s Etihad Campus.

Marcus2011 10 years ago
Chelsea FC, England 277 6501

quikzyyy 10 years ago
Arsenal 429 9003

This is big plus, not just for Manchester City, but for whole England and specially for youngsters, I hope they will produce a lot of future stars here, wish there will be more training facilities in poor countries as well.

tuan_jinn 10 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

It would be a lie if I said I enjoy this... they are our noisy neighbor

But I have to agree, it's cool and it's good for EPL.

@quikzyy: as for training and facilities for poorer country, as far as I know Arsenal is one of the best. Their JMG Academy (Vietnam, Thailand and Egypt) is very highly appreciated

decentK 10 years ago
Arsenal 38 2896

^Excuse me, where in Thailand do Arsenal have an academy? (just curious:P)

This looks really nice, G.Neville said that too on MNF that he drove past it and it looked amazing.

quikzyyy 10 years ago
Arsenal 429 9003

Yea I know, but I was thinking about something like this, which I recently watched, I think you may enjoy this video too.

Tuanis 10 years ago
Manchester United, England 86 2310

Cool, their entire history fits into one hall wall. But cool facility indeed.

spanish 10 years ago
Real Madrid, Spain 14 343

What's the point in wasting £200 million for an academy that city won't ever use? City's academy is shite. No raw English talent, all wasted potential coz city just buy mercenaries to replace the talent and yet they're making an expensive academy? What a bunch of fools....

quikzyyy 10 years ago
Arsenal 429 9003

Well point is to make the academy better, I think this is much better to spend money on future than wasting 200M in a single transfer window. I know Real would rather splash 200 million on 2 overpriced players but that's something else. I make sure that academy will give a lot of young player big opportunity.

CroatiaFan123 10 years ago
Arsenal, Croatia 66 2775

Man, they're rich... And stylish...

CroatiaFan123 10 years ago
Arsenal, Croatia 66 2775

But really, it's looking awesome.

tiki_taka 10 years ago
Barcelona, France 367 9768

Good investment, when you see Southampton selling their youngsters that high ( price ), its very good to have a formation strategy, one or 2 gems could make the amount spent as well placed investment.
City took all the ex-Barça direction, Bergiristan in transfers, and many in the managing sides and formation, im waiting to see wich style they will teach there but i have a little idea about it.

spanish 10 years ago
Real Madrid, Spain 14 343

Well considering city never produce good talent or ever us their talent, there's no point in spending on an academy . Might as well spend wisely and spend like real Madrid by buying players like bale for 85m, Ronaldo for 80m, James for 60m, modric for 35m and so on and this got us the champions league asshole