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Malaysia Super League
ngorok88 10 years ago
Barcelona, Malaysia 1 0 new here & have a suggestion...Will Footyroom consider to put our Malaysian Super League highlight in here...

Jimbet 10 years ago
Arsenal, Malaysia 12 1292

HAHAHAHAHA. NO! the arabs indians Thailand Indonesian even singapore have a fcking better league than Malaysia. Waste of space it would be. trust me. we play much shitty football.

Gennady 10 years ago
Manchester United 285 3977

@ngorok88 Thanks for the suggestion, but I highly doubt that it will happen.
BUT, I do have a suggestion for you. You can create a thread in forum here on FR and call it Malaysia Super League and start posting highlights there from youtube. I'm sure fellow Malaysians will come and watch it ;)

tuan_jinn 10 years ago Edited
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

ngorok88: Hi mate. Welcome to FR.

Yeah I dont see that happening... otherwise people with ask for Thai's league, V-league (Vietnamese), JP etc... :D:D:D

Not to mention all of those leagues are quite corrupted. :D:D:D

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ngorok88: Hi mate. Welcome to FR.

Yeah I dont see that happening... otherwise people with ask for Thai's league, V-league (Vietnamese), JP etc... :D:D:D