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Look up highlights by team
Robben 6 years ago
Bayern Munich, Holland 2 156

I have been long time member and can tell you if you are not fast enough to catch the highlights in front page, it's pretty damn painful to find the highlights of the match you are looking for. I usually go to the league page then try and find the highlights I am looking for which is convenient unless it's a cup match or ucl or you don't even know. So a page for a team would be pretty nice. Favoriting a team would be even nicer but yeah I am not going to push my luck too far.

Thanks for listening, I hope you are having a wonderful day

Robben 6 years ago
Bayern Munich, Holland 2 156

just noticed the search bar what I terrible user I am.

DarthFooty 6 years ago
Queens Park Rangers, United States 39 1139

Ya figured it out, excellent! Cheers

Gennady 6 years ago
Manchester United 285 3977

Yeah just use the search bar :) that helps a lot. If you're looking for some specific match just type two team names eg: Arsenal Chelsea