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Letz Discuss: Transfer Mistakes
Heisinburg 12 years ago
Manchester United 67 1516

Hello, I'm sure most of you remember me as the man behind the "Latest Trollz List" series. I'm planning to create another forum series called "Letz Discuss", and it's simply a forum about us discussing about sh1t.

To start sh1t off, Letz Discuss "TRANSFER MISTAKES". Every clubs has made that one terrible transfer mistakes, and I know a lot of you know that you're club has brought in a highly potential player that turned out to be an absolutely useless wanker.

I can't name all of them, so I'm letting you guys to express it. Give the player's name, the club he moved to, and REASON it. 

Let's make this discussion interest.

WhatTheHell 12 years ago
Barcelona, Spain 15 591

@Kenkichiotaka Yah I know this vid might be the reason why KKD sign him for 20 mil XD

udikman 12 years ago
Chelsea, Indonesia 21 323

Andy Carrol ,,, F.Torres ... No regrets ...!!!!!!!!